
Shiv's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Five stretch goals hit. We're in the last several hours.

Last chance to jump on board!

Third stretch goal hit! Moving on to the fourth goal.

There's now an option for ordering additional copies of the game book. See the "Ordering Additional Copies of the Book" section on the main Kickstarter page.

We're VERY close to hitting the third stretch goal. If you've been considering backing Murders & Acquisitions, now is a great time to do so.

Second stretch goal HIT!

Time for YOU to get in on the ground floor and back the Kickstarter. Check it out!

First stretch goal hit. Well on our way to hitting the second stretch goal. Check it out!

M&A has legs. If you wanna get it cheaper than you will be able to get it thru DriveThruRPG.com later, back the Kickstarter now. You'll save a few bucks. Plus, all sorts of freebies being offered and you can converse with me in the Comments section of the Kickstarter page.

Murders & Acquisitions is funded and stretch goal #1 is almost met.

Hit the link above and check it out. Thanks.

Well over half way funded at the one day point.

Give it a look. Maybe share the link with a few folks you think would dig the game.

Thanks, OCWolf!

The Kickstarter for my RPG, Murders & Acquisitions is live. M&A is a tabletop RPG of espionage, subterfuge, intrigue, theft, and murder in an absurd corporate world.

Check it out. And share it around. Thanks.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1582756696/murders-and-acquisitions-rp g

Two and a half years in the making. Fully written and playtested.

Any help you can render to boost the signal will be much appreciated.


Final Murders & Acquisitions blog post before the Kickstarter.


The M&A Kickstarter begins on Tuesday, May 10th.

NerdBurger Games has a Facebook page.


Murders & Acquisitions Blog:

Murders & Acquisitions Promotion Schedule:

Murders & Acquisitions blog post. This one focuses on the process of bringing a piece of artwork to the game.


Hey all,

My name is Craig Campbell. I've been playing and GMing RPGs for well over two decades. I've done quite a bit of RPG design freelancing over the past several years, racking up over thirty published credits for Dungeons & Dragons, Gamma World, Pathfinder, and Iron Kingdoms.

About two and a half years ago, I started designing my own RPG, titled "Murders & Acquisitions." M&A is an RPG of subterfuge, espionage, intrigue, theft, and murder set in an absurd corporate world. It's a world where people literally backstab their way to the corner office. The game is fully designed and has been playtested by many dozens of RPG lovers. The core game is based in this alternate version of our real world. A series of optional, modular rule add-ons bring a variety fantastic elements to the game for those who want a more complex RPG experience. Magic. Monsters. A bunch of other stuff.

Murders & Acquisitions is in the final stages of editing and well on its way to publication. I'll be running a Kickstarter to fund the remaining artwork, some editing, layout, and a few other things.

The Kickstarter will begin on Tuesday, May 10th and run for four weeks.

If you'd like to learn more about Murders & Acquisitions, you can go here:


Check out the blog page for a crap-ton of info. Subscribe to the blog RSS feed for future updates.

If you have any questions, post them here. I'll endeavor to check in regularly and answer every question you have. I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for checking out Murders & Acquisitions. And keep on gaming.

Craig Campbell

From: Me, a freelancer who has managed to get a few things accepted by various entities and actually get published a few times.

To: Aspiring freelancers.

Don't despair. Freelance game writing is as much about rejection as it is about acceptance. Sometimes you don't hit "the mark" that the publisher was looking for. Sometimes you don't have a fully-formed idea and submit an incomplete idea. Sometimes you goof and submit a proposal that is grammatically incorrect or otherwise lacking. Sometimes, the idea you had, that you thought was awesome, is not awesome.

Every rejection you receive is a learning experience, something that will help you be a better writer in the future. It seems to me that Paizo works hard to provide feedback on rejections, so that you can better your efforts in the future and possibly have a submission accepted. There are many publishing entities out there who provide NO feedback, leaving you floundering in your rejection, unsure of where you went wrong.

Keep at it. While this sort of competition results in rejection for many of us, it inspires all of us to improve. It inspires YOU to improve. It provides you with the MEANS to improve.

If you truly love creating interesting stories and truly want to write them down, you'll embrace rejection, since it brings you one step closer to acceptance.

I know that sounds a little teary, but I truly belive it. So, submit those ideas. Garner feedback. Learn. Improve. And become a great writer.

Joela (and other interested parties),

I've conferred with Joshua Frost and here is what I can provide to you:

Scenario Content: I can't provide anything regarding the actual content of my proposal or my scenario writing. NDAs are a b+$$%.

Writing Schedule: I have roughly seven weeks to write my scenario, from proposal acceptance to final submission deadline. There are two interim deadlines. The first is an expanded outline of my initial proposal. The second is a "work-in-progress" submittal of the scenario as it stands. I expect to receive feedback from Paizo shortly after each of these interim deadlines, but I don't really know how "in-depth" these responses will be.

Disclaimer: This description is only my experience. Future writers might have very different experiences.

So, there you go. This is pretty vague, I know, but it's all I can provide under the agreement I have with Paizo.

Craig Campbell

Craig Campbell here.

I'd like to add myself to the Pathfinder Wiki as an author, but I'm a newbie to editing wikis.

How, exactly, do I add an entry for me?

Yoda8myhead? Any guidance?

Craig Campbell here.

I just want to express the same thank-yous to you folks for your kind words.

I, too, am hip-deep in expanding my outline.

I hope all of you enjoy The Trouble with Secrets. I'm really digging writing it.

Quiet down, Jason. Don't make me stab you in the eye with a brick.

You moved away from us years ago and I don't give a crap what you have to say about me. I'm not a troublemaker. I'm a trouble...uh...hmm...faker?

But then, I suppose I moved away from "us" (the "us" still living in Wisconsin) a few months ago, so I can't really talk too much smack.

(Milwaukee, REPRESENT!!!)

Anyway, I'll take "The Bulmahn's" response in this thread as something of a badge of honor, considering how evil he is. :-)

BTW, Jason, I fully expect a visit come DragonCon. Just thought I'd make it public.

You can contact me directly at ccampbell329@yahoo.com.

Drop me a line when you can to touch base. Are you saying you can play for a few Saturdays, and then become a no-show for several weeks, and then can be back in? That's what it sounds like.

I'd be willing to work with that. We could introduce your character, play a few games, and then have him go off somewhere and bring him back once your availability becomes more solid in September.

Anyway, shoot me an email when you can.

I've got a D&D 3.5 game that's recently started up that needs one more player. It's starting in the PCs' home village and spreading out from there. A good portion of the campaign will have the group dealing with an icky, dark forest to the west of their village, complete with themes of horror and dread. But, not all of the game will deal with that. 3.5 rules w/ Complete book series. No psionics. Middle-magic. Little organized religion (though divine casters do exist).

It runs at my apartment in Marietta on Saturdays from noon until 4:00 or 4:30. Characters are 5th level. There are currently four characters, a Wizard 5, Druid 5, Scout 3/Fighter 2, and Barbarian 2/Cleric 3.

If anyone is interested or wants more information, let me know.

Harker Wade wrote:

So he's a fibber, a slacker, a drinker and a freelancer.

You know if he didn't drink so much his free lance probably wouldn't slack so much and he wouldn't have to lie about it to girls on vacation!

It's horrible to see someone whose totally lost any sense of priorities... ;)

Yes, he is all of those things. But he is also pure, distilled evil.

<singing> I know what's gonna happen to you...ha hah hah ha haaaaaaah ha.



Actually, I know nothing.

Considering that he'll be at my house drinking tonight, you're pretty much dead on, Mike.


Craig Campbell here.

Detect Emotions was one of two spells that were cut for space limitations (and the adding of a few other, more important bits). It was referenced in the domain and in one of the feats. When it got nixed, it was removed from the feat, but not the domain, apparently. (Bad Jason, shame on you.)

Use Detect Thoughts instead. That's what they did with the feat. Or you can recreate Detect Emotions by using Detect Evil as a base (for range, duration, etc.) and having it detect the primary emotion felt by the targets (love, hate, compassion, joy, fear, anger, etc.) and the relative level of the emotion. I can't reprint the spell, but that was the gist of it.