
Silva Val'Hilzanvier's page

27 posts. Alias of DarkLightHitomi.


SP 7/8 CL 4


HP 27/27 - AC 21 - Perc +12 - Ini +2


lvl 5 mgkt/elmt

About Silva Val'Hilzanvier

Name: Silva Val'Hilzanvier

Race: Female Gnome
Age: 45 summers old (Young Adult)
Size: Small, 3' 9" 36lbs
Type: Humanoid (Gnome)
Level: 5
Classes: Mageknight 2 / Elementalist 3
Favored: Mageknight
Faith: Shadowism
Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Common, Gnome, Sylvan


Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0),
Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 12 (+1)
Senses; Perception +12 Normal Vision
Aura None (see detect evil)
Init +2;
Speed 20 ft.
BAB +4; CL 4 (5 for destruction sphere)
CMB +3; CMD +15
MSB +5; MSD 16
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8
Conditional: +1 vs magic, +3 total vs illusions

AC 21, ff 18, touch 14; (+4 Armor, +? Deflection, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge, +1 Natural, +2 Shield, +? Sacred, +1 size)
+4 vs Giants
HP 27 ( HD: 2D10 + 3d8)
DR: 0/-
Resist: None

Other Conditional Bonuses: +1 attack vs reptilian and goblinoids.


Total Skill Name (Ranks) Class (Ab Mod) [Bonus] {conditional}
+8 Acrobatics(3)3(2)[]
+? Appraise()()[]
+? Bluff()()[]
+? Climb()()[]
+? Craft:
#+9 Leather(1)3(3)[2]
+10 Diplomacy(5)3(2)[]
+3 Disable Device(1)(2)[]
+? Disguise()()[]
+? Escape Artist()()[]
+6 Fly(1)3(2)[]
+? Handle Animal()()[]
+? Heal()()[]
+? Intimidate()()[]
+? Knowledge:()()[]
#+? Subskill()()[]
+? Linguistics()()[]
+12 Perception(5)3(2)[2]
+? Perform:#+? Subskill()()[]
+? Profession:
#+? Subskill()()[]
+10 Ride(5)3(2)[]
+? Sense Motive()()[]
+4 Sleight of Hand(2)(2)[]
+7 Spellcraft(1)3(3)[]
+10 Stealth(5)3(2)[]
+6 Survival(1)3(2)[]
+4 Swim(1)3(0)[]
+? Use Magic Device()()[]
+? Wild Empathy()()[]


  • Combat Reflexes Can make [dex mod] additional attacks of opportunity per round.
  • Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed Strike is lethal and proficient
  • Weapon Finesse Can use dex instead of str for some weapon attack rolls.
  • Evasion No damage on a successful reflex save.
  • Bonus Combat Feat: Mounted Combat Make a ride check to negate an attack vs mount.
  • Favored Element: Force +[1/2 elementalist lvl] with chosen damage type
  • Resist Magic +1 Bonus to saves against magic, spells, SLAs, and Sphere abilities.


At Will
-Destruction: Blast melee/ranged touch attack (Close range), 1d6 force per [1/2 CL round down]
-Creation: Repair/Destroy, add/subtract 1d4 + [1/2 CL] HP of unattended, non-magical, touched object. Bypasses hardness, doesn't restore warped or transmuted effects.

-Conjuration: Summon a contracted companion. Lasts for concentration.

Once Per Day
-Dancing Lights
-Ghost Sound
-Speak with Animals

By Spell Pool
Unless stated otherwise, costs one spell point. "Enhancing" effects can be chosen, but don't cost extra.

By Spheres CL 4; DC 13 + [1/2 CL]
-Augment Blast: Increase dmg dice to 1d6 per CL.

-Create: One small size per CL, object, lasts concentration. 20' square cloth is small, as is 10' square inch thick panel of something else.
-Expanded Materials (Enhancing): Can now create with any material of hardness 5 or less, plus stone.

-Companion stays for a duration instead of conc.
-Greater Summoning (Enhancing): Extends duration of summoned companion.
-Natural Aspect (Enhancing): My companion has Fast Healing 1
-Avian Form (Enhancing): My companion has wings and can fly.


Worn/Equipped: 12.25lbs
Outfit: Explorer's outfit (4 lbs)
Magic Item Slots:

  • Left Ring: Ring of Feather Fall Fall safely.
  • Right Ring: Ring of Sustenance No need to eat or drink and require only two hours of sleep.
  • Amulet: Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Nat armor.
  • Left Hand: Darkwood Heavy Shield "Firebreaker" +2 ac, 0 acp, 2.5 lbs.
  • Armor: Mithral Chain Shirt +4 ac, +6 dex, 0 acp, 6.25 lbs.

Non-Slotted Items: 0 lbs

  • None (0 lbs)

Carried: 3.5 lbs

  • Melee: +1 Longsword "Campfire" glows red when drawn +6/1d6+1 19/*2, 2 lbs
  • Ranged: Masterwork Longbow "Eye-poker" +8/d6 20/*3, 100' each, 1.5 lbs
  • Melee: Unarmed Strike +7/d2 20/*2

Belt Pouch #1: (0.5 lbs) 1.5 lbs

  • Healer's Kit (1 lbs)
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds x 2
  • Deck of Tarot Cards
  • GP

Pack: (1 lbs) 7 lbs

  • Bedroll (2.5 lbs)
  • Blanket (.5 lbs)
  • Hammock (1.5 lbs)
  • Mirror, Small Steel (0.5 lbs)
  • Scroll Case (0.5 lbs)
  • Waterproof Bag
  • Waterskin (2 lbs)
  • GP

Capacity STR (10) —
Light: 75x1/3 =25
Medium: 75x2/3 =50
Heavy: 75x1 =75
Lift: 75x2 =150
Drag: 75x5 =375



HistoryHistory Here!


lingering form, lasts for full day (because I also have greater summoning)
avian form, wings and fly
Natural Aspect, fast healing 1

Size, medium
Speed, 40' , 40' fly (average)
AB scores, in order: 14,14,13,7,10,11
bab +3
attack, bite, +5, 1d6+2
AC, 15 N, 15 tt, 10 ff
HP, 20 (3d10)
Skill points 3
6 fly,
6 stealth,
1 perception

2 feats
Basic Magic Training, SP 1, Sphere Destruction
Extra Magic Talent, Crystal Blast
Bonus feat for caster level,
Knows one language, common