Ishani Dhatri

Sheriden's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

After a quick poll, everyone in my guild (The Iron Gauntlet) was under the impression that the hunker down bonus would keep you from being bumped off of the leader board by a guild that didn't surpass your hunker down modified membership total.

The hunker down bonus is already weaker then we thought it should be (with large groups able to bump anyone and shift around constantly), this ruling just makes the bonus that much more useless... And very disappointing.

We are all of the opinion that the 'simple method' cheats guilds out of a bonus they should have earned by being active and involved in the land rush process... And favor the bonus helping guilds hold their position from all takers.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

If a guild with a bonus looses its hex, would it retain that bonus for purposes of trying to regain that hex? I think this would be fair to the smaller guilds in contention, making it less likely that larger guilds could intentionally displace them except through camping permanently on the spot they used to hold.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

TEO Cheatle wrote:

Welcome to the community!

I had a good time chatting with you all the other night, and I am glad to be able to work together with ladies and gentlemen such as yourselves.

Thank you again for reaching out to us. It was serendipitous. The Iron Gauntlet looks forward to friendly relations with TEO and the other members of the Roseblood Accord.

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
Welcome, Sheriden and Iron Gauntlet!

Our thanks, and may the light of Abadar illume you as well!

<Magistry> Athansor wrote:
We're excited to have an Abadar group as neighbors. We hope you keep your position in the landrush and see your settlement through to prosperity.

The Iron Gauntlet was equally excited by the prospect of having such good neighbors. We look forward too communicating with your Chartered Company and Settlement in pursuit of mutually beneficial co-existence.

Armenfrast wrote:
Les Compagnons, member of the community of RiverBank [Hex AD] ("Bank of the River Kingdom"), share the same religious belief in Abadar as you. If you ever feel threatened or unable to defend your home territory, we would be glad to share with you some of the lands granted to us by the will of the guardian of the First Vault. Together we could build not a shrine, not a temple but a cathedral!

I'm sure our Company leadership would be interested in speaking at greater length about the possibilities of friendship between our two organizations. I'll be sure to pass on your greetings and explore he issue with them when next we meet. Until then, may the guardian of the vault be kind to you and yours.

Nihimon wrote:
Done :)

Again, our thanks!

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for all your work helping keep recruitment organized Nihimon!

Short Description:
"LN Worshipers of Abadar, focused on RP & community building."

We will be posting information about our Settlement plans in the next 48 hours, for any groups interested in affiliating with us during the Land Rush.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

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The Iron Gauntlet
Chartered Company
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Patron Deity: Abadar
“We are the Light of Civilization”

The Iron Gauntlet is largely comprised of Taldan Humans who have emigrated to the River Kingdoms, though the group is exclusively neither Human nor Taldan.

Our Principles:
•As followers of Abadar it is our wish to bring the Light of Civilization to the Wilderness. We encourage the creation of new settlements, the development of points of interest throughout the River Kingdoms, the creation of roads, and the founding of new Kingdoms. We are opposed to all those who would set back the scales of progress and destroy the labour of others who seek to civilize this region.
•Abadar teaches us that it is our duty to uphold and enforce meaningful laws and promote peace throughout the River Kingdoms. We are opposed to war, armed conflict, and the promotion of violence against other civilized powers; and, it is our belief that war will inevitably lead to the degradation of trade and the stifling of prosperity throughout these River Kingdoms. Conflict should be avoided whenever possible.
•We believe that the regulation of commerce and the promotion of trade serves to enrich all people. We oppose corruption, anarchy, and dependence wherever they can be found. We will maintain and operate mercantile concerns that promote resource distribution and support other groups and companies that do so within our sphere of influence.
•As followers of Abadar we believe that cautious, careful consideration in all matters is the path of peace and profit. We are willing to talk out our differences with others, and we are willing to serve as mediators and arbitrators between those who have seemingly irreconcilable differences.

Our Role in the River Kingdoms:
•Tame the Wilderness - We will work to keep monstrous populations in check and oppose the ‘escalation’ of violence against the civilized races.
•Settlement Management - As taught in the holy texts of Abadar and the ‘Manual of City-Building’, we shall engage in the affairs of civilization and assist others in the good management of their own territory whenever we are able.
•Movement of Trade Goods - We will work to move trade goods from where they exist in excess to where they are in demand and we shall support all those who would undertake this important task.
•Politically Aware - We will cooperate with all legitimate authority figures and support those who heed the teachings of Abadar. We offer our services as Mediators, Arbitrators, Justicars, and Observers to those in need of assistance.

~Signatory of the Roseblood Accord~

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

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That moment where you get excited about getting one of your favorite locations... Then you find out you are one of those guilds that got bumped because of the minor error... And though your next choice is also one of your top picks... It just doesn't have the same luster because you had already in a matter of minutes grown attached to the idea of the former. :p

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

Honestly, I'm more concerned by the possible disparity between Law and Chaos then by Good and Evil. Evil will find its way into the hearts of those who hear its siren call, if not immediately, in time. But Chaotic alignments, in a game built around participation in social structures and legal frameworks... It's more difficult to imagine how chaos will emerge except where present as strong RP choice; or, as poor RP ability.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

No worries Cheatle, we appreciate how helpful you were. It was serendipitous that you got in touch, as we had just voted to sign the accord when we noticed your presence on the guild page.

-The Iron Gauntlet.