Evan Tuly's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 4 posts (183 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Sovereign Court

I will unfortunately be unable to attend and would like to request a refund for my badge. Store credit is preferred (there are some books I was hoping to purchase while at the con). Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
My wife purchased a ticket as well and will be needing a refund, is there a email address I can forward to her that she might bypass the forum?

Sovereign Court 2/5

GM Lamplighter wrote:
John Francis wrote:
One thing I'm considering is not answering questions related to faction goals during play if I'm GMing a scenario - I'll tell the player that they'll have to exercise their own best judgement, and we can resolve any questions they may have after the scenario is complete.
I thought this is how it is supposed to work? Although, since the player and not the GM does the "checking off", there's no real reason for them to ask the GM anything. It seems that these cards are really a player-only item, and the GM shouldn't need to have anything to do with them. Maybe I'm misunderstanding?

*typo corrected

remember: Explore, Report, Cooperate!
I would make it clear that the items on the faction card are like an addendum to your report to the lodge. Players/characters should keep their own notes during the mission and afterward decide which goal they would like credit for completing. Double check with the GM to make sure it's legit, record it as a 'condition gained' on the chronicle and then x the box on the goal card. I view this as similar to how purchases work now with the ITS
--just this schlub's opinion

Sovereign Court 2/5

Second that notion. 4 players make a table. Is there no chance for game?

Sovereign Court

Not sure you'd want to as your ally would now be riding your mount.