Shadow705's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


wraithstrike wrote:
Shadow705 wrote:
What about a rogue with two-weapon fighting? Its conceivable to think they would be using both weapons at once.
It does not change anything. Using two weapons does not mean your invisibility last any longer than someone holding two weapons. You attack, and you are no longer hidden. The weapon does not matter. If you are not hidden the target is not denied dex. If the target is not denied dex then you don't get sneak attack. A rogue is not a primary damage dealer anyway. In order for him to put the hurt down constantly he needs to get a competent flanking buddy or learn to be a competent flanker.

This didn't answer my question. I wasn't asking about using two weapons, but two weapons at the same time. Maybe it's just thematic, but the rogue is still invisible during the "second" attack

What about a rogue with two-weapon fighting? Its conceivable to think they would be using both weapons at once.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:

Could we have shipped the replacement next-day to you? Sure.
Could we have refunded your money and let you keep the book? Sure.
But are these the lengths that we should really need to go to to keep a customer happy? I guess that is up to you to decide.

Reason enough for me not to subscribe, right here.