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Organized Play Member. 48 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Well, after 10+ years of DnD, it's finally come up that the entire party has been bitten by werewolves. Two of the characters had been bitten previously by, unbeknown to us, werewolves. One full moon night, we found ourselves in a one-room house and those two on watch. Awaken by howling, we're un-armored and fighting wolves, which ran into the woods after the remaining 3 of us beat them down to a few inches of their lives while sustaining heavy damage ourselves.

Now, in the Core rulebook, Werewolf lycanthropy is listed on curses, which can "usually" be removed with a remove curse spell. This would be handy as we have a cleric in the party. It doesn't list a DC or anything.

In the bestiary, it says

Page 196:
A remove disease or heal spell cast by a cleric of 12th level or higher cures the aff liction, provided the character receives
the spell within 3 days of the infecting lycanthrope’s attack.
Alternatively, consuming a dose of wolfsbane (Pathfinder
RPG Core Rulebook 560) gives an afflicted lycanthrope a
new Fortitude save to recover from lycanthropy.

So, which is it? Two of the members want to remain werewolves, but I do not. Would a Periapt of Health (immune to disease) protect me from being afflicted?

So far, my best interpretation is that it's a curse, which is transmitted through a disease that takes 3 days to incubate. After 3 days, you are afflicted with the curse.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So, I've been knee-deep in this Alchemist since the beta was first released and much was cleared up in the revision, but some major points remain.

Is the Alchemist an arcane spellcaster for the purposes of feat qualification, such as Arcane Strike and Craft Wondrous Items?

Extracts say "as if imbibing a potion". This would suggest that you must draw the potion (move-equivalent action) and then drink it (standard action). Surely they did not intend for a full-round action to be used for an extract that can only target the Alchemist.

I'm planning out my Alchemist for our new campaign and I've run into a bit of a snag with bomb discoveries and the following text.

Unless otherwise noted, discoveries that modify bombs do not stack. Only one such discovery can be applied to an individual bomb.

RAW this means that nothing that modifies a bomb stacks, save for multiple instances of the Potent Bomb discovery. Does this also mean that you can't mix and match discoveries (i.e. use Precision Bomb and Frost Bomb together). It appears to me that the intent of this rule is that you can't stack multiple occurrences of the same discovery (i.e. apply explosive bomb 5 times), but it seems to read that you can only apply 1 discovery to any 1 bomb.

Maybe I've been staring at this too long... this may come down to the definition of "stack".