Gordrenn Higgler wrote:
Couple of questions
When a character has an intelligent item cohort (Cohorts and Companions) they can enhance/improve the item as if possessing the appropriate item creation feat, would this ability be enough to fulfill the requirements Mythic Crafter?
Can a intelligent Legendary Item (Mythic Adventures) have it's ability scores/senses /communication abilities be improved as per the normal Designing an Intelligent Item rules if the item gained intelligence from being Legendary?
First of all, hi everyone and sorry for necroposting this (quite harshly, that's a 3 years old dusty topic). However it hasn't been answered so far and I'm interested in both these questions and I couldn't find such answers anywhere else.
I'll answer the OP for the first one with what I think is right but I'll also ask about something about it.
I don't think "being able to enhance the item as if possessing the appropriate feat" is the same as "qualifies as having the appropriate feat for prerequisites". Hence, you wouldn't be able to take Mythic Crafter only because you own an intelligent item as a cohort.
I have the exact same second question as the OP.
However to ask this question we first have to ask a few others !
1-1) A Legendary item was a magic item that gained the Legendary "type". Intelligent magic items ARE magic items. As such, an intelligent magic item can become a Legendary item, right ?
1-2) So, because of that, do we consider it already has the Intelligent ability (the first step) ? It'd also keep its already owned abilities (such as Darkvision etc) and won't have to take them again through legendary abilities.
2) Outside of Mythic abilities, can a magic item become intelligent ?
3) Can a cohort intelligent item keep being upgraded even if it became a Legendary item ? Can it even become a Legendary item (as a cohort) ?
4-1) Can we "upgrade" an intelligent item ? (for instance, I want my normal intelligent magic item I already own to get darkvision, is it possible ?)
4-2) If yes, can we upgrade an intelligent legendary item (which became intelligent through the intelligent legendary ability) using the same rules ? (I don't want to spend a legendary ability for my legendary item to get darkvision, I'd rather spend 500 GP to make it happen)
This topic seems a bit blurry to me, I hope someone can share some wisdom around it.
The main problem I have with these rules is that, I'll take the Darkvision example again since it fits so many uses, you're creating an intelligent item; it takes 500 GP to have it get Darkvision.
In contrast, your Legendary Intelligent item takes a legendary ability (once per mythic tier !) to have it.
There's an abysmal gap between these two. One is 500 GP, the other is a legendary ability (which comes from your mythic power). I'd rather pay a few hundred GP to get such basic abilities and use my legendary ability to get something more interesting, more "legendary" (than Darkvision :| ).
Sorry if I made any mistake while writing, I'm a bit tired at the moment, the topic seems a bit blurry and complex and I'm not a native english speaker, even after all these years, I'm still prone to mistakes. Thanks for taking the time to go through all this text !