Sergal Paladin's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Planning on taking a Techslinger and later integrating the rifle with a cybernetic arm. Would integrating a small rifle be treated as a one-handed firearm?

For my next campaign, I agreed to be a brother to another player, and both of us are playing as the Trox. I chose to play as a hooded knight cavalier, but upon choosing a mount, I couldn't find a list of mounts huge sized or larger for the purpose of a starting mount. Does anyone have suggestions that I can list and consult my GM with?

During my current campaign of Runelords, our gnomish barbarian started turning grey. Which got me wondering if there is a similar affliction as bleaching for other races, I am aware of the transformation process of elves to drow, but, can elves suffer from bleaching? And if not, is there something similar to it that affects elves?