So at a recent PFS game I was told by the GM that I could not use Flurry of Blows with a Double Chain Kama. Her reasoning for this was based on this sentence in the double chain kama's description The wielder can attack as if armed with a single kama in each hand or extend the chain to make a single reach attack.
My understanding of this is that the weapon is considered a double weapon if wielding both of the kamas without reach or a single weapon if using it as a reach weapon. Flurry of blows, unlike two-weapon fighting does not require two weapons and specifically states all of the flurry attacks can be made with the same weapon.
Can someone please clarify how this should be ruled? Is this the only monk weapon that can't be used to make multiple attacks with Flurry of Blows? Please note my question is how this is ruled in Pathfinder Society Play, not for home games.
Thank you!
From Pathfinder Unchained wrote:
Flurry of BlowsAt 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When making a flurry of blows, the monk can make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects. When using this ability, the monk can make these attacks with any combination of his unarmed strikes and weapons that have the monk special weapon quality. He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond what's already granted by the flurry for doing so. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects).
From the PRD wrote:
Kama, Double-Chained: This weapon comprises a pair of kama connected with an 8-foot length of chain. The wielder can attack as if armed with a single kama in each hand or extend the chain to make a single reach attack. By swinging the rope, the wielder can whip the kama about to disarm or trip opponents. Furthermore, if one of the weapons is dropped, the wielder can retrieve as a free action by pulling on the chain.
From the FAQ wrote:
Monk Flurry of Blows: When I use flurry of blows, can I make all of the attacks with just one weapon, or do I have to use two, as implied by the ability functioning similarly to Two-Weapon Fighting?
You can make all of your attacks with a single monk weapon. Alternatively, you can replace any number of these attacks with an unarmed strike. This FAQ specifically changes a previous ruling made in the blog concerning this issue.
posted November 2012 | back to top