
SerGalahad's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Hey all! I have a question about the Shellcracker Caves map. On pg. 30, it says that the map on pg. 29 notes the different depths of the water. It gives an example of -5 meaning the area is 5ft underwater. But neither the map on pg. 29 nor the map in the pdf map file have anything on it to indicate the water dept. It just says F1, F2, F3, etc for the different rooms of the caves.

Thoughts? Was this something accidentally left off the map? Thanks!

EDIT: I meant to mention that this is in book 1, "The Lost Outpost"

I'm running my group through Demon's Heresy, book 3, and although they won't face Scorizscar for a few weeks yet, I'm getting all my prep done now. I've been running level advancement as suggested in the book and the group is still 9th level, 3rd tier and they're supposed to level up before beginning part 3.

For those of you who have ran it, did you level your party up to 10th level, 3rd tier before or after they fought the woundwyrm? How did the fight turn out? Any suggestions?

I plan to run the encounter like a fight with a dragon should be and I'm only going to modify Scorizscar slightly with an increase of +25%-50% hit points.

I'm using mythic rules, modified slightly as suggested in "Mythic Hero's Handbook" published by Legendary Games/Dreamscarred Press/Rogue Genius Games. The party is as follows:

Aldiar - male elf wizard 9/archmage 3
Carruth - male catfolk paladin of Iomedae 9/champion 3
Gilhead - male human warpriest of Iomedae 9/hierophant 3
Orianna - female halfling rogue 5/halfling opportunist 4/trickster 3
Sabella - female aasimar purifier oracle 9/guardian 3
Scatha - male ratfolk ranger 7 (NPC and cohort of Gilhead)