Count Lucinean Galdana

Sheriff Baleson's page

71 posts. Alias of Seldlon the Swift.

About Sheriff Baleson


Deldrin Baleson
Male Human fighter 8 / expert 3
None Medium humanoid (human)
Init +9, Senses Perception +14
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+9 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, )
hp 118 ((8d10)+(3d8)+14)
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6, +2 Will vs. fear

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +5 greataxe +21/+16 (1d12+12/19-20/x3)
Melee +5 greataxe PA +21/+16 (1d12+12+8/19-20/x3)
Ranged masterwork longbow (composite/+4) +14/+9 (1d8+4/x3), within 30 ft. +15/+10 (1d8+5)
Melee sap +1 +15/+10 (1d6+5)
Melee silver dagger, masterwork +15/+10 (1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged silver dagger, masterwork (thrown) +14/+9 (1d4+4/19-20), within 30 ft. +15/+10 (1d4+4)
Melee masterwork silver dagger +15/+10 (1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged masterwork silver dagger (thrown) +14/+9 (1d4+4/19-20), within 30 ft. +15/+10 (1d4+4)


Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10,
Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 28 (29 vs grapple) (29 vs trip)
Feats Armor Proficiency, Light, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dodge, Furious Focus, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (Greataxe), Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Greataxe)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +4, Bluff (Potentially Sexually Attracted) +5, Diplomacy +13, Diplomacy (Potentially Sexually Attracted) +14, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Local) +4, Perception +14, Ride +12, Sense Motive +11, Stealth +12, Survival +5, Swim +8,
Traits Charming, Reactionary,
Languages Common, Orc
SQ armor training, bonus cmd, bonus feat, bonus feats, bravery, skilled, weapon training,
Combat Gear
Other Gear +5 greataxe, +5 chain shirt, masterwork longbow (composite/+4), sap +1, silver dagger, masterwork, masterwork silver dagger, 378 gp
Armor Training (Ex) You are more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever you are wearing armor, you reduce the armor check penalty by 2 and increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor by +2

Bonus CMD Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting two combat maneuvers of the character's choice.

Bonus CMD Grapple

Bonus CMD Trip

Bonus Feat Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Bonus Feats At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats, sometimes also called "fighter bonus feats." Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.

Bravery (Ex) You gain a +2 bonus to Will saves against fear effects.

Charming Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.

Language Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

No Racial Subtype You have chosen no racial subtype.

Reactionary You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Weapon Training (Ex) Attacks with a weapon from listed groups, gain a bonus on attack and damage rolls. (Included in weapon blocks) Axes +1