Siniai Si-Mediogat's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Bellimancer.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Good morning,
Wishing to make use of the discount code from the blog post on March 4 I ordered a large number of flip mats. However, in order to fit the total amount I put the bulk of it into a side cart. May I please have the side cart re-added onto the current cart and pay for the order from there?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Good morning,
Just received the second parcel for the above order. Was meant to be a Shadowrun (5e) Gamemaster screen but I received a Starship Operations Manual pawn collection. I can send an image via email if necessary.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Embarrassingly enough I was meant to update my payment details for the above order and it declined. I have now updated my payment details are the amount is ready to be charged.

Edit: meant to also ask about my sidecart. I have an item in there and was expecting it to be shipped with my subscriptions but the item was not added. Any reason why?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Good Evening,
I have been trying to contact Paizo through the customer support email since August with no response. I have received the wrong books. The order was for hardcopies of books 1, 2 and 4 of Wrath of the Righteous, but received Undead Unleashed, Ships of the Inner Sea and Belken, Hold of the Orc Hordes.

I was wondering if there is a way a response can be provided?

Vigilant Seal


I was also trying to make an order for the items in order #11627636 but trying to apply a voucher or two. The checkout stages did not include a step to apply a voucher so I was wondering where I could apply it. To hold the order I put it in the sidecart.

For reference I was trying to apply the ‘holiday20’ and a Paizo Convention Play Voucher.

I have been trying to contact Paizo via the Customer Serivce email over two weeks now with no response.