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![]() Okay, a new tabletop/miniatures store opened up a few months ago, and a 4ed group has moved in and started to play Pathfinder. After meeting them, their current GM explained to me that near half the group had never played pen and paper roleplaying before, but loved the last 6 sessions he had run them through. The other half of the group haven't played since 2nd Edition D&D, but they were also loving the new feel to the game. I, seeing the GM's reluctance to run the game, he being new to the rules and Golarion as a whole, offered to GM alternate weeks for him, and have selected Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne, as I managed to pick it up fairly cheap. I am not a very experienced GM, 2-3 years experience in mainly 3.5 and Pathfinder, but I have played Pathfinder since the beta playtest, and can probably name off spell effects, duration, level, components, etc. at will. My conundrum is this, after seeing the way they game, roleplaying isn't an issue, how do I as a GM get the half of the group, whose entire experience with RPGs is World of Warcraft, to utterly fall in love with the game. Pretty much in a nutshell, I am asking this; How do I get the less experienced of the group to like the game system? How should I portray NPCs (funny accents, acting out their int score as printed)? have you ever had this problem yourself, and if so, how did you overcome the barrier and what was the outcome? Thank you in advance for any advice given. Ekeebe :D ![]()
![]() Hey guys, for all you trying to find a place to play Pathfinder, 4th ed and alot of other roleplaying games, or a place to buy them, now that Tin Soldier has shut sown and moved to Penrith, allow me to introduce Hall of Heroes in Campbelltown. Linkified for your viewing pleasure. I walked in today for the first time, and Lo and behold, there were 4 PF core rulebooks, 2 bestiaries and an APG staring me in the face! I enquired about gaming, and I was told by the workers that a regular group plays nearly every Tuesday, and I am going to go in this coming Tuesday to see if they are playing PFS or just running the APs. They only picked up Pathfinder a few months ago, but are playing regularly now (+1 for PF recruitment again!) Go ahead and check it out, It's a fairly large place, they lock all the merchandise away if you are playing longer than the 7 PM close, except on Sundays, they get Mondays off, so they want to get home early and rest up for their day off. They also can cordon off sections of the store with black curtains for privacy, if you would prefer you game be a little more private. The store is full of fun, friendly guys, and are new to anything Pathfinder themselves, bless their hearts, the had no idea what Pathfinder Society Organised Play was, but they want a larger customer base and more people to come in regularly so that they can get to know them and make more friends who share their love of any and all fantasy gaming! Ekeebe :D ![]()
![]() Okay, so I was wondering what would happen if a fireball explodes near to a person wearing a necklace of fireballs. example: "Player 1" wears a Necklace of Fireballs type IV, and "Enemy 1" casts fireball into player 1's occupies space. 1. Would the necklace be counted as in the area of effect of the fireball, and if so would the necklace be saved by a relfex for half, or reflex for no damage through evasion? 2. Would all the globes go off at once, and would the damage stack, dealing a total of 36d6 damage not counting the spellcasters damage? 3. Would player 1 require more reflex save(s) for the exploding globes, if #2 is applicable and how would you determine the DC? 4.would you prefer regular fried or extra crispy? Ekeebe :D ![]()
![]() Okay, a regular DM I have came up with an idea in his campaign, of Darkwood being feasible for a choice for material in armour creation for druids. Not sure if this would work, but as most Pathfinder Armours aren't relying as much on weight as they are encasing the body and strength of the material in question, I was wondering that in the theme of Darwookd shields, would Darwood Full Plate Amour be allowed RAW and/or by any other DMs out there. In other words I'm asking whether you would allow it in your game AND would it be allowed RAW? Ekeebe :D ![]()
![]() After a very long hiatus from the boards, I am back, and willing to DM another PbP (I apologise to all those in my previous PbP threads that have died) I am looking for 4 characters of 6th level. It will be set in Osirion. Rules are as follows: *Standard races only.
Have fun and put forth your characters. ![]()
![]() Okay, in an up and coming campaign I am running my party through, they should encounter a trio of pretty gnarley bad guys. I have gauged the party's power level and I will surely TPK them with these baddies, which I don't want to do, this early on. I need another type of pack mentality monster, preferably evil, that fits in the 6 HD category and can't think of one that would fit. any help would be greatly appreciated. Ekeebe ![]()
![]() Okay, I am a part of a few games, but only 2 mid level games and 2 low level games, and I have never played high to epic games before. I am asking if there is a GM out there that is willing to GM a high level game, say levels 15 to epic. Just wondering, as I have GMed many higher level campaigns, no epic though, but I have never played anything past 12th level. ![]()
![]() Wow, misleading thread title >:P Okay, I am just wondering what rules do you give your gaming group when they step foot in your house. Is there a secret room that no person is allowed in, are there noise restrictions, do you allow other people to plug in their electronics, i.e. notbook computers, phone chargers, lava lamps, etc. ![]()
![]() Okay, as promised in 2009, I am now asking for 4 players for another Pathfinder PbP game. I am trying to playtest low level, mid level and high level gameplay for my RL gaming group. This game is not going to be first come first serve, I will be actively choosing players based on racial and class choice. Before applying, if you are in either of my other PbP games, please do not apply, I would like to see some other people get a chance to play. Also there will be a strict deadline for players to create characters for review. Character Generation guidelines are as follows:
House rule changes to classes::
*monks can be chaotic *Wizard skill points per level are 4 + INT modifier (all that fancy book learnin') That's it for house rule changes top the classes, it's just how I see the two classes should be, it's also what we rule in my RL group. GP budget breakdown::
Weapons - 75, 000 gp Armour and Protective Items - 60, 000 gp
Goods and Services - 5, 000 gp Potions and Scrolls - 10, 000 gp Magic items - 90, 000 gp
If you are unsure of what category an item fits in, then please ask me, and I will tell you. ![]()
![]() You have been hired by the Merchant’s Guild in the town of Fellig to guard a caravan on the treacherous route to the city of Corvis. This journey takes more than two weeks, and passes through rocky mountain passes, dense forest and swampy lowlands. For your services you are to be paid 25 gp each at the end of your journey. After chasing the rising sun for many days, the ordeal is near an end – Corvis is only half a day’s ride through Widower’s Wood. The trip has been without incident so far. “Easy money, aye?” shouts Gunner Wadock, the caravan’s leader, from his position on the front wagon. “If only all my trips ‘twixt Fellig and Corvis were so painless.” The caravan consists of five wagons, with four horses bringing up the rear. Gunner sits atop the lead wagon with his driver, a sour, quiet human called Viggo. The other four wagons ech have one driver. The pack horses are tied to the last wagon. A thick mist has been over the caravan since entering the swampy lowlands, and the thick muck and mud makes moving quite hard. The mud reduces speed to 1/2. Each PC has two choices, either sitting atop one of the four wagons, the lead wagon not being allowed, or walking beside the wagons. Please indicate where you are in your introductory post, and how spread out you are. ![]()
![]() Basilan Lasiliran, an 80 something aristocrat was a kind old man. Anyone who met him instantly fell for his charms and as such, being a merchant in his younger years was an easy task. Amassing his wealth, Basilan eventually found a wife and fathered a beautiful baby girl, who blossomed into a beautiful woman. Settling down, Baslian recruited many people to help his lands and family, forming strong and loyal friendships. Basilan eventually became bored and decided that since his wife pased away some 2 years ago, that he would see his daughter, Sophia, before he enters Shelyn’s Haven and joins his wife for eternity. Basilan contacted quite a few people for the journey, knowing all to wall that the journey to the town of Hallowfeld will be a dangerous one, having to hire numerous bodyguards and warriors in his youth whenever he travelled from his manor to the town. First he talked briefly with Iriel Lassalanter, his oldest and most trusted friend, asking her to find a person with certain talents, which led to her meeting with Zidoren and his employment by the aristocrat. Basilan then talked with Amihan, and asked her to accompany him, as he has friends in Hallowfeld that might need her abilities. Basilan then sought out the son of an old friend, Ba’andu, and asked if he would like to accompany him on a trip to meet a local woman who practices the same ability as he and his father do, thinking that the cultural interaction would be good for the man. Lastly, wanting somebody to accompany him so that if anything whould happen to him, he would be able to pass into Shelyn’s Haven without any problems, Basilan sought out a woman he knew when she was an acolyte, Alisen Renard. After talking to her, and even going as far as to offer a substantial tithe to the church, she agreed. And so they set off for Hallowfeld, only things aren’t what they expect when they arrive. Most of the buildings are burnt partially or completely, and terrific bloodstains mar the streets and facades. Strangely there are no bodies anywhere. Each party member has been assigned a colour so that they can easily figure out who they are on the map. The brown shapes are buildings, the blue shape is a well. Perception checks, please. ![]()
![]() Okay first and foremost, I apologize foe this being in the wrong section, if it is. Okay to my problem... I bought the PDF version of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook a while ago, but unfortunately, the electronic version of the Core rulebook isn't really printer friendly, and I don't have access to a notebook computer or the like to look at it while I'm at the gaming table. What I would really like to do is to print out the spell lists for the spellcasting classes, as we don't have many harcover books in my group, 2 to be exact, and we have to share them among 7 people at the table, DM not included. We also tend to play high magic campaigns, and as such 90% of the party are spellcasters of some sort, this also makes it difficult to pass the book down the table soeach of us can look up a spell effect, so we can look through our spell lists each morning after resting, and pick the spells we are going to memorise, all the while the DM wanting to re-read spell effects that will take place in the near future, using up 1 of our Core Rulebooks. It slows down the game, and serves as a sore point in my table's gaming nights (we spend on average 3 or 4 minutes each trying to pick the spells we are going to memorise) the whole process takes over 20 minutes each rest period in our current Second Darkness campaign. I myself am a Pathfinder DM, and I find it difficult and frustrating to have to constantly get a core rule from a player who is trying to oganise tactics with the other players, just to look up any differences in the spell description that changed from 3.5 to Pathfinder. If somebody knows about a printer frindly version of the spell lists, just the lists, not the descriptions, that would help me and my gaming table immensely. ![]()
![]() Okay a little back story of the module and place, it will be granted that the party already knows each other some way (please work out how the party knows each other in the OOC thread once you get there, try and keep this thread as uncluttered as possible). The party is off to see a famous play-write, escorting a feeble aristocrat to the small town of Hallowfeld, so that he may send his wishes to his daughter one last time before he dies. The party has been hired by the aristocrat because, being 1 80 year old man, he does not have any way of protecting himself, and the lands surrounding the small town are rumoured to be dangerous and riddled with monsters. I hope that helps set the module up, and I look forward to seeing what people choose to create. But just to recap, and so it's easier to read, I am looking for: *4 good player Characters.
![]() all my electronic versions of the Pathfinder RPG, I find myself wanting to DM a PbP, and am stuck with a choice of Monte Cook's World of Darkness (may or may not make a MCWoD game, not too sure yet, if interested keep an eye out), or the Witchfire Trilogy by Privateer Press. The Witchfire Trilogy is set in the Iron Kingdoms, but you don't really need to know anything about the world to play. So anyone who is interested here is the creation guide: *looking for 4 to 5 PCs (will post list confirming players and 2 reserve players)
I will post a list available of traits, but they will be comparibly different from the PF traits. ![]()
![]() So, I was playing PF last weekend, when I noticed something, we all get to take our character sheets home with us, but we all have very different means in which we store them. I use an old plastic folder that I recieved in high school, laminated and with fancy pictures, both printed and drawn by me. In this folder are plastic sleeves for all my characters from all game systems I play. I also have character generaton foldersd, which are colour coded for game systems levels. I keep the modules that I DM in my bag, along with my Pencil case. A resident persona here (you know who you are) on the boards uses an A4 size perforated leaf binder book with dividers. In this folder is character advancement from levels 1 through 20 for multiple characters, and, again, holds all the characters from all the game systems we play. They have no bag, instead, they are the main means of transport between gaming locations, and keep all their stuff in their car. Another in our gaming group, I shall call him J, what J does is just keep loose sheets in a black folder, along with just about anything that strikes his fancy, from character break-downs all the way to random print-outs of his old character profile pics, J keeps this along with his 20 year old leather pencil case, and usually puts it in his backpack that he uses for his notebook computer. P, as I shall call him, is another strange one. Instead of carrying one folder for his character, he has about 5 or 6 folder, all around the same shape and colour, making it almost impossible for him to know which folder is his current gaming folder, and making him take 5 to 10 minutes to find which folder holds his current character for the current game. (We play multiple APs at the same time, different DMs). He has no pencil case, instead, uses a felt pouch with all his dice still in their plastic containers he bought them in. Along with his Mac Notebook, his bag is usually too full to close properly. The newbie in our group only has one folder for every game, much like my own, but has no other books or folders, allowing me, his usual DM, to carry around his stuff so he can't misplace it before we game. The last two, whom I shall name A & B, are the most unorganised pair i have seen. Their gaming bag used to consist of two folders, both of them black, one for each of them, and a large pencil case with all of their combined dice. Their bag has undergone an internal struggle somehow, and now their gaming bag consists of the previously mentioned pencil case, on of the previously mentioned black folders, and about 100 loose leafed sheets of paper (A somehow managed to destroy his folder, and decided that he didn't need to buy a new one). So after all this, and a few days of scortching heat and boredom, i got to thinking. So now I'm asking all of you, what is the state of your gaming folder, if you have one, if not, what is the state of your gaming bag, or pencil case? ![]()
![]() *I'm never again allowed to find as many overly flamboyant Gnome Bards and make a Guild called the Lollipops. *I'm never allowed to ask the paladin if it's Knight Time before every combat encounter. *I'm not allowed to make a Necropolitain Bard and name him Jack. *I'm not allowed to make a character that is mechanically designed to use other party members as weapons, nor am I allowed to take Weapon Focus: (Rogue). *I'm not allowed to push the fighter down corridors because I don't feel like searching for traps. *I am not allowed to rename any Monk power "Fist of the North Star." *I'm not allowed to put kick me signs on the Barbarian. *I'm not allowed to call my Magic Missile "Silver Dildo Surprise." *I am no longer allowed to make a backpack chair and ride the half-orc into battle. *I'm no longer allowed to take my Grandmother as a Cohort and make her a Monk. *Not allowed to make a Mime bard. *Not allowed to use Ghost Sound to make it sound like the BBEG farted. *I'm no longer allowed to make jokes whenever I use Black Tentacles. *I am no longer allowed to tie multiple random wands together to make a super charged randomized magical bazooka. *I'm not allowed to lay claim to an item I cannot use and rent it to other PCs. *I'm not allowed to play a paladin who rides a bear in spike plate barding. *I'm not allowed to summon my paladin mounts over enemies (see last) *Protocol droids have uses besides knowing which culture and/or species women will put out on the first date. *I am never, EVER allowed to play Wikipedius the Wizard ever again. *My team is not the A-team and I should stop refering to it as such. *The Wookie is not T-Bacca. *As a bard, I am not allowed to break into Bittersweet Symphony. *I am not allowed to say "(insert monster name), I choose you!" every time I cast Summon Monster. *Suicide hugging the BBEG when I meet him is wrong. *I'm not allowed to spend my gold on 400 domestic cats with plate barding pulling a chariot. *I may not taunt the power gamer. I may not mess with the power gamer. *I may not make the power gamer cry. *I'm not allowed to play a paladin with an Irish accent. *I am never again to claim that one of the uses of Miracle is 'Summoning the Electric Kung-Fu Jesus to aid us in our time of need' ever again. *I am no longer allowed to use bags of holding inside portable holes for anything other than item destruction. *"Lost forever in the astral plane" Does not suggest that my phylactary will be safe for all eternity as no one can possibly find it. *I'm no longer allowed to make a grandfather's clock warforged, because it's apparently not CLOBBERING TIME. feel free to contribute ![]()
![]() Okay, I am going to convert Age of Worms APP over to Pathfinder RPG, and I want to run it here. I am looking for 4 to 6 1st level characters (depending on popularity), standard Pathfinder rules, 20 point buy, standard classes. If you dont have access to a Pathfinder Core rulebook, you can find everything you will need in this PF srd. I will be converting for the next 2 days, so the game will more than likely start mid next week. Ehe selection process will be simple, first in first serve, I will be compiling the player's names into a list so that those who want to join can know how many players already have started. ![]()
![]() okay, i was a little unsure on the cost to craft a certain item, and on what the market price of said item would be. i want bracers of (skill +3) so if i am reading this correctly, and assuming that masterworked non magical bracers are about 158 GP, then the total price to craft this item should be about 1058, or 2116 GP market price. formula works out as such: Skill bonus squared (3² = 900) X 100 GP + 158 GP = 1058 GP creation cost doubling the creation cost to work out market price amkes this 2166 market price. am i correct, or am i reading this wrong? Peebo :D ![]()
![]() ooookay, so i have itroduced the Azlanti to my campagin, i am playing the D series and just finished D 1.5 Revenge of the Kobold King. now my party met one of the ancient Azlanti spirits, fought her, and killed her, but try as i may, i cannot, other than story based info, find anything on how the Azlanti work or why they were so feared by the Rune Lords and everyone else in the world. now one of my party members wants to bring her back from the dead later down the track, and im not sure how to go about it. now can people here please give me ideas on whether to; a) not let the party bring her back at all, although it would be fun if the party created some bad thing to happen because of it, ensuing next generation characters in a stylised world. or b) what would the Azlanti be like, and why were they so feared. Ideas about what the Azlanti as a race would be like would be a great help. not sure whether this belongs here, but i do apologize for it not being in the right place ahead of time, if it is found to be so. thanky you. Peebo :D |