Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0),
Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 12 (+1) Senses; Perception +12 Normal Vision
Aura None (see detect evil) Init +2;
Speed 20 ft.
BAB +4; CL 4 (5 for destruction sphere) CMB +3; CMD +15
MSB +5; MSD 16
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8
Conditional: +1 vs magic, +3 total vs illusions
Combat Reflexes Can make [dex mod] additional attacks of opportunity per round.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed Strike is lethal and proficient
Weapon Finesse Can use dex instead of str for some weapon attack rolls.
Evasion No damage on a successful reflex save.
Bonus Combat Feat: Mounted Combat Make a ride check to negate an attack vs mount.
Favored Element: Force +[1/2 elementalist lvl] with chosen damage type
Resist Magic +1 Bonus to saves against magic, spells, SLAs, and Sphere abilities.
At Will
-Destruction: Blast melee/ranged touch attack (Close range), 1d6 force per [1/2 CL round down]
-Creation: Repair/Destroy, add/subtract 1d4 + [1/2 CL] HP of unattended, non-magical, touched object. Bypasses hardness, doesn't restore warped or transmuted effects.
-Conjuration: Summon a contracted companion. Lasts for concentration.
Once Per Day
-Dancing Lights
-Ghost Sound
-Speak with Animals
By Spell Pool
Unless stated otherwise, costs one spell point. "Enhancing" effects can be chosen, but don't cost extra.
By SpheresCL 4; DC 13 + [1/2 CL]
-Augment Blast: Increase dmg dice to 1d6 per CL.
-Create: One small size per CL, object, lasts concentration. 20' square cloth is small, as is 10' square inch thick panel of something else.
-Expanded Materials (Enhancing): Can now create with any material of hardness 5 or less, plus stone.
-Companion stays for a duration instead of conc.
-Greater Summoning (Enhancing): Extends duration of summoned companion.
-Natural Aspect (Enhancing): My companion has Fast Healing 1
-Avian Form (Enhancing): My companion has wings and can fly.