
Sheogoroth's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I remember seeing a spell or ability somewhere that linked the life pools of different characters and allowed them to share damage and healing between eachother.

Our DM is having us do a "Last Stand" one-shot as level 12s, and I thought it would be neat to play a character with access to the above ability. We have access to 3.0-PF1e and SoP/SoM.

I found this the other day and fell in love with it.

But it seems a bit underpowered on a Pathfinder playing field. What changes would you make to bring it into the new millennium?

I placed this order on November 2nd.
Shipping time says 2-14 business days and I've yet to receive it.
Also, the status says pending. My card was charged, where's my stuff?

1. Not only would this work, but it would make a damn fine adventuring hook.
2. Maybe longer in the creation process of the item, but from a magical reserve point of view, I don't think that it would be possible. In the same way that researching a spell could not be done with limitless mental reserve by an undead. Maybe for a longer time than a living humanoid with sleeping parameters, but not around the clock.
But then again, I haven't heard of any rulings on either subject.

This is an idea I have been toying with for some time. I'm not sure how effective it would be, but it seems kind of cool.
Take an eyeball familiar from Faerun, use the size increse Aberrant Familiar ability from Fleshwarper three times, bringing your eyeball up to large. Then use your Graft Mastery ability to give you Beholder grafts, specifically the graft Eyestalk graft(Fiend Folio pg. 209.)
Use five times(expensive!) And boom, you should theoretically have a beholder familiar.

The question then becomes, does it scale?
Well, you can get one more size increase and staple a few more neat things on there with graft mastery.
But my questions are thus:
A. Is this better than running a summoner with straight Eidolon beefiness?
B. Are there any feats that could pump this thing to have it scale in the later levels so that you didn't just waste a few caster levels of wizard?