About SerakaStat Block:
Half-orc Oracle of Battle (warsighted)/2 Bloodrager (steelblood)/2 Gestalt CG Medium humanoid (Human) (Orc) (Shoanti) Init +1 Senses: Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 20 (+1 vs charge), touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+9 armor, +1 Dex) HP 22 (2d10+6) Current HP: 22 Fort +7, Ref +3 (+1 vs trample), Will +5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft, 25 ft in armor Melee Cold Iron Bardiche +5 (1d10+4/19-20), Lucerne Hammer +5 (1d12+4/x2), Cestus +5 (1d4+3/19-20), and Cold Iron Dagger +5 (1d4+3/19-20) Ranged Javelin +3 (1d6+3/x2) or Cold Iron Dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20) Oracle Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +4): 1st (5/day)—Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Enlarge Person(b) 0 (at will)--Read Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Magic Oracle Curse: Powerless Prophecy Oracle Mystery: Battle Bloodrager Bloodline: Destined -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 17, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 15 Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 16 (+1 vs overrun) Rage Statistics When raging, Seraka's stats change to AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 17; hp 26; Fort +9, Will +7; Melee Bardiche +7 (1d10+7/19-20), Lucerne Hammer +7 (1d12+7/x2), Cestus +7 (1d4+5/19-20), and Cold Iron Dagger +7 (1d4+5/19-20); Ranged Javelin +3 (1d6+5/x2) or Cold Iron Dagger +3 (1d4+5/19-20); Str 21, Con 19 CMB +8; CMD 16 (+1 vs overrun) Feats Endurance (b), Mad Magic, Power Attack (b), Combat Expertise (b) Traits Mock Gladiator (bardiche), Fate's Favored, Giant Slayer Drawback Pride Skills (Armor Check Penalty: -5) Acrobatics +5(+9 in armor) Appraise +1 Bluff +3 Climb +7 (+2 in armor) Craft (weapons) +5 Diplomacy +6 Disguise +2 Escape Artist +1 (-4 in armor) Heal +0 Intimidate +6 Knowledge (engineering) +5 Knowledge (history) +5 Knowledge (local) +5 Linguistics +2 Perception +4 Perform +2 Sense Motive +4 Spellcraft +5 Survival +4 Swim +7(+2 in armor) Languages Taldane, Orcish, Shoanti, Varisian SQ Martial Versatility 4/day, Uncanny Dodge, Indomitable Stance, Armored Swiftness Combat Gear Scale Mail, Cold Iron Bardiche, Lucerne Hammer, Cestus, Cold Iron Dagger, Mwk Full Plate, Javelin x10 Other Gear Mwk Backpack, Canteen, Crowbar, Ear Plugs, Eye Patch, Whetstone, Weapon Cord, Preserved Eyeball Necklace, 2 gp 6 sp 5 cp Special Abilities:
Destined Strike (Sp):
Bloodrage (8 rounds/day) (Su):
Indomitable Stance (Ex): At 1st level, a steelblood gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks, to CMD against overrun combat maneuvers, and on Reflex saving throws against trample attacks. He also gains a +1 bonus to his AC against charge attacks and on attack and damage rolls against charging creatures. This ability replaces fast movement. Oracle Curse—Powerless Prophecy: You are forewarned of danger but can’t act to prevent it. You gain uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature. However, you can’t take any actions in a surprise round, including free actions, except for flash of insight (see Revelations below). In the absence of a surprise round, you are staggered for the entire first round of combat. At 5th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on initiative checks. At 10th level, you gain improved uncanny dodge as the rogue ability, using your oracle level as your rogue level. At 15th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on all your saving throws and to your AC during surprise rounds and when you are otherwise unaware of an attack. Martial Flexibility (Ex): At 1st level, a warsighted can use a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she doesn’t possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The warsighted must otherwise meet all the feat’s prerequisites. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 her oracle level. The warsighted can use this ability again before the duration expires in order to replace the previous combat feat with another choice. If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (for example, Stunning Fist), any uses of that combat feat while using this ability count toward that feat’s daily limit. At later levels, when she gains multiple feats through this ability, she can use those feats to meet the prerequisites of other feats she gains with this ability. Doing so means that she cannot replace a feat currently fulfilling another’s prerequisite without also replacing those feats that require it. Each individual feat selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability. At 7th level, a warsighted can use this ability to gain the benefit of two combat feats at the same time. She can select one feat as a swift action or two feats as a move action. At 11th level, a warsighted can use this ability to gain the benefits of three combat feats at the same time. She can select one feat as a free action, two feats as a swift action, or three feats as a move action. At 15th level, a warsighted can use this ability to gain the benefit of one combat feat as an immediate action or three combat feats as a swift action. This ability replaces the revelations gained at 1st, 7th, 11th, and 15th levels. Badges:
Untouchable Benefit: Once per level, Seraka can designate one creature (including herself) to gain DR 5 for one round. This need not be done on your turn. Appearance:
A picture for you Height 6’ 11” Weight 254 lbs
Seraka's features themselves would hardly be out-of-place on a Shoanti human, but her skin, yellow eyes, and prominent teeth make it impossible to see her as anything else but a half-orc. She verges on seven feet tall, an aspect of her appearance that she has only recently begun becoming comfortable with. She picked up the habit of constantly exercising during her gladiator days, so she maintains a powerful physique, making sure to tailor her regimen towards accentuating her feminine curves. She hasn't cut her hair in years, when some of the other teenagers cut it in her sleep as a prank, so were she to not keep it braided, it would easily reach past her knees. A weathered gray leather eyepatch covers her left eye; the patch can be lifted easily so she can give others a peek at the scarred hollow. With some of her leftover money after leaving Magnimar, she got each of the 17 scars on her body tattooed into jagged scar-sigils, as many orcs do, each symbol representing something she learned from that fight. She prefers practical clothing, though with a feminine cut. RP Questions and Answers:
What's a personal item they always have with them that means a lot to them, sentimentally? Why? What's the story there? --Seraka keeps her preserved left eye on a necklace. She took the eye out as part of a ritual to see her death (as spoken about in more detail in her backstory). She keeps the eye close to remind herself of what she saw and—more importantly—the person she saw herself being in that vision. On a practical level, she uses it as a focus for her divinations. What do they do to relax or kill time on a day where there's no enemies threatening?
Which of the seven sins would be most tempting to them?
What person in their life is most important to them? Why?
What's their strongest memory of childhood?
She awoke in the middle of the night to find herself gagged and held down on her bed by the boys of her tribe, several of them holding razors. They ran their hands over their freshly shaved heads and told her she would not shirk her duty to tradition, no matter how deluded she was or how much her parents coddled her. She thrashed and raged against them, but they cut off her knee-length hair eventually. As soon as the boys ran away, Seraka—bruised by the restraints and bleeding from the razor, ran to her mother and father. Her mother tended to her wounds with care, shaken by how this could happen to her own child. Her father simply looked on and shrugged. “Young boys do such things to each other. It's nothing to be concerned about,” he said. Seraka knew more than ever that she wanted nothing to do with this place and these people. Have they ever killed an intelligent creature before, directly or indirectly, self-defense or otherwise? More than once? How do they feel about this?
Where would they like to be in ten years? Do they envision a farm and family, a thriving trade, service to a church? What does their 'happily ever after' look like? 'They don't yet know' is a valid answer.
What flaw(s) would they say they have? What flaw(s) would you say they have?
Full Background:
Seraka was born with a name she didn't want to a people that didn't want her. Her prominent orc heritage came as a surprise to everyone, her parents' orc blood diluted by generations. Her father assumed her mother had cheated on him and resented her quietly until the day he died. Her mother did her best to keep her head down, constantly apologizing for Seraka's misbehavior and trying to make Seraka act like a good Shoanti son. Seraka learned quickly she was not meant to be either. Seraka towered over the other children her age, but it did little to dissuade the bullying. Her orc blood marked her as tainted, and she was never allowed to forget that fact. She took small comfort that her ostracization freed her from having to behave according to her peers' rules and conventions. She wore what she wanted—the non-gender-specific robes favored by shamans. She wore her hair long and refused to cut it. Finding little comfort in the traditions and culture of the Shoanti, Seraka looked for a sense of community and belonging elsewhere. On trips to trade in the city in her early teens, she secretly gathered lore on the orcs and orc-blooded, seeking to learn why this half of her was so terrible. She learned of the atrocities done by the full-blooded, how they had ravaged the land out of brutal instinct. She continued, desperate to find some point of pride. She learned of the half-orc havens of Averaka and Trunau, of the history of half-orc artists and scholars, and—most importantly—of how her brothers and sisters had survived trials worse than hers. She learned of a long-forgotten ritual created by a tribe of Belkzen half-orcs long since dead. This ritual would connect her to her past in a metaphorical sense, bringing her closer to her half-orc kin, and to her future in an all-too-literal sense, showing her the events leading up to her own death. All she needed to sacrifice was an eye. Even at twelve years old, she could comprehend the gravity of such a sacrifice. For a year, she contemplated whether or not she should do it. Then, when she was 13, her tribe had their yearly coming-of-age ceremony for the young men of the tribe. Seraka defiantly refused to go, despite her mother's typical pleas to simply play along at least to make things go smoothly. The ceremony came and went that night, and nothing came of it. She went to sleep in triumph, chastising herself for fearing some inane tradition. She awoke in the middle of the night to find herself gagged and held down on her bed by the boys of her tribe, several of them holding razors. They ran their hands over their freshly shaved heads and told her she would not shirk her duty to tradition, no matter how deluded she was or how much her parents coddled her. She thrashed and raged against them, but they cut off her knee-length hair eventually. As soon as the boys ran away, Seraka—bruised by the restraints and bleeding from the razor, ran to her mother and father. Her mother tended to her wounds with care, shaken by how this could happen to her own child. Her father simply looked on and shrugged. “Young boys do such things to each other. It's nothing to be concerned about,” he said. Her eyes wet with tears, she spit at his feet. She performed the ritual the next day. As her freshly-removed eye rested in a bowl of rainwater in front of her, she saw the vision she was promised. She saw a grown, proud half-orc woman cutting through giants by the dozen, chasing dark figures down shadowy streets, climbing great mountains, facing a stern man with gems in his head and a flaming glaive. She was not alone in these visions. But most importantly of all, in those visions, her body was as it always was meant to be. From that day forward, she saw visions of great battles past and present. She heard warriors whisper techniques and strategies to her. Her body knew every weapon and every armor she came across. She spend the next month planning. She needed money, a lot of money, 2250 gold pieces, more money than she had ever seen. She ran away to the one place she knew she could find the money and magic item access she needed: Magnimar. She fought in the underground fighting rings as a curiosity: “the half-orc, half-shoanti boy who wanted to be a girl.” Even as a 13-year-old, she was big enough to fight, and she had milenniums of war running through her head. The fightmasters would dress her up in gaudy dresses and make-up in a degrading caricature. Those opponents that made fun of her were cut down without mercilessly, while those that treated her with respect almost always found themselves just barely alive. A wizened elf priest of Arshea named Mikki took an interest in Seraka, finding the young half-orc, half-shoanti fighting in the pits of Magnimar. Mikki was the first person Seraka met that understood her situation and accepted it without question, Mikki being of a fluid gender themself. They helped Seraka by providing materials and funds for Seraka's elixir, an effort that saved Seraka years of degrading toil as a gladiator. Seraka promised to find her way back to Magnimar after she has had some time to travel on her own so she can return the kindness Mikki showed her. First, she needed to return to her old tribe and her parents, show them what had become of their wayward daughter. She would throw it all in their faces: her pride, her strength, her pride in her heritage, her womanhood. She arrived to find a ruin stampeded by giants, their filth still reeking on the air. She raged and screamed to the ruins and ghosts there. She had been denied her catharsis. She left and lived like a monk for years, all in anticipation of that moment of quiet revenge. The giants took that away from her. She would reap an unquiet revenge from them as consolation. Knowing that the tribes would be meeting at the usual neutral ground if giants were on the prowl, she wasted no time. She came across the scene about the same time as Rokan and the Elders. She insisted on being allowed to fight as well, and they begrudgingly sent her on a minor mission with Rokan. Personality:
Seraka laughs loud and long and fights the same. She dislikes rules as a rule, and will happily share that information with anyone, though she has finally learned to pick her battles after many years. Respect is more important than anything to her, and she has never received much of it, so she will loyally fight beside anyone who can give it and take it in return. She wants nothing more than to cut loose, fighting who she wants, loving who she wants, and simply living as she wants. |