Sippik |
Hello everyone!
I am playing Return of the Runelords with a group of 4 players and we are nearing the end of the third book. So I've been reading the other three books carefully and I'm looking forward to continuing this adventure that seems really epic!
That said, I am having trouble understanding a rather important point in book 6 and would like to know if you have any tips on how to better understand it all. My question comes from Alaznist's modification of the timeline. From what I understand, the players will have to go to the city outside of time to find writings from the past and compare them with what they know in their world/history. They will then be able to identify the 7 wounds caused by Alaznist and repair them before confronting the runelord. But what I don't understand is when does Alaznist use the scepter to alter the past? From my point of view, she does it at the very beginning of the adventure, just after waking up and "killing" Xanderghul. But if this is the case, why is it that the effects of this modification only appear when the heroes return from visiting Xin Edrassil? And the changes in the past can't be done while they are out of time, since otherwise the players would have no interest in going back to the past to find historical writings, they could just study the history in their world.
Anyway, this all confuses my mind a bit, and I hope my questions are explicit enough for you to give me answers
I hope you'll be able to help me, I'm looking forward to read your comments and advices for this adventure!