Silver Dragon

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Huge thread necromancy, sorry about this. I'm creating some kind of Necromancer right now, if it can help justifying my actions.

However as the question has been left vaguely answered, and I believe I hold the answer, I thought it would be good to come and finally answer this.

I believe that, as DarkPheonixx suggested, while the lowest CL modifier becomes 0 (with a maximum of +3) in this way, it CAN be a penalty.
In the case of multiclassing (or taking levels in a prestige class or anything that makes your character level and your caster level different), let's say you're a Wizard 14 and Barbarian (for some reason) 2.
Without the Orange Prism Ioun Stone, your CL is 14 and the highest level of spells you can cast is 7th level.
However, with an Orange Prism Ioun Stone, your CL becomes 15 which makes you able to cast 8th level spells.

Now, with your Wayfinder, the total range bonus from this Ioun Stone becomes 0 to +3.
If you happened to cast an 8th level spell and hit "0" as the result of your 1D4-1 throw, you're now CL 14 and can't cast 8th level spells. Hence, your spell is lost as reminded in the description of this interaction.

I hope to have solved this question (merely a bit more than 6 years after it was asked). Rest in peace, may Pharasma come and collect your soul.

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Because I just write a lot:
I'm glad a lot of changes happened.
I don't really like the Barbarian's Rage edit tho, I'd rather have secondary effects after a rage or during it (less social after for a longer time like a penalty for 1 min per round spent on rage) than such a random way to terminate your rage which can be... kinda a death flag for you. Besides, it depends on your emotions, yes but it's lore-wise harder to get out of a rage once you're in, but this edit is the reverse of this which makes no sense.

Sorcerers still get the end of the stick... less versatile, less powerful (less spells, etc) and I'll skip the rest, it's been nicely explained in the past pages.

By the way, for the Sorcerer in the update it says :

1.6 Update wrote:
We’re not currently moving any other feats to 6th level, so a character who doesn’t want their bloodline feat will need to take a lower-level feat, Bloodline Heightening, or an archetype feat for the time being.

But Bloodline Heightening is a level 10 feat ?! So it should be an alternative to the 10th level feat (Greater Bloodline) not to the 6th level one (Advanced Bloodline) as supposed by your text. So if BH is intended to be a 10th level feat, we still have no alternative for a 6th level feat to Advanced Bloodline, you have to take a lower level feat which, again, doesn't help much... And why do Sorcerers still don't have any class feat at the 12th level ? If you want them to be a bit more "equal" to the Wizard (they don't have a 12th feat either but that's exactly why it'd boost a bit Sorcerers), this would help them. You almost have to play Human for any spellcasting class to get enough class feats.

Oh and by the way... typo in the Hellfire Plume description. It deals 5d4 fire damage and 5d4 evil damage but the heightening increases it by (for every level heightened) +1d4 fire damage and +1d4 good damage... good damage ? On an evil spell ? Ugh. This was funny tho, just make sure to correct it because I'm pretty sure this is not intended.

I wish the Monk's Ki Strike would scale tho. I don't really see any reason why it couldn't, it consumes 1 Spell Point which have the same worth in higher level but the +1d6 definitely doesn't have the same worth at 1st level and at 14th.
Same with a similar ability for the Hunter I believe ?

Other than that, thanks for the other changes ! I'm glad the Alchemist got so much love, I wish the Bomb specialization had more flavor added to it but it's nice you can now specialize in a broader variety of things now. About the Cleric, instead of a variable 0+stat I wish it had 1+stat for the channel energy ability, 0+something doesn't make much sense in a core ability. While it had too many before, it may be a bit low now. The base one plus stats seems fair imo.

Haven't had the time to look into the Paladin's details but I'm glad you managed to find a compromise now ! In the big lines, it looks like a great change, in any fantasy world you should be able to be uphold the Good in your God/Goddess' name.

Btw, don't misunderstand my whining about Sorcerers, I'm having a lot of fun, but if we had to rank them, I wish they wouldn't be any different than other spellcasting classes.

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Lyee wrote:
It was hilarious how ineffective damage is against clerics.

As a player in Lyee's group during this session, this phrase couldn't be any more true.

You can resume this whole module by : a cleric party is invincible. Or at least it felt so. We went against enemies we had an advantage over while the module told us to do so, so we basically trashed it and didn't really discover much of the system itself.

Lyee wrote:
They found it ridiculous that the cure for the professor's problem showed up ten minutes after they arrived. [...] It made no sense how spaced out the waves were if the attackers wanted to actually succeed. They agreed that the professor's reluctance to explain the issues facing him, to members of the Order of the Palatine Eye specifically here to help him, was absurd and playing him as written had him come across as stupid [...] They were baffled that characters were basically expected to snoop around a stranger's house, a respected professor.

Exactly. The "cure" was thrown at our face, the fact that we were sleeping outside too (who would sleep inside such a suspicious mansion where the doctor seems kinda insane/untrustworthy, the students don't give a rat's ass about you, the doctor goes back to some "research" that no matter what he says is clearly suspicious and potentially dangerous, etc) got us the advantage of not being surprised by the raid.

The waves... WAVES. Are we playing Pathfinder ? WAVES of monsters ? Then goes the "expectation" of searching for clues inside the house. We're here to help, we're strangers, who would expect players of Pathfinder to actually rumble the belongings of an esteemed doctor our Order needs when your party is supposed to be Good-aligned ?

Well, at least I laughed when zombies started to rain upon us from the balcony.
I went down 3 times against the Shadows because I was prone and under a pincer attack vs touch attacks. I basically had less AC than my very base AC. But even that was almost funny as we brushed it off.

Honestly, I wasn't taking this fight seriously, when seeing the Shadows I was like "oh s#~#, I'm dead now, didn't take it seriously enough".
In the end, beside taking a long time to down (since we had to keep me alive at the same time), they weren't that dangerous, they could've been if they had always top damage tho. But anything would be dangerous in this case.

Final boss was the real (only?) threat. Good AC, nice abilities, poison is definitely strong, long to take down, pretty strong attacks too.
But the huge amount of healing and resources at our disposal made it almost trivial.

Oh by the way, Holy Water is pointless, again.

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Gordrenn Higgler wrote:

Couple of questions

When a character has an intelligent item cohort (Cohorts and Companions) they can enhance/improve the item as if possessing the appropriate item creation feat, would this ability be enough to fulfill the requirements Mythic Crafter?

Can a intelligent Legendary Item (Mythic Adventures) have it's ability scores/senses /communication abilities be improved as per the normal Designing an Intelligent Item rules if the item gained intelligence from being Legendary?

First of all, hi everyone and sorry for necroposting this (quite harshly, that's a 3 years old dusty topic). However it hasn't been answered so far and I'm interested in both these questions and I couldn't find such answers anywhere else.

I'll answer the OP for the first one with what I think is right but I'll also ask about something about it.
I don't think "being able to enhance the item as if possessing the appropriate feat" is the same as "qualifies as having the appropriate feat for prerequisites". Hence, you wouldn't be able to take Mythic Crafter only because you own an intelligent item as a cohort.

I have the exact same second question as the OP.
However to ask this question we first have to ask a few others !

1-1) A Legendary item was a magic item that gained the Legendary "type". Intelligent magic items ARE magic items. As such, an intelligent magic item can become a Legendary item, right ?
1-2) So, because of that, do we consider it already has the Intelligent ability (the first step) ? It'd also keep its already owned abilities (such as Darkvision etc) and won't have to take them again through legendary abilities.

2) Outside of Mythic abilities, can a magic item become intelligent ?

3) Can a cohort intelligent item keep being upgraded even if it became a Legendary item ? Can it even become a Legendary item (as a cohort) ?

4-1) Can we "upgrade" an intelligent item ? (for instance, I want my normal intelligent magic item I already own to get darkvision, is it possible ?)
4-2) If yes, can we upgrade an intelligent legendary item (which became intelligent through the intelligent legendary ability) using the same rules ? (I don't want to spend a legendary ability for my legendary item to get darkvision, I'd rather spend 500 GP to make it happen)

This topic seems a bit blurry to me, I hope someone can share some wisdom around it.

The main problem I have with these rules is that, I'll take the Darkvision example again since it fits so many uses, you're creating an intelligent item; it takes 500 GP to have it get Darkvision.
In contrast, your Legendary Intelligent item takes a legendary ability (once per mythic tier !) to have it.
There's an abysmal gap between these two. One is 500 GP, the other is a legendary ability (which comes from your mythic power). I'd rather pay a few hundred GP to get such basic abilities and use my legendary ability to get something more interesting, more "legendary" (than Darkvision :| ).

Sorry if I made any mistake while writing, I'm a bit tired at the moment, the topic seems a bit blurry and complex and I'm not a native english speaker, even after all these years, I'm still prone to mistakes. Thanks for taking the time to go through all this text !