Seth Phoenix's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Ravingdork wrote:
Probably won't happen. As you said, it had almost no support after its initial release in 1E, and has since proved to be rather unpopular. That makes it a very hard sell for a company that needs to be turning a profit in the face of difficult times and formidable competition in an already niche market.

That's genuinely sad to think about. I think it really could have come into it's own if given official support, maybe a few new words of power here and there in PF Companions, make up for the lack of some equivalent effect words for some spells. It really could have been great.

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Will PF2e ever implement wordcasting and if so, will it actually get official support rather than being dropped because it isn't as popular? I couldn't help but feel the "Words of Power" system seemed incomplete in 1e and the only support I could find for it was all third party. I do hope wordcasting can get the love it deserves because I feel that modular magic is more fun than traditional Vancian magic any day.