
ShamusMcFool's page

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Capt. D wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

We're VERY early in the preliminary stages of designing this game, and there's really not much more for us to say about it now other than "We're doing it."

What would be more valuable to us would be: What do YOU the customer hope to see in a Pathfinder introduction game?

As someone who just ran his 12 year old through her first adventure, I would have loved to have had a a Pathfinder lite to run for her. Here are a few of the things I would have liked to have had in a PFRPG basic


1) Fewer skills. I've always thought the 3.x/Pathfinder skill list is unnecessarily long. 10, maybe 15 skills max is all we really need. Many gamers end up using the same 5-10 skills and the others just take up space on the character sheet anyway.

2.) Feats are something else that seems pointless in an introductory game. My groups always take feats like toughness, any proficiency they need for weapons and armor, and still spell/silent spell/combat casting. After those they never give their feats a second thought or use them in-game. I know there are players that utilize feats regularly, but not using them has never impacted any game I've ever played. A new player doesn't need to be overwhelmed with a bunch of feats.

3.) Magic. My daughter and many of the newer players I've known don't get the resting to relearn magic spells that you already know. They also don't like stopping during a game to decide if they need to drop certain spells or alter their list.
We solve this issue by making spell lists static. Once you know a spell the only way to replace it is when you level up. You can choose to "forget" or erase some spells and replace them with a new ones, but only during level up.

4)Another problem I've heard from newer players is with spells per day/spell slots. We use Spells per day as a total that is not affected by level.
For example, your spells per day are 4 zero level, 2 first level and 1 second level, that gives you a total 7 spells per day.
That means you can cast...

I agree with nearly everything in this post... I've run children's games as well as games for new gamers and all of the things that Capt. D has listed hold true.

A few posters have stated that they don't think Paizo ought to create a set of rules that is for a less strenuous system, but rather try for some high-gloss, easy to digest intro game that can attract the younger generation. IMHO I don't think that these games necessarily have to be mutually exclusive.

Seems to me that Paizo's strength is their writing. Their adventures and support material are top-notch. The rules were built on the shoulders of a preexisting system. Why not just pare them down a bit (back to many of Capt. D's suggestions) and use the result as both a complete game, in and of itself, as well as a tool used to introduce / lure the new gamer to the table? The existing core rule book could be the natural extension or "next step", should the player be interested in taking it.

A complete, rules-lite (to over use an OSR term) PF game, with which you could jump in and play any of the PF material (past, present and future) would be a massive win for the company as well as the community. Something that would be portable enough to fit in a small shoulder bag (Digest-sized books anyone?), that you could break out and get playing w/in 30 minutes (character generation and a brief explanation of game / adventure) would be so incredibly useful.

I've lost my youngest daughter's interest due to the complexity of the game. She loves imagining each scene, the NPCs and how her character interacts. But when it comes to selecting spells or pouring through a long book in order to look up a description of something, she's done. My eldest has a better attention span and is much more patient. I don't think that these two are corner cases either, probably quite the opposite in fact.

Why not make a game that allows them to imagine right away, rather than directing them to learn rules first? I'm not adverse to rules...I'm adverse to pausing play for any reason. Long character creation w/ too many choices, huge long lists of feats, skills, spells, etc. seem to kill the initial desire. While this may appeal to many, it's not an inducement, and is often an impediment to others.

I applaud Paizo for trying their hand at this very difficult task. No one is harder to please than a demanding game audience. We're a finicky bunch...

Fake Healer wrote:

They made a Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil in 3.0 which is a large book with over 200 encounters and something like 35 maps. It is like it's own campaign. Beautifully done but you would need to do some conversion to 3.5 (which shouldn't be too hard)
It is an Uber-adventure so it will be expensive to pick up.


Yeah, I'm running a group through that right now... it's a beast of a module. But a good one.

I started playing when I was 13, back in '77. (Yeah, I'm one of the Geritol group as well.) The very first module I ever played in was the one in the back of the blue basic DnD book. I had a ranger that was killed by a giant ant. I had no idea what initiative or armor class was but I had just finished LotR and I was sooooooo in love w/ the genre that the game couldn't possibly have missed hooking me.

The best memories I have was the whole "Against the Giants" series that ended w/ a knock down drag out battle w/ Lolth herself... I mean the vernerable Drow were first introduced in that series of modules. How could you go wrong with them taking center stage?

But taking a very close second was for sure "The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth". Like a few posters before me, this was one of the defining modules of the game.

I loved the art, the treasures, the new monsters, the story...heck, that thing was a work of art in and of itself. Fantastic module. Anyone know if it's been converted somewhere? I would LOVE to introduce some of the "newbies" I've been playing with to that module.

Ah the memories. "Thick as fireflies on a summer evening..."

Here's to the coolest game ever invented. May it live in our imaginations forever!

Vattnisse wrote:
Here's another vote for City of the Spider queen - and, with some tweaking, it makes for a relatively smooth transition from RHoD.

And yet another vote for City of the Spider Queen. Toying w/ the idea of updating it to 3.5 and running a party of Drow through it. Good fun. Don't have it in front of me currently but Monte Cook's "Demon God's Fane" was a hoot.

Labyrinth of Madness was a meat grinder IMHO. Very complex and time consuming. i.e. it gets old for the characters after they've crossed the same terrain for the umpteenth time.

I'm reading Expedition to the Demonweb Pits right now and it looks pretty cool. I'm a fan of Wolfgang's work... but the propensity to get off track in the module looks to be fairly monumental to me. Again, just my humble opinion. ;-)

One of my all time favorite modules was the original 1e "The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth". That was an absolute classic. Lots of great little ditty's in there. I know you can purchase it for a pittance in PDF form and there very well could be a 3.5 conversion for it somewhere out there in the "internets". I would imagine that it would be around 10th-ish w/ the conversion. Just a guess though.

The old Gygax classic, "Against the Giants" might be neat converted over to 3.5. From dragons to giants might be a neat segue. I know that they just redid all the maps for the old modules and that they've each been converted over at enworld.

Heh, can you tell I'm an old-fogy gamer from way back? Well anyway. Our party just finished RHoD and I'll tell you what, that ending was a doozy.

Game on.

"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center."

Kurt Vonnegut

How about Sean K Reynold's website? http://www.seankreynolds.com/

Hey Eric,

Don't know if you're still paying attention to this thread but rumor has it that the Greyhawk maps from issues 117-120 will be available for sale sometime in the future from Paizo. True or False? If true, any idea when they might become available?

Thanks much....

Hello Paizo,

Too add my voice to the teeming throng: I'm sad to see the demise of such an icon in the role playing field.

Quick question, I've opted for fulfilling the rest of my Dungeon subscription (5, upon magazine's termination in Aug.) via the back issues option.

But, I see no where to "choose" the issues... If possible could I please get Dungeon issues:

118, 119...and any other three (pre-118) that you think are wicked good mags?

I'm attempting to complete my Greyhawk map. (I subscribed at 120.)

Thanks so much and good luck in the future. I'll be watching closely.


Jeff Faller

Thoth-Amon the Mindflayerian wrote:

It's no secret that i love Tomb of Horrors. I am also aware of Tomb of Horrors II(Return to the Tomb of Horrors, i believe). I believe there is also a ToH III about to be released or perhaps it has been released. Here are my questions: Where do i find HoRIII and what other modules would you put into the same bag/class/category as ToH?


Hey Thoth..

I played Labyrinth of Madness a few years back:


It's second edition and I haven't seen any indication that anyone's taken the time to update it but man, it was pure nastiness. Ugliest dungeon that I've certainly ever played in. In terms of pure offing power this thing is over the top.

Check it out.

This is definitely going to show my age but the best has got to be the first... AD&D Against the Giants and then Into the Depths chasing the depraved (and new and unknown at that time) Drow. Took us all the way to the Abyss and Lolth. The DM was brilliant and the group was tight. We played together from Junior High all the way through University.

The next though has got to be the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil we're playing in now. Only about 8 months into it but the potential is huge.

Amaril wrote:
While I'm sincerely dissappointed by the shipping delay, I like the layout and design of the preview. Any chance those of us who pre-ordered could be charged for the book and receive requested sections in PDF format? :P

Yeah... same and same. I was sooooo looking foward to using this fantastic resource in my current campaign. Ah well, seems like this type of occurence is a widely accepted business standard in the fantasy publishing industry.

BTW, that is NOT a slight. Just insight...

Still, I'm slavering at the mouth for the (possible) December release. Looks like it's going to be a winner.