Silverghost's page

Organized Play Member. 35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


I downloaded the Community Use Package so I could have a PDF character sheet but when I try to make it a fillable form it says it's locked with a security password and won't let me modify the file.

Is the an official pdf character sheet from Paizo that's form fillable I can download from the Paizo site somewhere?

Why would you ever use the "Promote a business" activity?

Lady Asharah wrote:

Keep in mind you can only generate one type of Capital each day.

So your primary person would still have to choose one type they want to work on, and not just generate everything the building aids with.

Same with your organizations, you need to pick the type of capital (or gold) you want to generate each day, you don't get everything each day.

As for sharing a building, while the rules don't really specify either way I would say why not? If all the players have contributed towards the construction, and the ownership is shared, they could all work in the building to boost productivity. I mean, the bonus for running the business is a single capital (+10 divided by 10) so it's not like it's a game breaking amount if each player gets it.

Okay I think I understand now.

So with your description plus the way the rules read it seems like this would be the way each day would add up.

Assume the Business as a whole can make 130gp 20goods 30influence 20 labor 20 magic in modifiers and we take 10 on all checks.

I choose to take the "Running a business" downtime activity and make a skilled earning capital check for magic. My skill modifier is 20, I take a 10 on the roll and get +10 for Running the business.

Each day would result in 14gp, 3goods, 4influence, 3labor, 3magic + 4magic (from my check)

So if the GM does approve letting more than one of us "Run the business" we're only getting +1 capital net per person anyway which would not be game-breaking for a day of downtime spent.

My playgroup has one large building adventuring guild with many many rooms.
It belongs to all of us collectively.

There is a downtime activity "Run a business" can more than one person take that action for the same building assuming it has multiple owners.

1) Can I make a skilled income check with +10 for "Running a business" and my guild mate also make his own skilled income check with +10 for "Running a business"?
2) I assume we'd designate one player to make an income check vs all forms of income for the building with skilled income check + 10 applied to all the checks as described in the book. (gp, goods, influence, labor, magic) Then the other person would just make a single check vs one type of income that the building can produce but that person also would get +10 because they are taking the "Run a business" action as well?

Awesome! Thanks for the reply.

Every Ninja Trick that mimics a spell says in the description that you use your Ninja level as your caster level, but this trick does not say that. So do you treat the greater invisibility as though your CL is equal to your Ninja level? Was this an oversight in the writing or intended?

What is the point of Elemental Annihilator (Archetype)?
It seems very bad to me. Why not just make a fighter with a longsword?
Is it just the optional versatility of being able to use ranged and melee?

Maybe I don't understand how this works but it looks like Elemental Annihilator (Archetype) damage never scales and they cannot use any other Form or Substance infusions if they use Flurry of Devastation which looks like it would be the only reason to play an EA in the 1st place.

Can anyone explain the benefit to me? Is it just flavor and the concept of being able to RP the character? Mechanically I don't get it.

Quintain wrote:

If you have all the feats you mentioned above, and you and your allies always confirmed your critical hits, you would indeed to chain provocations and you would get attacks of opportunity up to the point that your dexterity bonus allows.

Grab Broken Wing Gambit and you wouldn't even need to confirm criticals for chain AoO provocation fun and games.

Haha, awesome, thanks. Would this work though since you can only get one AOO from a single trigger? How would this loop?

Johnny_Devo wrote:

Levels 1, 3, and 5 are the significant early game landmarks.

Regular kineticist:
1) 1d6 + 1 + CON, +1 for point blank shot, average 10.5 damage assuming 20 con, and at +1 to hit.
3) 2d6 + 2 + CON, +1 for point blank shot, +2 for overflow, average 17 damage, +5 to hit assuming BAB 2, +1 from overflow, +2 from feats, 30ft range.
5) 3d6 + 3 + CON, +1 PBS, +2 overflow, +2 deadly aim, 23.5 damage, +5 to hit.

Annihilator: (Extra 2 damage if melee due to +1/2 CON when wielding with two hands)
1) 1d8 + CON, +1 for point blank shot, 10.5 damage, +2 to hit
3) 1d8 + CON, +2 deadly aim, +1 point blank shot, average 12.5, +3 to hit
5) 1d8 + CON, +4 deadly aim, +1 point blank shot, average 14.5, +5 to hit.

Now, clearly the elemental annihilator is doing less damage at the same range than the vanilla kineticist. However, remember that the annihilator has better to-hit at levels 1 and 2, and can always choose to do regular blasts at levels 3-5. Level 6 is where things get a little(lot) bit different.

Annihilator 6) 3d8 + 3(CON) + 12 + 3 = 43.5, +6/+6/+1 to hit
kinetecist 6) 3d6 + 3 + CON + 1 + 4 + 4 = 27.5, +5 to hit
Annihilator 7) 3d8 + 3(CON) + 12 + 3 = 43.5, +7/+7/+2 to hit(rolled twice)
kinetecist 7) 4d6 + 4 + CON + 1 + 4 + 4 = 32, +6 to hit
Annihilator 8) 3d8 + 3(CON) + 18 + 3 + 3(specialization) = 55.5, +7/+7/+2

Now, these numbers are pretty much just approximations made in my head on loose information, but that's the basic gist of it. The annihilator just scales pretty hard with multiple attacks, and the kinetecist just doesn't benefit as much from a belt of con as the annihilator does. Without beneficial items, the annihilator scales much faster. With beneficial items, the annihilator leaves the base kineticist in the dust.

Now, I'm not sure if I like it though, because you lose utility talents, but them's the sacrifices.

Oh, and there's blast training which I forgot to calculate into the annihilator's numbers, but that's even more evidence.

Doesn't a composite blast scale to 2d6+2 / 2 levels for normal kinetecists?

So at Kinetecist 6) shouldn't it be 6d6+6 + bonuses and infusions? which would be a lot more than the EA since they always do 1d8 per attack even if using composite blasts?

Texas Snyper wrote:
Outside of combat reflexes or other things to give you more, you have one AoO per turn. Provoking an AoO and having an AoO available to swing are two different things. Just because an opponent provoked doesn't give you more AoOs.

Good Catch. I'll edit this to assume all have combat reflexes too.

Setup: 3 characters
15-20 crit range

Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, your flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against the flanked creature, it provokes an attack of opportunity from your ally.

Paired Opportunist:
Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity). This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action.

Gang Up:
You are considered to be flanking an opponent if at least two of your allies are threatening that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.

[--][A1][--] Let's assume this positioning and that the two flanking
[A3][E1][--] Allies have outflank and paired opportunist and the
[--][A2][--] other ally(A3) has all three feats.

What happens if Ally 1 gets a crit and then A2 and A3 crit on their AOOs? How many attacks would trigger and from whom?

Could you infinitely chain if you continuously scored critical hits?

Thank you for the quick replies guys.

I'm new to PFS and have a couple of questions about the rules.
I read over the quick upgrading gear sticky and didn't see this mentioned.

EDIT: I think I might have found my answer for 1-3 below. I reread the new player guide and saw this little bit...


Beyond the gear noted above, your character is

restricted to purchasing additional items from his
accumulated Chronicle sheets, or by capitalizing on his
fame. Weapons, armor, equipment, magic items and so
on that are outside of these lists are not available for
purchase at any time

I assume for number 1 the answer is yes since a +1 magic weapon is greater than a masterwork weapon.

1) Do I need fame to purchase things like a masterwork weapon?
-- example do I need 5 fame to meet the 500gp level before I can spend 300+x gold to buy a MW weapon?

2) Can I purchase items off my chronicle sheets at any time regardless of my fame?

3) Can I purchase items from the always available list regardless of my fame?

So that leaves this question.
4) How would some reach fame above 72? Even if you got 2pp per scenario you would reach level 12 and then that's then end right? Can you keep playing once you have level 12 + 3xp?

Can someone please explain how this special weapon works?

Here is the description from the PRD online.

The blade of this +2 wounding dagger is brightly polished. Even when drenched in a victim's blood, it appears clean and dry moments later, as though it has been newly cleaned.
A bloodthirst dagger rewards its wielder most when used relentlessly against a single target. When attacking a creature that is still bleeding from the bloodthirst dagger's wounding property, the dagger deals an additional +1 point of damage against the target for each bleeding wound the creature possesses (maximum +10). Whenever the wielder of bloodthirst confirms a critical hit with the weapon, she can choose to deal 1d6 points of additional damage for each still-bleeding wound the target possesses (maximum +5d6 damage). This additional damage is not multiplied by the critical hit, but is in addition to the damage normally added for bleeding wounds. Dealing this damage immediately heals all bleeding wounds possessed by the wielder.

Then the wounding property says this in the PRD.


This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A wounding weapon deals 1 point of bleed damage when it hits a creature. Multiple hits from a wounding weapon increase the bleed damage. Bleeding creatures take the bleed damage at the start of their turns. Bleeding can be stopped by a successful DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any spell that cures hit point damage. A critical hit does not multiply the bleed damage. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the bleed damage dealt by this weapon.

Q1) Does the 2nd hit of a wounding weapon...
a) Deal 2 bonus damage and increase the bleed to 2
b) Deal no bonus damage and increase the bleed to 2
c) Deal 1 onus damage and increase the bleed to 2
Q2) How does the bloodthirst dagger work on the 6th hit if it's a critical...
a) 6 damage from wounding, +5 damage from the property, option for +5d6 more damage?
b) or something different that I'm not understanding?

I'm trying to figure out what makes this good versus just getting something with a couple of extra 1d6 bonuses like Flaming and Frost.

Thanks guys. That makes a lot more sense now.

Do things like Mage Armor and Bracers of Armor add to your Touch AC or no?

Thanks guys. I appreciate the quick responses.

Do I get bonus spells per day for each of my caster classes based on my ability scores?


15 wizard / 7 cleric
INT 24 / WIS 13

Would I get...
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Which of these abilities can I combine?
BAB +17, Acrobatics 63, Level 20

(1) Fighting Defensively -4 atk, +3 AC (dodge)
(2) Combat Expertise -5 atk, +5 AC (dodge)
(3) Greater Vital Strike (Roll 4x the damage dice) Q:This is for a single attack only and cannot be used for each attack of a full-attack action correct?
(4) Power Attack -5 atk, +10 dmg
(5) Greater Feint (move action) enemy loses dex bonus to AC

If I am adjacent to an enemy can I Feint as a Move action to drop the enemies AC by removing the dex bonus to AC and making it flat-footed and then attempt to fight defensively because I'm an expert in combat and try to dodge the enemies blows and land a powerful attack as a vital strike on my target.

-14 atk, +8 AC (dodge), +10 dmg, 4x dice roll

Thanks for the quick responses guys. I appreciate it.

Does the bonus from Furious and Bane stack with each other and with the natural enhancement bonus of the weapon?

I know that a +5 (Dragon) Bane works as a +7 weapon against dragons.
Does a +5 Furious weapon count as a +7 weapon when raging?
Does a +5 Furious (Dragon) Bane weapon count as a +9 weapon when raging and fighting a dragon?

Sweet thanks guys. I appreciate all the quick responses. I'm just getting into all the rules on crafting and trying to learn as much as I can. DM_Blake you have been very helpful. I just read your response in my other question and it makes a lot more sense now.

DM_Blake thanks again for the detailed response. Your 1st reply makes a lot more sense to me now. So this is what I understand now from the responses.

1) So the CL at the top of a Special Ability is an arbitrary CL and doesn't count towards the special crafting rule for weapons since the Special Ability doesn't list the CL as part of the requirements line at the bottom.
2) When creating an item I can choose an CL I want and if my character meets that CL then I use the CL for determining the DC of creating the item and for dispelling the magic in the item. If my character does not meet that CL then I add +5 to the DC to create the item but I can still pick any CL I want.
3) If I want to start an item off at a low CL and then later upgrade the item by adding more effects I can change the CL to a higher CL when I upgrade the item.

Ex. +1 Rapier of Wounding, set to CL7 - DC 12 to craft it if my CL is 7 or more. Upgrade the +1 Rapier of Wounding CL7 to +3 Keen Rapier of Wounding Speed CL20 and the DC would be 25 if my CL is 20 or DC 30 if my CL is lower than 20.

All that sound right as a recap?

From the FAQ:


Weapon Bonuses: Can weapon special abilities (such as bane) or class abilities (such as a paladin's divine bond) allow you to exceed the +5 enhancement bonus limit and the +10 bonus-equivalent limitation?

For the enhancement bonus limitation, it depends on the specific effect or ability that's altering the weapon.

[B}Bane: This allows the weapon to exceed the +5 limit, but only against the designated creature type. For example, a +5 dragon-bane longsword is normally a +5 weapon, but has a +7 enhancement bonus against dragons and deals +2d6 points of damage against dragons.[/B]

Paladin: The divine bond ability says "These [enhancement] bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5." That means if a paladin has a +5 longsword, she can't use her divine bond to increate the enhancement bonus to +6 or higher (but she could use her bonuses to add abilities such as flaming to the weapon).

The +10 bonus-equivalent limitation is a hard cap for all weapons; you can't exceed that even with class abilities or other unusual abilities.

Can someone explain this specifically in the example of a bane weapon?

#1 How does a +5 Flaming Dragon-Bane Dagger of Speed work?

This should be a +10 bonus-equivalent (+5 enhancement, +1 from Flaming, +1 from Dragon-bane, +3 from speed)?

When I'm fighting a Dragon does this break the +10 bonus-equivalent maximum and become a +11 (+7 enhancement, +1 from Flaming, +3 from speed)? If so is it allowed?

Thank you for your response DM_Blake

Okay so on this page of the PRD. Under the heading "Creating Magic Weapons" about half way down the page where it says

Creating a magic weapon has a special prerequisite: The creator's caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus of the weapon. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met. A magic weapon must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus to have any melee or ranged special weapon abilities.

That does not add +5 DC even though it's a special added prerequisite for creating weapons and armor?

Just found this on the FAQ here.


Crafting and Bypassing Requirements: What crafting requirements can you bypass by adding +5 to the DC of your Spellcraft check?
As presented on page 549 of the Core Rulebook, there are no limitations other than (1) you have to have the item creation feat, and (2) you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites. So racial requirements, specific spell requirements, math requirements (such as "caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus"), and so on, are all subject to the +5 DC rule.

Chemlak wrote:

1) DC 15. The CL of an item is only a requirement if the requirements line includes one. The primary uses of item CL are: setting the DC to make the item; determining the item's saving throw bonuses; setting the power of level-dependent effects created by the item.

2) The highest.

3) Expect table variation, but in my opinion, the requirements are the difference in requirements between the starting item and the finished item (example one, no, you wouldn't need bleed, example 2, just inflict serious wounds).

4) As a general rule you can't lower the CL of an item unless it is a spell trigger or spell completion item, and even then the lowest you could set the CL is the minimum CL to cast the spell (or higher, if the item type has a higher requirement, such as staves).

Chemlak, thank you for the great responses. I don't know how to personal message on these forums so I'll post a follow-up question here.

Can you help me understand this information from the PRD? It seems as though this is saying the CL is a requirement and if it's not met I would need to add the +5 to the DC.

Creating a magic weapon has a special prerequisite: The creator's caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus of the weapon. If an item has both an enhancement bonus and a special ability, the higher of the two caster level requirements must be met. A magic weapon must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus to have any melee or ranged special weapon abilities.


From the FAQ it looks like maybe I could apply this information they used for the Pearl of Power to a weapon in the same way to alter the CL of the weapon which is normally the higher special ability bonus CL. Does this seem reasonable or no?

Like in my example of setting a +1 Wounding Rapier to CL7 by casting bleed into it at CL7?


Pearl of Power: What is the caster level required to create this item?

Though the listed Caster Level for a pearl of power is 17th, that caster level is not part of the Requirements listing for that item. Therefore, the only caster level requirement for a pearl of power is the character has to be able to cast spells of the desired level.

However, it makes sense that the minimum caster level of the pearl is the minimum caster level necessary to cast spells of that level--it would be strange for a 2nd-level pearl to be CL 1st.

For example, a 3rd-level wizard with Craft Wondrous Item can create a 1st-level pearl, with a minimum caster level of 1. He can set the caster level to whatever he wants (assuming he can meet the crafting DC), though the pearl's caster level has no effect on its powers (other than its ability to resist dispel magic). If he wants to make a 2nd-level pearl, the caster level has to be at least 3, as wizards can't cast 2nd-level spells until they reach character level 3. He can even try to make a 3rd-level pearl, though the minimum caster level is 5, and he adds +5 to the DC because he doesn't meet the "able to cast 3rd-level spells" requirement.

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Setup - I am taking Master Craftsman feat at level 5 and Craft Magical Arms and Armor at level 7. I want to make a +1 Wounding Rapier at level 7 with 7 Ranks in Craft (weapons).

Question 1 - what is the DC for +1 Wounding Rapier at CL7?

How should I read the information on the crafting weapon special abilities?
What does the CL right next to weight in the top line of the description refer to?
Is it the exact given CL of the special ability or can I cast the required spells at a lower CL to make the CL of the special property lower?

Ex. +1 Wounding Rapier? Does it have to be a CL 10 item or can I cast the bleed spell into the +1 Rapier at say CL 7 since bleed is a 0 level spell which clerics get at CL1?
-For CL10 my DC would be 20 (5+CL10+5 for not meeting the CL10 requirement)
-For CL7 my DC would be 12 (5+CL7)

Question 2 - When deciding which CL to use when determining the DC do I take the highest between the highest single special ability CL or do I add all the special ability CL's together?

Ex. +1 Flaming and Frost weapon? Caster Level 10 or Caster Level 18?

Question 3 - If I upgrade an item in stages do I need all version of the spell for the upgrades or only the relevant versions?

Ex.1 If I make a +2 Wounding Rapier from a +1 Wounding Rapier do I still need to cast the bleed spell into the item when upgrading the enhancement bonus?

Ex.2 If I make a Bloodthirsty Rapier (Which is a +2 Wounding Rapier with a special effect and requires the spell bleed and inflict serious wounds) do I need both bleed and inflict serious wounds to be cast each day during the upgrade process going from a +2 Wounding Rapier or is just adding the inflict serious wounds spell okay?
Question 4 - If I lower the CL of an Item to say CL7 in the example above can I later upgrade the item to let's say a +5 Wounding Rapier with a CL of 20 using metamagic feats like heightened spell?

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Thank you guys so much for responding. I appreciate all of the comments. Master of Shadows I appreciate your comments and insight as well. I'm going to go with the majority of the posts here with the follow up info that was posted by Jason but I really appreciate your thoughts on this subject.

Thank you everyone for the great information and links.
I'm new to pathfinder so I didn't know about the intimidation being an option to make an enemy lose their dex bonus to AC I'll have to look into that. Our party doesn't give me much opportunity for flanking so I'm looking for other options and we're only using core rules so Ninja and Shadow Dancer are out for me and we can't play evil characters so Assassin is also out.

I just spent an hour reading 3 different posts about stealth.

I have one question that I still don't know the answer to.

Q1: Can I as a rogue make a stealth check when hiding behind something that gives cover like a wall or a large barrel etc. and then on the next turn leave that cover and go attack an enemy that is standing in bright light with line of sight to me and still get a bonus as if he did not know I am there?

Follow ups depending on the answer above.
1) Am I "stealthed" when I leave the cover if the enemy previously had LOS to me before I hid behind the cover?
2) How do you successfully use stealth as a melee character if the example above is not correct?
3) How can I get sneak attack if don't have the opportunity for flanking without always taking an AOO and with no way to surprise/stealth to an enemy?

None of the DnD, L5R, Shadowrun, Pathfinder. any tabletop campaign I have ever played seems to have an option where stealth is ever possible because of this 360 degree observance rule in combat so I don't understand what the point of stealth is if you cannot hide to make them lose their focus on you and then get a surprise when you return to combat.

PRD wrote:


This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A furyborn weapon draws power from the anger and frustration the wielder feels when battling foes that refuse to die. Each time the wielder damages an opponent with the weapon, its enhancement bonus increases by +1 when making attacks against that opponent (to a maximum total enhancement bonus of +5). This extra enhancement bonus goes away if the opponent dies, the wielder uses the weapon to attack a different creature, or 1 hour passes.

Lets say I hit for 20 Damage on one attack against a DR/15 Epic enemy.

Does my second attack do full damage ignoring DR/15 Epic since my Enhancement bonus is +6 now?

Thanks for the info guys that really cleared it all up for me.
I had some issue with posting yesterday so I couldn't say thanks then.

Okay great. Thanks for the tips guys.

What I was hoping to do is is Sneak Attack with my rapier and roll the 2d6 for (Bleeding Attack)to see how many "bleeds" the enemy "would take on their next turn.

Then I would attack with my off-hand bloodthirsty dagger. If it crit I would immediately remove the "bleeds" from the (Bleeding Attack) bonus of my sneak attack to do extra (d6's) on the crit because of the dagger's effect.

So I'd lose out on the flat bonus damage for non-crits because the 2d6 bleed would be greater than the "Wounding" and the dagger only triggers the flat damage on bleeds from the "Wounding" property. But it doesn't say anything about where the bleed has to come from for the (Max 5d6 bonus).

Maybe RAI would say that the "bleeds" for the 5d6 have to be from the "wounding" property and not other sources like (Bleeding Attack).

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Referring to Pathfinder RPG rules and the examples on this page. emCreation.html

Q1: Is adding an effect to a magical +1 weapon considered adding differing abilities for the x1.5 purpose? Do weapons only use the (Bonus^2)*2000 rule?

Q1a: How does the math work?
(My assumption is #1 and that the (x1.5 is for other non-weapon items)

Example: Going from a +2 Magic Dagger to a +2 Wounding Dagger
Wounding is a +2 bonus

3 example scenarios:

(Scenario 1)Bonus^2 rule
Wounding = 2, +2 Magic = 2, End result is Bonus 4

Bonus 4 cost) - (Bonus 2 cost), (4^2)*2000 - (2^2)*2000,
32000-8000 = 24000gp?

(Scenario 2)x1.5 rule
Wounding =2, cost = 8000, multiply by 1.5, add to +2 Magic

(Bonus 2 cost)*1.5 + (Bonus 2 cost), ((2^2)*2000) + (2^2)*2000,
8000*1.5 + 8000 = 20000gp? (Surely not this one since it's lower cost)

(Scenario 3) x1.5 rule on the "upgrade bonus"
Wounding = 2 (x1.5) so 3, add to +2 Magic cost

(Bonus (2*1.5) cost)+ (Bonus 2 cost),((3^2)*2000) + (2^2)*2000,
18000+8000 = 26000gp?

Q2: How about if we add another different bonus like Speed (Bonus 3)?
(Same thing I'd assume if it's just the flat Bonus^2 rule)

Q3: What about for upgrading a special weapon like Bloodthirsty Dagger? (I know this is not allowed for PFS play, but I'm more wondering for just the RPG rules if the GM does allow for upgrading special weapons how you guys normally would do it in your campaigns as DMs)

(2 example scenarios]
(Scenario 1)
Would you and the DM just agree on what the flat cost is for that special weapon's effect and add it to the end result of the upgrade?

Upgrading Bloodthirsty Dagger to a Flaming Bloodthirsty Dagger.
(Default is a +2 dagger of wounding and the bloodthirsty effect)

That would be +2 flaming dagger of wounding + bloodthirsty effect cost.

Calculate Cost of Bloodthirsty Effect:

Assuming Bonus^2 rule is the right way to do magic weapons...
60,802 (Cost of a bloodthirsty dagger) - 32000 (Cost of a weapon with +4 bonus total) - 300 for Masterwork - 2 for dagger =
28,500 Bloodthirsty Effect

Calculate Final Cost:

Which is cost of a (+5 bonus weapon) + Bloodthirsty Effect Cost.
50000 + 28500 + 302 = 78802 Total cost
Then 78802 - 60802 =
18000 Final Cost

(Scenario 2)
Jump to the next bonus value tier above the "special weapon cost" then add the upgrade normally?

Upgrading Bloodthirsty Dagger to a Flaming Bloodthirsty Dagger.
Default is a +2 dagger of wounding and the bloodthirsty effect)

Find the Equivalent Bonus Tier of the Special Weapon:

60,802gp is more than a +5 Bonus @ 50000gp, but less than a +6 bonus @72,000gp So we round up to a +6 Bonus.

Bloodthirsty Dagger (normal) = +6 Bonus Weapon

Flaming Bloodthirsty Dagger = +7 Bonus Weapon (Because Flaming adds +1 Bonus)

Calculate Final Cost:

End Result Cost - Special Weapon Cost, 7^2*2000 - 60,802,
98802 - 60802 =
38000gp Final Cost

So to answer: No, as written the item does not remove bleeds from your enemy, it removes bleeds from you. Pretty sure that's not what was intended, I think it's a typo. In either event the bleed damage from bleeding attack does not get converted into the xd6 damage; Bleeding Attack simply allows the wounding property of the weapon to activate, and it is the "number of wounds," i.e. points of additional bleed caused by the weapon's wounding property which determines the amount of the critical effect.

Bleeding attack does not apply a 2d6 bleed in this case? I have to use bleeding attack to make the weapons wounding property activate, I can't just hit them with the weapon?

As far the healing of wounds I think it was also intended to heal the bleeds on the victim not on the weirder but who knows. It is a named weapon and a +4 bonus weapon is 32,000gp so the benefit cost is valued at 28,000

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How does this weapon work? I have many questions.

pathfinder PRD paizo wrote:

"Price 60,802 gp; Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb.

The blade of this +2 wounding dagger is brightly polished. Even when drenched in a victim's blood, it appears clean and dry moments later, as though it has been newly cleaned.

A bloodthirst dagger rewards its wielder most when used relentlessly against a single target. When attacking a creature that is still bleeding from the bloodthirst dagger's wounding property, the dagger deals an additional +1 point of damage against the target for each bleeding wound the creature possesses (maximum +10). Whenever the wielder of bloodthirst confirms a critical hit with the weapon, she can choose to deal 1d6 points of additional damage for each still-bleeding wound the target possesses (maximum +5d6 damage). This additional damage is not multiplied by the critical hit, but is in addition to the damage normally added for bleeding wounds. Dealing this damage immediately heals all bleeding wounds possessed by the wielder.

1) Does the +1 to +10 bonus damage dealt get multiplied on crit?

2) If I 1st attack with my main hand weapon and add 2d6 bleed from (Bleeding Attack) with a rogue sneak attack then I attack with this dagger in the offhand and score a critical can I use to remove the 2d6 bleed from (Bleeding Attack) for Xd6 damage (max 5d6).

2b) If yes then would I roll the 2d6 for Bleeding Attack to see how much the target would take on it's next turn so I know if it's over 5 points?

3) Can I use Magical Crafting to upgrade this items at a later time to a +3 version or add another effect such as speed to the weapon so long as the weapons total cost stays below 200,000? (This is with regards to pathfinder RPG rules but not pathfinder society as I understand it the tournament play you cannot do this. I'm more talking about for pathfinder rules in general?