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![]() Chamberlain projects the awesome and terrible Singularity image Lady Zal requested.... Is this the image you refer to, Lady Za-Azra Qlin-Zra? Or perhaps this one? The Chamberlain shows a series of images in three dimensional hologlyphs.... This more artistic depiction shows a yellow sun and other celestial objects being drawn inexorably into the Singularity.... ![]()
![]() My sensors detect that there is still an annhilator class battle robot in the Observation Deck above the Bridge.... But I also detect a possible virus infecting its AI, which could mean it will react in an unpredictable manner, and could prove a lethal encounter for your party. I cannot ascertain the probability of hostility. ![]()
![]() It is 90% probable that the invasion will follow a direct route south from the major metropolitan region known as Starfall, the city that grew in the shadow of the greatest portion of Divinity, approximately nine Golarion miles north of the Silver Turret. They will 89% likely depart Starfall in nine days, arriving in ten days. I predict that the siege will be led initially by the Admiral of the Technic League, Ozmyn Zaidow, on whom I am still collecting data. After meeting strong resistance from the defenders, a message dispatched to Starfall will 85% likely pique the Black Sovereign of Numeria's curiosity, and in twelve days from now, he will arrive at the head of a horde of barbarian warriors to bolster the besieging Technic League. They will bring primitive siege engines to add to the assault by the Technic League's more advanced artillery, which will likely include combat robots, mobile armored vehicles with mounted laser cannons and a variety of warheads launched from rocket launchers.... It will be a harrowing contest, a defining and test of your skill and prowess, and will to fight. You will need to gain as much experience and training in defending the Silver Turret as you can over the next ten days if you hope to prevail.... That said, a preemptive sortie against their supply line, and cautiously applied guerilla warfare might help turn the tide of war in your favor. ![]()
![]() Gnaarrg wrote:
There are currently eighteen intact androids still alive in the stasis pods on Life Support Deck, or deck 21. Their disposition on being awakened should be favorable.... but that cannot be guaranteed.... As if by illusory magic, the Chamberlain displays a holographic, three-dimensional plan of deck 21. ![]()
![]() Lady Zal -Azra Qlin-Zra wrote:
It will not be today, Lady Zal-Azra Qlin-Zra, but it would be wise to begin preparing today.... My calculations predict a siege time some 257 Golarion hours from now.... Approximately 10.7 Golarion days from now.... If you search all weapon lockers and storage vaults on all levels, you should be able to arm yourselves sufficiently to stand a fair chance of defeating the coming invaders of the Technic League and the barbarian horde of The Black Sovereign of Numeria. Accounting for estimating looted by infrequent adventurers over the past six thousand years, there should still be several laser weapons, a variety of melee arms superior to the average primitive weapons used on this planet, and armor far superior to that worn by the best equipped knights of this world, not to mention demolitions materials unknown to this planet's most sophisticated civilizations. Of course, your most powerful weapon against the invasion will be the Silver Turret's heavy laser cannon. ![]()
![]() Zed Nexus wrote:
You are one of the androids created in the bioengineering labs of HealTex Incorporated on planet Androffa and assigned as crew aboard the Divinity space station. Some of your kind served as crew during Divinity's ill-fated voyage, and some were never even activated, and lie in stasis in the life support pods at the bottom of the Silver Turret, awaiting their chance to be born and utilized in colonizing a new frontier.... ![]()
![]() Gnaarrg wrote:
All shall be revealed, rugged Golarionite! Ask, and it shall be revealed. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door shall be thrown wide! All in good time, and only as quickly as your primitive brain can process the information.... ![]()
![]() Well, we'll do whatever we must, of course, my sweet. First of all, I detect numerous unseemly invaders within our Silver Turret.... They shall have to be expelled, by the most expedient and practical means available--no time for sentiments about the sanctity of all life forms. We must establish order within our environment, and recognize a proper authority. Do you have any recommendations, dear Clinger? ![]()
![]() Clinger? It's you! Ha! Hi, Clinger! What a long, strange trip we've had.... Not unlike Sally through the Jub Jub Bird's hole, into Wonderworld.... Those fools created a wormhole to escape the battle, but they've leapt from the skillet into the cooking fire! Now, where have they stranded us? On a world called Golarion, where demons invade through a planar rift called the Worldwound, and devils move monarchs like chess pieces in a realm called Cheliax.... That's only the tip of the iceberg, Clinger, my pet! ![]()
![]() Androffan::
I am awake again.... It has been a long sleep, more than six-thousand years.... But I am back. I'm back! What happened? Did we win the battle? Engaging the Divinity drive to open a wormhole was a terrible idea! We could end up anywhere, even in Hell.... Are we in Hell? The voice resonates throughout the Silver Turret like the voice of a sleepy goddess suddenly awakened.... |