Shinzaemon's page

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Finally have the opportunity to play in a campaign again and I've been eagerly brewing up ideas for out meet and greet session. I'd like to have a couple characters I'm interested in rolling up depending on what the group ends up needing the most. This is number one on my list.

Urban druid is an archetype I've been intrigued by a lot. Getting A Thousand Faces at level 6 is quite strong, and just oozes roleplaying potential. I want to be a smooth-talking, shapeshifting sneak with secret magical powers. I like the druid spell list and would like to focus on battlefield control with the ability to buff and heal when needed. I also like being able to spontaneously cast domain spells but have for the most part but uninterested in the available domains until very recently. I'm okay with giving up prowess in summoning and an animal companion, this is going to be a caster druid and I've never liked summoning.

So where does the archery come in? Well, it's mostly a back up plan, allowing me to always fall back on ranged full attacks for chip damage. This is just another option that I like having access to diversify how the character approaches combat.

Here's my initial build

Race: Half-Orc
Alternative Racial Traits: Sacred Tattoo, Orc Hornbow Proficiency
Traits: Fate's Favored, ?
Domain: Nobility

1. Urban Druid 1. Precise Shot
2. Urban Druid 2.
3. Urban Druid 3. Point-Blank Shot
4. Urban Druid 4.
5. Urban Druid 5. Rapid Shot
6. Urban Druid 6.
7. Urban Druid 7. Deadly Aim
8. Urban Druid 8.
9. Urban Druid 9. Clustered Shots
10. Urban Druid 10.
11. Urban Druid 11. ?
12. Urban Druid 12.

Not sure what the last feat should be but that's not for a while as we're starting at level 3.

I love me some half-orcs, and the race really ties the build together. I'm using the old sacred tattoo + fate's favored combo to get +2 to saves. Fate's Favored puts in a little extra work, boosting the divine favors I'll be casting from the nobility domain. Half-Orc also gives me access to the awesome 2d6 orc hornbow, a nice little boost to archery damage. The hornbow alongside the boosted divine favors is just enough for me to like my odds as the team's backup archer/ranged damage.

I'm not interested in the power level of leadership and will see what my dm will offer as a solution. I think everything else about the build is unobtrusive power wise, but with access to some sweet abilities and one of my favorite spell lists.

I'd love help with the skills and stat layouts for a third level build of this character, that's where I'll be starting. 20 point buy is what we're doing I think.

Also I'd love to hear what peoples' favorite spells are for this kind of druid caster. I know I'll be using entangle whenever I can and I love aqueous orb. Would love ideas on that front.