Sessil's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Evan Tuly.

Sovereign Court

I will unfortunately be unable to attend and would like to request a refund for my badge. Store credit is preferred (there are some books I was hoping to purchase while at the con). Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
My wife purchased a ticket as well and will be needing a refund, is there a email address I can forward to her that she might bypass the forum?

Liberty's Edge

Does the sneak attack or sleight of hand check need to be in the same round as the modified withdraw?

ex1: You grab the unattended idol and stash it on your person.The guards notice it is gone but not that you took it. They initiate combat. Can you withdraw as a move action and use the standard action of the first round for something else? Does the withdraw in this case have to come first?

ex2: You 5' step to get a flanking position but the enemy falls to your first (sneak)attack. Moving is not an option this round. Can you withdraw as a move action next round? Does taking a move equivalent action spoil the 'fast getaway'?