Eagle Knight of Andoran

Serpent's page

No posts. Alias of Mikko Kallio (Contributor).

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Furlong Wolfstar

Male Halfling Cavalier (gendarme) 1 (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Ammuhab
(0 posts)
Silver Crusade Moon-Flower / Kuu-Kukka
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Gulwort

Half-orc Bloodrager 1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Vekter
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Finn McCool
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Groen
(0 posts)
Liberty's Edge Khoun

Male human brawler (snakebite striker, wild child) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC 18 (12 Tch, 16 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R:+4 W: +0 | Init: +6 | Perc: +4, SM: +4, Stealth: -2 (53 posts)

The Exchange Wurik
(0 posts)

Sovereign Court Alpheda
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Bethedar
(0 posts)
Callous Rake
Wayfinders Flash Rogers
(0 posts)

Exo-Guardians Mikko Kallio 131
(0 posts)

Rogue Rogue Deck - Olenjack

Horizon Hunters Mörkir
(0 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Cirand
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Ylvraith
(0 posts)


Dwarf Spell
Hathor, Inquisitor of Gozreh

Male barbarian 1 / inquisitor of Gozreh 8 Dwarf (7 posts)
Here Be Monsters!
(8 posts)
Lady Strongswill
Dark Archive Mikko, lurker
(21 posts)
Eagle Knight of Andoran
(0 posts)
Sir Kumador of One-Tree

Male Black bear Animal companion 9 (2 posts)
Snow Leopard

Female animal companion (small cat) | HP: 16/16| AC 20 (16 Tch, 15 Ff) | CMB: +2, CMD: 17 | F: +4, R:+8 W: +2 | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, SM: +1, Stealth: +12 (2 posts)