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![]() Jeraa wrote:
Aye, you're right. Didn't really look at it that way before. ![]()
![]() Pirate wrote:
Wow, thank you! Heh the funny thing is before starting this little endeaver, I had looked through my own old posts because I could've sworn I had brought up/asked about the Wolf's lack of Low-Light Vision before, must've missed one or two. ![]()
![]() Jeraa wrote:
By that logic/definition, couldn't it then be argued that a leopard(for example) would get pounce&rake as RAW instead of sprint, according to the general rules(it's bestiary entry in this case)? Wouldn't it's animal companion entry then need to include a line such as this "Unlike most leopards, one selected as an animal companion loses pounce&raket and gains sprint instead"? Please note this is just an example. Another example of the specfic superceding the general would be Change Shape. Normally a creature can only use Change Shape to take on a form that's within one size category of it's original form. Large can choose either a huge or medium form as an example. This general rule is superseeded by the draconic(Bronze, Gold and Silver) Change Shape in which is states they can use it to assume the form of any animal or humanoid. I'm mainly just trying to understand and break down the mechanics for animal companion conversion. A formula if you will defining how to convert a standard animal from a Bestiary/Monster Manual into an animal companion. This mainly comes from the interest of attempting to stay as close to RAW as possible. I perfer house rules to add in something new(subrace, weapons, new character options) rather than adjust or change an existing rule, but that's just me. ![]()
![]() Marc Radle wrote:
I wish it was as simple as this, however the animal subtype is a general rule, while the animal companion section is a specfic rule which would supercide(sp) the general rule unfortunately in this case. I would also like to thank you(and those that have done the same!) for making a non-troll post that continues the discussion and contributes to the thread, it is greatly appreciated! :-D ![]()
![]() Anguish wrote:
I would normally agree with you however, please explain what is "balanced" about a wolf being the only animal not able to see in the dark and why it's low-light vision was appearantly removed. I have so far seen nothing that proves it was just an error or a typo, just assumptions and claims of faulty eratta. That is one of the reasons why I believe the process to be a bit random. And wish for some clairification. And no, animal companions should never be taken as is from the Bestiary/Monster Manuals, otherwise we get 4th level druids running around with flesh-rakers as in standard 3.5. ![]()
![]() Phasics wrote:
If someone is genuinely trying to help, the accusations of trolling are not directed towards them and I apologise if they were offended. You may be trying to help(which I appreciate and thank you for :-D). And while I do realise I should have probably posted this thread in the house rules section(despite that it's purpose is to also seek clairification on the animal companion conversion rules/mechanic/process), but it still seems that some people(and this is true of most forums) just want to troll and spam. Bigkilla being the first example in this thread. ![]()
![]() ZappoHisbane wrote:
Aye I completely agreed. And yes the changes I believe were made in the spirit of "balance," but that is also why I'm attempting to find some clairification and open up discussion on whether for not for at least one example(cheetah/leopard) if just giving the leopard pounce&rake instead of sprint would be too "unbalanced" Because after all, a leopard sprinting after prey like a cheetah seems rather silly to me too. ![]()
![]() Mojorat wrote: one thing you need to realize is companions do t loose any abilities. the beasiary stats are irrelevant to companion stats. They may be a little different yes. But I do not think that is entirely the case. After all it's still an animal that the Druid or Ranger attracted to him to befriend. Otherwise we have Wolves that can't see in the dark and Leopards who believe they're Cheetahs and try to sprint rather than waiting in a tree and pouncing upon unsuspecting prey. Yes there are some aspects that support your post. For example: Why do Tyrannosaurs never grow up? Biggest they get is large size, or a Bear that only reaches medium size. This is the cause of the confusion, the conversion from animal to animal companion seems rather random, some things are included while others are not. But this thread is specifcally discussing the random inclusion/exclusion that seems to take place with some animals' special qualities/abilities. ![]()
![]() Jeraa wrote:
Once again, you're getting way too hung up on the animal's actual size. A leopard is perfectly fine as a "Cat, Small" the differences in stats between a cheetah and a leopard is very minor, they are pretty much identical. The only thing that's really needed(in my opinion) is simply exchanging sprint for pounce&rake when someone chooses the Leopard. What I'm really wondering about is if there is an actual game mechanic behind the conversion of animal to animal companion, and say an actual procress. Because so far the inclusion/exclusion of an animal companion's special abilities/attacks/qualities seems rather random. If someone disagrees with this, I highly encourage them to check out the wolf. ![]()
![]() Hama wrote:
If someone doesn't wish to be accused of trolling, then they shouldn't knowingly create posts that contribute nothing to the thread and/or attempt to derail the topic. Honestly, this isn't rocket surgery. Posts of.... "Hey ****! This thread is in the wrong forum section!" "You mis-spelled somthing!" "Some random remark(ha ha I think I'm funny teehee)" Contribute nothing to the thread and is considered trolling. Come on guys, this is pretty basic stuff.... ![]()
![]() Possibly(and if so, my bad), but let's get back on topic. Also please note that I'm not really making a house rule, I want to keep things as close to RAW as possible, house rules usually(in my experience) mostly just complicate things. I'm more seeking clarifacation and proposing a change while I'm at it. But again, whether or not I'm suggesting a house rule or which forum section this thread is supposed to be in is off-topic. Continually making off-topic posts is a great way to get reported for trolling, so I'd refrain from doing it. And honestly, getting all hung up on what section of forum a thread is "supposed" to be in is rather silly. If you have something to contribute to the thread topic, then please do so, if you're just going to make meaningless posts that contribute nothing and just troll, don't waste your time and mine. If someone creates a thread asking for a rules clairifaction(and maybe proposing an idea to make things easier while he/she at it), posting variations of "Wtf? This thread is in the wrong section!!!??" is a great way to irritate an annoy people. This a prime example of why the paizo boards have a bad reputation. Too many posters not using common sense and attempting to troll those looking for answers. :-( ![]()
![]() Phasics wrote:
I understand that they've been around for awhile, what I don't understand is why no "offical" clairification has been given, why some animals are lumped together, why a wolf is the only one(AKAIK) not to have Low Light Vision? In the example of the Cheetah and the Lepord, I'm sorry, but I really don't want to have a Cheetah in Lepord skin as an animal companion, that's just silly. If I pick a lepord, I want an actualy lepord, not a cheetah dressed as a lepord. I'm the type of play that likes to stick as close to RAW as possible, so excuse me for trying to get answers/clairification to a bit of rules confusion. And for suggesting ways that could make them even easier, Pathfinder animal companions are greatly improved than standard 3.5 in ease of creation and use. Trying to make something better is not a bad thing. ;-) But once again, if you're not going to contribute to the thread, it's a good idea to just refrain from posting, wouldn't want to be considered a troll after all. Back on topic.. ![]()
![]() Jadeite wrote:
Thank you! :-D ::Reburies the thread:: Nothing to see here, move along. ![]()
![]() Since it seems that special qualities/abilities are randomly excluded or included, I would like to suggest something much simplier. Each animal companion has the special qualities/abilities that it's entry in the Bestiary/s gives it. So Wolf once again has Low Light Vision without issue(because, honestly, who wants a wolf that can't see in the dark, just plain silly). If it's an advanced ability it would be gained as normal when the animal companion advances. For example, Tigers and pounce. So no more lumping different animals together and forcing them to share special qualities/abilities that they wouldn't have! :-) Complete Example. Lepord, starting out it has scent and low-light vision as normal, but when it advances, it does not gain sprint, instead it gains pounce & rake as per it's entry in the Bestiary. Much easier way of doing animal companions. Edit: And with the ammount of people freaking out and attemtping to troll and derail the thread.... It seems this was posted in the wrong section, my mistake seeking some clairification and offering an idea that could make animal companions a bit easier/better. ![]()
![]() Jeraa wrote:
Okay I think you're getting too caught up on the big/small cat name categoriziation. It's irrelevant. For the "Cat, Small" option it is a choice between the Cheetah and the Lepord. At 4th Druid/7th Ranger level they advance and gain sprint. However sprint is the Cheetah's ability(Bestiary pg40). Now, we can see that a Lepord has pounce and rake in place of sprint, so logically it should get them when it advances, in place of sprint. Do I really have to explain the differences between Cheetahs(Plains) and Lepords(Forests)? All the "Cat,Small" means is that it is "smaller" than a Lion or Tiger. That's it, nothing else. A couger(mountain lion) would be a "Cat,Small" as well. A new "medium" cat entry doesn't need to be created. The animal's actual size is irrelevant to this discussion. I am asking about an animal's special abilities/qualities and why some seem to be missing randomly(meaning no specfic mechanic behind the inclusion or exclusion of said abilities, or at least one that is not appearant). I honestly don't understand where this confusion is coming from but I hope I cleared it up. So inconculsion the two questions for thread discussion are as follows. 1. Would it "unbalance" the Lepord to give it pounce and rake in place of sprint. Keep in mind that both of these animals are CR 2 creatures. One having sprint, the other having pounce&rake. 2. What is the mechanic/proces(if any) behind converting an animal into an animal companion. Because so far it seems as though the inclusion/exclusion of special abilities/qualities are completely random. ![]()
![]() Jeraa wrote:
It only STARTS out as a SMALL creature. At 4th level it ADVANCES to a MEDIUM creature. Cheetah would then gain sprint. But how about a Lepord? Lepords don't really sprint(AFAIK), and a MEDIUM Lepord does indeed have both pounce and rake. So again I ask, why do some animals seem to randomly lose some abilities? If the wolf's lack of low light vision wasn't intentional, then why isn't it fixed in the eratta? And yes the GENERAL rule is indeed that all animals have Low-Light Vision, however the animal companion rules are categorized as SPECFIC rules which override the GENERAL rules. ![]()
![]() Up is up with this? It seems to be rather random as well. It would be helpful if animal companion conversion mechanics were released. Some exmaples. -Wolf being the only animal companion(AFAIK) that doesn't have low light vision.
Can we please get some clairification? Should animal companions have everything that the animals naturally have(once the advance of course)? ![]()
![]() Aye it does, which brings me to another question. If someone were to want an Elven Hound as an animal companion via the Elf Ranger sub levels in(RotW), which of their abilities would they lose and which would they keep? Also would they stick with the Magical Beast HD(as per the advantage of level the 4th Elf Ranger sub level). While Pathfinder makes animal companions alot more simple and easier to do, it also adds a bit of confusion(why some animals lose abilities they should have, prime example being the Wolf's Low Light Vision). ![]()
![]() This is mainly just a thread asking for opinions. Now suppose someone wanted to play a Ranger and decided to choose a Lepord over a Cheetah. Now the sprint doesn't really work with a lepord, so my question is, would it be "balanced" to allow the person to exchange sprint for pounce? My first thought is "no," seeing as how pounce(at least in my opinion) is a more powerful ability than sprint and more useful. ![]()
![]() You don't have to enter a dragon's space to attack it, as far as I know any way. Lets continue with a colossal dragon. It's space is 25 ft(speaking of which, where are the actualy space/reach general tables located? I can't seem to find them in either the Core Book or the Beastiary). We'll mark the Dragon's space as X with the enemy space as Y Y
Y is a standard medium creature. Lets say a foolish human with a sword. He's attacking the dragon head on(bad idea). Once he's adjacent(sp) to the dragon, his reach(5ft) allows him to attack the dragon, he needn't enter the dragon's space to attack him. My understand is that unless a creature has a reach of 0ft, it does not need to enter the enemy creature's space to attack it. So as my adove post. (Which assumed that the spell was centered on the dragon on didn't grow due to dragon's size) as said before. It's really not big enough to be all that effective to use against enemies or to protect the dragon. So again, why would an intelligent larger dragon even bother learning anti-magic field as one of it's very few spells known since it appears that the spell is rather useless to it. Unless I'm mistaken. ![]()
![]() My question/confirmation request is this. A Colossal Dragon casts Anti-Magic Field. Now it's centered on the caster. The caster, being a colossal dragon, takes up 25 feet of space. Now the Anti-Magic Fields radius is 10-feet. So that means(provided I'm understanding this correctly, and the spell's radius doesn't extend based on caster's size) that the dragon's space is larger than the spell's radius? So then one wonders, why would a larger dragon even bother casting anti-magic field? Since it seems to do the dragon no good. Not big enough radius to extend to enemy targets, and not a big enough radius to fully cover the dragon. ![]()
![]() Now looking at the stat block for the Ancient Red Dragon. His/her skill modifier on fly is only +11 when it should be +13. So I'm assuming I've missed a penalty, what -2 have I missed? Or has someone given the dragon a colossal penalty to fly instead of a gargantuan penalty? + 25 ranks for 25 HD, +3 Trained Class Skill= 28 -1 for 8 Dex, -6 for Gargantuan size, -8 for clumsy manuverability= -15 28 - 15= 13 ![]()
![]() Raelynn wrote: With the information in this thread, the existence of draconic bloodline sorcerers now has some even more.. troubling implications. Especially if they belong to a bloodline of dragons that don't get polymorph or change shape. All dragons have the option of casting polymorph if they're old enough. James Jacobs wrote:
Thank you!! :-D ![]()
![]() Dragonborn3 wrote:
Thank you. I was going to go ahead and house rule it if this was not the "offical" case. ![]()
![]() Is it possible to get an offical answer on this? I mean seriously, how does this work? Mr. Wolf comes to the druid with low-light vision but then loses it during the transformation into an animal companion? The point of an animal companion is to get the actual animal, not an animal with missing parts. ![]()
![]() Specfically: A creature cannot change shape to a form more than one size category smaller or larger than its original form. It seems that, gone are the days of great wyrm bronze, silver or gold dragons taking humaniod forms. In fact with this change, once a dragon reaches huge in size, the change shape ability pretty much becomes useless for what it was originally intended for: disguising a dragon. How about the yuan-ti wanting to change herself into a tiny viper, nope sorry, out of luck. Once again another creature where change-shape becomes useless. I'm hoping there is an errata that fixes this over-sight. ![]()
![]() Is listed as only having Scent(Rather than Low-Light Vision and Scent) in it's Special Qualities entry. I'm assuming this is an error(printing error, etc). I've yet to find an animal in the Beastiary that doesn't have low light vision. If it's not an error, what is the reason for Wolf animal companions only having scent? |