Initiative +2
HP 52
CMB 9 (+1 with weapon)
CMD 21 (+2 sunder with weapon)
AC 18 (10+6 armor, +2 Dex) (+2 shield when within Eidolon's reach)
Touch 12
Flat-footed 16
Fortitude 6 (+2 competence when within Eidolon's reach)
Reflex 6 (+2 competence when within Eidolon's reach)
Will 6 (+2 competence when within Eidolon's reach)
4 Diplomacy---1 rank, +3 Cha
6 Know: Arcana---2 rank, +3 class, +1 Int
6 Know: Nobility---2 ranks, +3 class, +1 Int
6 Know: Planes---2 rank, +3 class, +1 Int
11 Linguistics---7 ranks, +3 class, +1 Int
6 Perception---7 ranks, -1 Wis
12 Ride---7 ranks, +3 class, +2 Dex
11 Spellcraft---7 ranks, +3 class, +1 Int
Zero (at will)
-Detect Magic
-Mage Hand
First (5/day)
-Summon Monster 1
-Unseen Servant
-Enlarge Person
-Endure Elements
-Feather Fall
Second (4/day)
-Summon Monster 2
-Alter Self
-Spider Climb
-Summon Swarm
Third (2/day)
-Summon Monster 4
-Dispel Magic
Feats and Abilities:
Traits: Master of Pentacles, Armor Expert
Feats: Mounted Combat, Arcane Strike, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Elven Curve Blade), Power Attack, Medium Armor Proficiency
Life Link (can take damage instead of the Eidolon)
Bond Senses 7 rounds/day (share Eidolon's senses)
Shield Ally (+2 shield bonus to AC and competence bonus to save when within Eidolon's reach)
Maker's Call 1/day (call Eidolon to side as dimension door
Summon Monster 4 (7 minute duration) 6/day
Breastplate 13lbs (Mithral)
Elven Curve Blade 7lbs (+1)
Spell Component Pouch 2lbs
Ring of Sustenance
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 1lb (included in stats)
Belt of Giant Strength +2 1lb (included in stats)
Cloak of Resistance +2 1lb
Noble's Outfit 10lbs (fully accessorized)
Signet Ring
Handy Haversack 5lbs
--Tent 20lbs (luxurious)
--Silk Rope (200ft) 20lbs
--Bedroll 5lbs (luxurious)
--Grappling Hook 4lbs
--9pp, 14gp, 47sp, 10cp
Total Weight: 40lbs
Str 25, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Initiative +2
HP 64
CMB 14
CMD 26
AC 21 (10 +10 natural armor, +2 Dex, -1 Size)
Touch 11
Flat-footed 19
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 2 (+4 vs Enchantment)
Evolutions 10 (Large, Flight, Magic Flight, Mount, Bite)
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
11 Escape Artist---6 ranks, +3 class, +2 Dex
6 Intimidate---6 ranks, +3 class
9 Perception---6 ranks, +3 class
11 Stealth---6 ranks, +3 class, +2 Dex
Special: Darkvision 60ft, Evasion, Link, Share Spells
Sheridan is a handsome middle-aged Chelaxian with golden-brown hair and a well-trimmed goatee. He wears impractically ornate clothing and an impeccably polished mithral breastplate. By his side at all times is Gannertung, a magnificent dragon-like creature from a mysterious other world. Gannertung is blue and slender, with an extra long neck. A small blue rune glows on both their foreheads whenever Gannertung is present.
Faction: Cheliax
Sheridan Barlow grew up in a rich Chelaxian family in the lap of luxury. He longed for adventure throughout all of his youth, but overbearing parents and a guilt-induced sense of loyalty kept him at home. In his mid 20s, he made the acquaintance of a the retired General (insert NPC name here if you want, otherwise we'll call him Damian). Damian trained Sheridan in the arts of war as a way to pass the time, and all the while he gradually worked to become Sheridan's most trusted friend. As Sheridan entered middle age, his parents ailing health finally overcame them, and he found himself the heir to the estate. He came to the decision, with the help of his friend, that it was time to enjoy his newfound freedom and sell of the estate to become a Pathfinder. His old friend Damian was quite eager to help by buying off the estate for what he assured Sheridan was a quite reasonable price. Damian continues to 'help' Sheridan by passing along odd jobs to him that he can accomplish as he goes about his Pathfinder adventures.