Seven Snowbeard's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Le Enigmax.

Full Name

White "Seven" Snowbeard





Strength 7
Dexterity 17
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 15

About Seven Snowbeard

White had been a sailor, a soldier, a brewer, a beggar, a scholar, and many other trades, but he had always been a merchant at heart. He travelled the world with his trusty musket, guarding his goods from thieves and monsters, trading from town to town. Whenever he met with near bankruptcy, may it be deal to highway robberies, a natural storm that sunk the ship with his goods on it or he had an unfortunate streak at his hobby - gambling, he would look for any jobs or even pay with whatever gold he have left to be apprenticed. His deity, Abadar, the one he never lost faith in, seemed to help him most during those times, as he was always traveling to another town within three years of his bankruptcy.

When he turned 101, he caught news of his great grandfather's death while in Cheliax, and quickly returned to his hometown in Tian Xia to pay his final respects and in accordance to his great grandfather's wishes, to be trained as a Paladin.

That he did. For the next 20 odd-years, he was trained to be a Paladin, incorporating what his knowledge with his Musket to the training, and he even took an Oath, an Oath of Vengeance, for he knew it was a band of law breakers who had decided to assassinate his great-grandfather (who simply followed the Tenet of Abadar so fair trade could be established).

In the recent years, he was recruited by a traveling Monk into The Exchange, a guild of Merchants and with the recruitment, he had decided to join the Pathfinders.

- He had been known as "Seven" ever since his Merchant days, for his love of gambling with the dice and he always end his prices with a 7. (e.g. 7gp OR 9gp 7sp OR 2gp 4sp 7cp)

- His gambling nature always forced him to attempt hitting for more damage rather than accuracy (deadly aim always on)

- Evil Monsters are always killed, unless protected for a specific reason. Evil or Law-breaking dwarves and other sentient races of lower standings (humans, elves, half-orcs, etc) are given chances to surrender, but they would be stripped to their underpants as terms of surrendering.