Shalin's page

Organized Play Member. 56 posts (509 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.

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HI folks,

considering different arcane builds. I know blasting is considered sub-optimal in the guides treantmonk et al. None the less i find myself considering it.

Would the following work/ be fun to play.

s 7
d 14
c 12
i 18
w 10
c 10
before racials.

Admixture Evoker.
feat - spell specialisation burning hands. using the 'change element' power this can be made cold and w urea alchemical regeant made into cl 4.

My main questions are - should i be human to be able to choose boreal spell and magical lineage to give me a bit of crowd control. this is opposed to the benefits of being an elf.

is it worth taking magical lineage with burning hands? short term advantage of boreal spell and then intensify spell. vs longer term planning of taking it on fireball. Can't i just take additional traits at level 5, or even 7 to pick up wayang spell hunter for fireball then.

2nd question - arcane bond vs familiar.
arcane bond gives me another spell/day to play with.
familiar has utility. i like thrushes for speaking scouts. can take INT for Diplomacy trait to be at + 10 dip. It can also take the Protector archetype which would help my AC for being a bit closer to the fight...

however if i play a human with some diplomacy that leaves me with only +2 Init which doesn't seem at all ideal - am i trying to do too many things? would i better to just drop the diplomacy thing? Of course there is always the scorpion option if i'm worried about my diplomacy.

answers on a postcard

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Hi folks, almost done with this half Orc oracle. Got a couple of questions.

1. With an intimidate of 10, is it worth learning cause fear? Save dc would be 13...
2. Trait advice appreciated....

s 18 d14 c12 I 10 w8 ch 14
Feat - tribal scars (intimidate bonus ) mainly for the HP bonus!
Traits - fates favoured.
Intimidate - 4 skill, 2 race, 2 cha, 2 tribal scars. Has access to enhanced diplomacy for another +2.
Will have high saves thanks to sacred tattoos f 4 r 4 w 3
War sighted oracle of battle. For the martial flexibility

options - swap the tribal scars bonus to extra move and pick up the dominator trait.
Keep both and push up to intimidate 12 /14 w enhanced diplomacy!
Get the tusked trait. D4 bite. How useful are 2nd attacks at -5?
Not into reactionary, for a change.

Spells - divine favour for fates favoured synergy.
Should I get cause fear, which would fit but is that too similar to just making an intimidate check?
Other options would be shield of faith or prot evil...

Grand Lodge

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M Elven Evoker 1.1 NG | HP: 8/8 AC: 14/13/11 | Init: +5 Fort: 1 Ref: +3 Wil : +2 Per: +1 Sorril +9 Stealth +4 | CMB -2 CMD 11

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