SharkAttack's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


Thanks for the input guys.

I'll only be running two players (I'm modifying bits and parts of the AP to account for this) and, as such, I'm starting them at level 2, so it makes even more sense to give the player 2 or 3 terms in Kith before the adventure begins.

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Hello everyone.

One of my players wanted to become a part of the Kitharodian Academy, as described in the Inner Sea Intrigue book.

My question is, does the AP allow for sufficient downtime for her to do a couple of terms?

For those who don't know, a term in a Nefarious School lasts for 6 months.

Has anyone noticed that the scoring tables have two more characters than there are in the adventure? There is no character sheet for Yamamoto Shika and Kojima Suzume, the last one also being missing from the second scoring table...