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Organized Play Member. 130 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Having a shop mechanic is pretty interesting, but I might try to simplify it a bit. Here's what I'd change just on a first pass.

After the players win a scenario (after obtaining the scenario reward, but before rebuilding their decks), they may return to town to shop.
Draw 1d4 random weapons, 1d4 random spells, 1d4 random armors, and 1d4 random items to make up the shop's inventory. If you draw a Promotional card, return it to the box and draw a new boon of that type. Each player may then buy up to one boon from the shop by banishing one of his or her boons with the same adventure deck number or higher. (Treat B and C as if their adventure deck number were 0). After all players are finished shopping, return any remaining boons in the inventory to the box.

You could do a haggling mechanic, but then Charisma based characters are going to be more likely to become more powerful through shopping. But here's an attempt at that too.

When buying a boon from the shop, a player may attempt to haggle by attempting a Charisma or Diplomacy check with a difficulty equal to the highest difficulty to acquire the boon. No cards or powers may be used on this check. If he or she succeeds, he or she may treat the adventure deck number of the boon as if it were one lower for the purposes of buying the boon.

Still, very neat concept. Here's hoping I've helped refine it a little!

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Bandw2 wrote:

so i have a question of my own.

so my human goes all werebear(which are large sized), what happens to his armor that isn't absorbed into his form, the stated character's appear to keep it, but...

Change Shape, Universal Monster Rules wrote:
This ability functions as a polymorph spell...
Change Shape, Lycanthrope template wrote:
Equipment does not meld with the new form between humanoid and hybrid form...
Polymorph Subschool, Magic wrote:
If your new form does not cause your equipment to meld into your form, the equipment resizes to match your new size.

Your equipment changes to accommodate your new size.

I seem to remember rules text in 3.5 specifying that any armor or clothing worn during a lycanthropic transformation was ruined (though clothing could be doffed), and the d20srd sample lycanthropes do not have manufactured armor bonuses to their AC, but I can't seem to find that anywhere. Regardless, if it was a 3.5 rule, it was one of the things about the template that changed in the conversion to Pathfinder.

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I was perhaps imprecise.

Miracle is not a divine spell.
Miracle prepared as a 9th-level cleric spell is a divine spell.
Miracle on a spellcaster's spells known list as a 9th-level oracle spell is a divine spell.
A scroll of miracle created by a cleric or oracle is a divine scroll.

Does that clear things up?

(EDIT: So to make my position explicit, a spell becomes arcane or divine when it is prepared or learned by an arcane or divine spellcaster, not when the spell is cast. Arcane and divine are not inherent traits of a spell.)

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Artanthos wrote:
Then your argument remains, "Canon for Golarion violates the rules."
It's allowed to, you know.

Quick example of this. According to the Advanced Race Guide, aasimar and tieflings reach adulthood at age 60. According to Golarion material however (Rise of the Runelords, Council of Thieves) both races reach adulthood at a scale much closer that of a human. There, Golarion canon explicitly violates the rules.

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For the sake of people in this thread who don't have access to the blessings:

Air - unchanged, but looks fairly solid to me to begin with. Point Blank Master seems good for a level 1 ability, and fly with upside seems like an ability I'd use a lot.

Animal - Also unchanged.

Artifice - Crafter's Wrath now ignores DR or hardness when attacking constructs or objects. Transfer Magic appears unchanged.

Chaos - Anarchic Strike is no longer limited to melee weapons. Battle Companion is unchanged, but Summon Monster is considered to be one of the strongest spells in the game, and you can summon as a standard action, without dismissing your best class feature like a Summoner.

Charm - Unchanged.

Community - Communal Aid is unchanged. Arrow Deflection was entirely replaced by Fight as One, which was previewed on the blog. And awesome.

Darkness - Enshrouding Darkness is unchanged, but still concealment against anything without blindsight. Darkened Vision went from a melee touch attack to one target within 30' (Will negates).

Death - Unchanged.

Destruction - Destructive Attacks was clarified such that it only functions on weapon damage rolls, but otherwise unchanged. Notably, Heart of Carnage does not specify it doesn't stack with Critical Focus or fortification armor.

Earth - Acid Strike is no longer limited to melee weapons. Armor of Earth no longer stacks with other DR/-, but increases by 1 for every 2 warpriest levels (capped at DR 5/- at 18th).

Evil - See Chaos, replacing Anarchic Strike with Unholy Strike.

Fire - Fire Strike is no longer limited to melee weapons. Armor of Flames is unchanged.

Glory - Unchanged.

Good - See Chaos, replacing Anarchic Strike with Holy Strike.

Healing - Selfish Healer has been replaced by Powerful Healing, which allows you to swift action Empower any cure spell you cast. Fast Healing is unchanged.

Knowledge - Lore Keeper is unchanged. Monster Lore is now a swift action, but now can be triggered through use of Lore Keeper.

Law - See Chaos, replacing Anarchic Strike with Axiomatic Strike.

Liberation - Unchanged.

Luck - Unlucky Presence has been replaced with Lucky Presence, which allows an ally to roll the d20 twice and take the better result on any 1 ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. The blessing lasts until used. Unlucky Enemy remains unchanged.

Madness - Unchanged.

Magic - Also unchanged.

Nobility - Inspiring Word only affects one of attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, or skill checks (warpriest's choice) but now lasts 1 minute instead of 1/2 warpriest level rounds. Lead by Example is unchanged.

Plant - the unnamed minor blessing is now Creeping Vines. Battle Companion is Battle Companion (and therefore unchanged).

Protection - Increased Defense now scales every 10 levels instead of every 5, but is now a sacred bonus to both AC and saving throws. Aura of Protection no longer grants a deflection bonus to AC, but the energy resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage is doubled.

Repose - Unchanged.

Rune - Unchanged.

Strength - Strength Surge is unchanged. Strength of Will has been clarified to allow you to add STR to saves against effects that would entangle, paralyze, or stagger you.

Sun - Blinding Strike appears to no longer be a melee touch attack, but I can't find a range. Bane of Undead has been changed to Cleansing Fire, and can add either flaming or undead bane to the weapon - both if you expend two uses of your blessings ability.

Travel - Agile Feet now specifies it even counters difficult terrain created by magical effects, and Dimensional Hop now lets you teleport in 20' increments. Additionally, each ally you bring with you only costs 1 use of blessing, regardless of distance traveled.

Trickery - Copycat has been renamed Double, but otherwise unchanged.

War - Unchanged. Again, note that Battle Lust does not specify it doesn't stack with Critical Focus or other similar effects.

Water - See Fire, replace Fire Strike with Ice Strike and Armor of Fire with Armor of Ice.

Weather - See Fire, replace Fire Strike with Storm Strike and Armor of Fire with Wind Barrier.

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master_marshmallow wrote:
Players get greedy. This whole: "I expect you to have ranks in..." mentality is different from: "I expect you to have max ranks in..." and it is a significant difference. Max ranks are not the same thing as putting in one or two ranks, or up to 5 for prestige class qualifications, etc.

The problem with this is at level 1, "I have ranks in this skill" does equate to "I have maximum ranks in this skill." And if I have skills I'd like my character to be trained in for roleplaying reasons, level 1 is generally when I'd want to have them, to reflect the skills that my character would have picked up in their background.

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RJGrady wrote:
I'm going to toss in the suggestion that Studied Combat and Studied Strike shouldn't both have "studied" in the name.

I'm of two minds about that. On the one hand, I'm in a group with a fairly new player using a magus, and he gets Spell Combat and Spellstrike mixed up all the time. On the other hand, while the two class abilities are meant to be used together for the magus, one of the other abilities is dependent on the other for the investigator.

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You know, I read the thread title, and I was really expecting this to be a discussion of how the alignments correspond to Magic: the Gathering's color pie.

Since ShadowcatX decided to go with that, I figure I might as well put in my two cp using the same system.

Lawful Good: Green/White
- Green and White overlap with a focus on tradition and the importance of the community over the individual.

Neutral Good: White
- While White in MTG isn't necessarily good, it is the color most associated with morality and selflessness. It's also the color of order, which means it's probably more lawful than neutral, but...out of the MTG colors, this is the closest to NG.

Chaotic Good: Red/White
- White I've already covered, and Red is the color of impulse and passion. The overlap between both colors is in the desire to protect that which is precious, and gods help whomever gets in their way.

Lawful Neutral: White/Blue
- White is the color of order, and Blue is the color of knowledge and analysis, and is associated with dispassion. As such, this is the color combination most likely to set rules and restrictions, and then enforce them with a fair - if less than merciful - hand.

True Neutral: Green
- Green is the color of nature, and the natural way. What's more neutral than that?

Chaotic Neutral: Red
- As I mentioned earlier, Red is all about impulse and passion. What Red wants to do, Red does, and it'll deal with the consequences later. If at all.

Lawful Evil: White/Black
- White is the color of order, and Black is the color of selfishness, ambition, and amorality. When you combine the worst traits of both, you end up with a character who will twist and use the system to their own ends.

Neutral Evil: Black
- Like White is not necessarily good, Black is not necessarily evil, but it is the color most closely associated with it. Black is willing to do anything, pay any price, if it feels there's benefit in it.

Chaotic Evil: Black/Red
- Black and Red overlap in extreme selfishness, and with Red's impulsiveness combined with Black's amorality and ambition, you end up with a character with no restrictions on what they can do.

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DM Beckett wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
There were also some hints that there might be similar feats to Dervish Dance (but weapon agnostic) coming in the ACG.
I wouldn't count on it. The devs disagree on the balance, and basically allowed Dervish Dance only because its restricted. Regardless of which side of that fence you are one, Paizo as a whole doesn't seem to want it in, and has sort of gotten rid of the other attempts to allow it. It could happen, don't get me wrong, I just wouldn't count on it.

From the Swashbuckler Class Discussion thread.

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
Okay...for all you Dex damage junkies, we are looking into options that allow you to do it, but they will probably be more like Dervish Dance -- that is options that you feat into.

Perhaps one could still be pessimistic about it, but I'm optimistic about that statement, especially since Stephen seemed very reluctant to yield that point to begin with.

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Kevin Mack wrote:
Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
Athaleon wrote:
Please, no. The mechanic needs work, but we already have deeds competing for the Swift Action, and the Riposte costing an Attack of Opportunity is practically the only part of the combo that works right.
Sorry, I'm leaning in that direction right now. That doesn't mean it's airtight, but yes, when you make and immediate action, it does compete with swift actions. That's part of the game.
Have to say so far in the playtest game I'm running the parry ability using an AoO has worked great so far so may be best to keep it that way (Or perhaps just make it a number of time per round equal to your Dex modifier so like an AoO but not needing the actual combat reflexes feat to do it.)

Going to add my vote to the pile here, I would much, much rather see Riposte unchanged than see it be changed to require an immediate action.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Horrible puns are their own reward, even if they nudge me ever closer to CE.

If horrible puns are Evil, I don't want to be Good.

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The [neutral] descriptor does not exist, no, but I suppose it's worth noting that a cleric's aura corresponds to the alignment of their deity, not the alignment of the cleric. So a true neutral cleric of Abadar has an aura of law, despite the fact that they do not possess a lawful alignment. Same for a true neutral cleric of Sarenrae and an aura of good, and so on, and so on.