10 years after this was first posted, I'm getting ready to run Battlebliss neet week. The party consists of a Divine Defender Guardian Paladin, a Tetori Champion Monk, an Order of the Paw Marshal Cavalier, a Trickster bard, and a Life Mystery Hierophant Oracle. The monk can grapple the heck out of people, and the Cavalier dishes out a boatload of damage. The Paladin can give everyone DR 10/adamantine and make Gelderfang deal half damage to everyone except the Paladin. Most of the party now has means of reliable upward mobility. I have a bad feeling for Gelderfang. Anyone have any tips for keeping the four armed king of the ring alive for a few rounds? I did give him a ring of freedom of movement, which is not as big of a jerk move as it may sound. The monk has an ability that let's him suppress freedom of movement for 1 Ki point and a swift action.
DominusMegadeus wrote:
Hi, it's probably been a really long time since you posted this, but the link isn't working anymore. At least not for me. It keeps giving me a 500 server error. If possible, would you mind posting the link again? Thanks!
Diego Rossi wrote:
Of course you can use a wio to use Spellstrike. Where is the Spellstrike description does it say the melee attack has to deal damage to deliver the spell? All he whip says is that it doesn't deal damage to amor a voce a +1, it never says it can't HIT armor above +1 and all you need to do is make contact in order to make the Spellstrike ability work. You can still make disarm and trip attacks with a whip against someone in any type of armor, therefore you can make contact with a whip, just not deal damage.
Daryl MacLeod wrote:
SO, as the author of the archetype, what is the deal with it saying it gts 6 bonus feats? Is it supposed to say 5 bonus feats at 20th level or is the Crusader supposed t get another bonus feat in there somewhere?> Thanks.
Hi. My group is looking for a GM in the Seattle area to run Pathfinder for us on Sunday nights from 5:30 or 6 until 10 or 11. We meet every Sunday in either Queen Ann or Greenwood. Our old GM is becoming a layer again because of his work schedule and thus we need someone to run. Anyone in the Seattle area that is interested PLEASE shoot me an email at jhova112@gmail and let me know. We'd love to hear from you. Thanks.
Is the -2 from Spell Combat in ADDITION to the penalties from normal Two Weapon Fighting? Example: A Magus with the Two Weapon Fighting Feat makes a spell combat attack at a -4 penalty(-2 from normal two weapon fighting, and an additional -2 from spell combat).. The description for Spell Combat states that it functions the same as two weapon fighting, it doesn't mention that it functions the same as having the Two Weapon Fighting feat. To me this wounds like if you don't have the Twp Weapon Fighting Feat, you are taking massive penalties to using Spell Combat. Am I correct?
[ If you're wielding a double weapon in one hand (as a Titan Mauler would), you cannot use it as a double weapon. You treat it as a single weapon and can only make an attack with one end. Where does it say that in the rules? I get that wen using a double weapon in your OFFHAND you only get one attack, as per the rules of TWF. But where does it say anything about using one in your MAN HAND??
Mojorat wrote:
What are you talking about? I didn't ask a out what the attack penalties would be. I asked about how many attacks he would get/
So, this might have already been covered in the myriad posts to this question, but a Ring of Enlarger Person would oat 14,00 go, not 4,000. To make a ring you need to be at least a 7th level caster and to make an item continuous it cost (Spell Level x Caster LevelX 2,000 go)= 14,000. I don't know where the number 4,000 came form. And I submit that for 14,00 gp item, this is not underpriced for what you get.
This might be beating a dead horse, but I have another question on the same topic. What if you have Enlarge Person as a permanent spell? If you cast divine Vessel or RIghtous Might would those make you uge? All the say is that they "increases the size category by one step" So, if you're already permanently Large, wouldn't that make you Huge?
I am currently playing a 5th leve Battle Mystery Oracle and am planning on multiclassing into Mystery Cultist when I reach 9th level. My question is this: Many of my Revelations grant additional abilities when I reach specific levels, such as Weapon Mastery granting me Greater Weapon Focus when I reach 12th level. I am wondering if that means 12 total character levels or if it means 12 oracle levels. Other classes specifically state you need "X" number of class levels to gain the ability, but these do not. What do you folks think? Thanks for your time.
Wow, everyone. Thanks for all the comments. I didn't expect to get anywhere near that many. All I was saying is that MS is an under powered 7th level spell. Arcane cannon is even a better choice at that level. The 6th level spell Elemental Asses deals 4d6 for 1d6 rounds after its initial damage and you only have to roll one touch attack. Thats a better spell at one level lower. Hungry Pit, a 5th level spell, deals 4d6 each round after the damage dealt by the fall, and it deals the damage for longer than MS (1 round+1 round/level)
I plan on using Planar Binding in the game I am in fairly often. While looking at the Magic Circle vs Evil spell that is required for calling the creature, I noticed it only has a 10 foot radius. Does that mean I can't call any Huge creatures with Planar or Greater Planar Bind? Many of the high HD creatures are huge and it would be a shame if I couldn't take advantage of them. Thank you.
Can someone please explain to me why Mage's Sword is a 7th level spell? It is wildly under powered and here's why: 1. It only gets 1 attack each round. At 7th level it should get iterative attacks. 2. It takes a standard action to move it. If the subject of the spell moves, the sword has to follow and therefore cannot attack that round. 3. You have to roll to hit each round as a straight up melee attack, not a touch attack. 4. If you don't beat SR the spell is wasted. I thought this spell was wicked cool before I wasted my one 7th level spell slot on it (I'm a 14th level sorcerer). What a let down.
This spell is the most under powered 7th level spell around. Here's why: 1. It only attacks ONCE per round. At 7th level you should get iterative attacks.
I thought this was a super cool spell before I wasted my one 7th level spell slot (I'm a 14th level sorcerer) on it. I wish I would have taken Arcane Cannon.
Isn't the base Strength for a quadruped 14, not 15? Same with it's Dex, it's only 14. Starting Statistics Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11 Everything else looks pretty cool. Though, I was wondering, why not just be a half orc instead of wasting a feat on counting as one? |