
ShadesOfMauve's page

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PlantThings wrote:
Yeah, I thought I was going crazy reading the Step part of the Divine option. Triggering as a blood magic option would make it more interesting though.

I read that 'step' part three times, trying to figure out why it was there. I wonder if they copied the text from Propelling Sorcery (where it's a free action). Which brings up the confusing similarity between Tap into (Divine) Blood and Propelling Sorcery.

Tap into (Divine) Blood

  • - 1 action
  • - religion check
  • - other blood magic effect still applies
  • - could move once between casting a one-action spell that triggers blood magic and using Tap (you could do any other single action, too, but moving is the only reason this might be a benefit)

Propelling Sorcery

  • free action
  • - no check
  • - instead of other blood magic effect
  • - Happens immediately when blood magic comes into effect

Am I missing something? Having two feats in the same class be so similar seems odd to me. Usually this level of attention to what the differences are only comes up when cross-classing.

I've never played a pf2e sorc, so I'm not comparing anything to the premaster. Had my Angelic Sorc concept for the next game in mind for months and got very excited when our PC2 arrived early (I usually lurk but got impatient waiting for someone else to bring it up).