The Expansionist

Shadowsmith's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Cosmo wrote:
Shadowsmith wrote:
Everything arrived just fine. Unfortunately the DVD doesn't work.

I apologize for the bum disk! I will send a replacement DVD out to you right away.



Thanks for the replacement disk. I love Paizo's customer service.

Do I need a return code for the bad disk, or do I just send it back with the original order number?

Thanks again,

Everything arrived just fine. Unfortunately the DVD doesn't work.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Shadowsmith wrote:
I would like to end my Pathfinder subscription after issue #12. I love the books but we are going to 4th edition.
You're all set.

Thank you. I love Paizo's customer service.

I would like to end my Pathfinder subscription after issue #12. I love the books but we are going to 4th edition.

The Last Rogue wrote:
DDO. Fun? Interesting? Please give me your thoughts and insights as I am debating downloading the 10-day trial. Thanks.

I played it during beta and a few months live. Overall I was not very happy with the game, the primary problem that I had with it was the way the enhancement system really messed up game balance. Also the combat system was too twitch based for my aging reflexes and not steller cable modem.

Now I understand that a significant number of changes have been made to the system and a number of people are happier. I simply don't have the time for another MMO at this time.

My advise, try it out! There are fun things to do and it is interesting. It just isn't for everyone.

Tom Qadim wrote:

That hydra was a BEAST! It could have easily TPK'ed the entire party if I was a mean-spirited DM!

What have you other DMs done with this dangerous encounter? What were your outcomes?

In my game the NPCs and PCs viewed this location as a rest spot. Several NPCs had taken a launch and were doing some fishing while the PCs and the crew refilled water casks and did a bit of quick foraging.

The hydra attacked the NPCs who were fishing. This allowed the PCs to react. The duskblade and the wizard both hit the hydra with fire damage. At that point, I had the hydra swim off as it had plenty to eat and there was no reason for it to suffer more pain.

My PCs got to feel like heroes driving off a major threat. Some good role-playing as they dealt with the loss of three passengers. But all in all, yeah, this could have been a TPK.

Gary Teter wrote:

What's your favorite campaign setting?

Edit: Greyhawk was originally accidentally omitted from the poll options. If you voted for "Other" instead of Greyhawk, you can change your vote.

(It might take awhile for the Greyhawk option to reappear.)

For me the list goes like this:

1. Al-Qadim
2. Eberron
3. Mystara
4. Greyhawk
5. Iron Kingdoms

Now, that is if I limit myself to published settings. I love crafting my own settings and running in them.

As a player I enjoy any setting as long as the DM is comfortable with the setting and is having fun running the game.

The group in my game consists of:

1. Kyrie - female Neutral Good half-elf duskblade. She comes from a well off merchant family. The Sea Princes killed her parents and she longs for excitement rather than a safe life.

2. Casimiro - male Chaotic Neutral human evoker heading towards Fire Elemental Savant. He is a low grade pyro with a good charisma and some social skills thanks to Academy Graduate. He is essentially agnostic revering elemental fire rather than a god.

3. Aeramos - male Chaotic Good feytouched corsair (a fighter varient I created). Son of a wealthy ship captain, he is trying to make his own way in the world. Academy Graduate granted him the desired social skills.

4. Sin - male Neutral tiefling rogue. With a charisma of 6, he doesn't do the talking. :) From Shadowshore.

5. Foster - an NPC to round things out, male Neutral Good halfling cloistered cleric of Fharlanghn.

Characters were made using 35 point buy and the player's could earn up to +6 points from character details. Rather than use the normal EL rules, I gave the feytouched and tiefling a 30 point base for the point buy.

I placed this order on November 16th. I'm just curious when it will be shipping as it is still listed as pending.

Aureus wrote:
So I was thinking about to increase the skill points of every character class by 2. Is this totally unbalanced or just fine? Any comments? Thanks in advance. :)
I have made a few changes to how skills work in my games.

  • Open Locks has been merged into Disable Device.
  • Merge Hide and Move Silently into Stealth.
  • Merge Listen and Spot into Notice. This is used for all passive sensing. Notice can detect a trap, but the DC is +10 compared to a Search check or +20 if double moving. There is no chance of spotting a trap while running.
  • Search is used for all active sensing.
  • Merge Spellcraft into Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (religion). Knowledge (arcana) covers arcane spells and Knowledge (religion) covers divine spells.
  • Domains and Feats that grant additional class skills also grant free skill ranks with the skills. 1 free skill rank at 1st level and one additional rank every two levels thereafter.
  • Increase class skill points by 2 per level.
  • No bonus skills points from Intelligence.
  • Give all characters 5 bonus skill points at 1st level only. These points must be spent on 'background skills'. Background skills are dependant on the character's background but are usually Craft or Profession skills.

Ken Marable wrote:
So I was getting pretty antsy, too, but it made it. It just ships slower because it's so loaded down with coolness. Yeah, that's it. ;)

I guess Dungeon #139 is near absolute zero then. :) My Player's Guide arrived yesterday (September 15th), a full two weeks after it shipped. And still there is no sign of the Dungeon.

Ah well, I'll start another campaign this weekend. When that wraps up in a year or so, I will run Savage Tide and might even have all the adventures for it. ;)

erian_7 wrote:
On the flip side, I've been a subscriber for years now and never missed an issue (or even had one late). Usually get them about a month early.

I'm in Alaska and I know mail can be slow here. But I'm being reminded why I let my subscriptions to Dungeon and Dragon lapse years ago.

I resubscribed specifically for this Adventure Path. Sadly I still don't have the magazine and could easily have picked it up from a game store by now. It took a month for 138 (the first issue of my new subscription) to reach me and it seems likely that 139 is going to take as long.

Heck, I don't even have the Player's Guide yet and that shipped on the 1st. Normally shipping on my orders from Paizo is prompt and painless.

Ah well, I guess I won't be resubscribing. I'm going to hope that the order shipping is an anomoly.

I'm currently finishing up my homebrew conversion of Al-Qadim and am considering using the Savage Tide AP as a shake down campaign for it. Unfortunately I don't know a lot about the campaign as of yet.

I do know that it starts in a relatively large city. I was thinking about taking the published city and renaming it. Most likely it would fit best in The Pearl Cities, probably using Gana or Tajar.

Al-Qadim has plenty of jungles, islands, lost civilizations, forgotten gods, and pirates. And while Al-Qadim normally focuses on the elemental planes, the outer planes are still there.

Can any of you see a reason that this wouldn't work?

Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:

I realize I'm probably in the minority, but I found his "generic" gamer-geek anecdotes to be quite enjoyable.

They made me nostagic for the old days of Gaming... when we'd play AD&D one week, Gamma World the next, and then play that incredibly lame fantasy board game with the hexagonal tiles (I can't even remember the name of it.)
We played everything back then, and didn't really care what brand-name or genre it was.
Wil reminded me of those days.
These days, just try to find a guy who'll play D&D AND Panzerblitz with you!

First off, I agree with you. None of my D&D players like board games. Aaargh!

And the hexagonal tiles game, was that Titan? If so, I object to your use of the word lame. Titan rocks! Not that anyone will play it with me anymore. Kids these days!