Hello all. I have several PFS characters and many non-PFS characters and I'm always coming up with new one's I'd like to play. Here's my deal...
I have a lot of free time. I'm looking to join 1-2 more HIGHLY active Play by Posts (not Virtual table tops, but Roll20 for maps is fine). By active I'm looking for 3-5 posts per day on average with more if it's called for. I am pretty passionate about my hobby and am looking for some like-minded folks who would be interested in adding another highly active player to an ongoing campaign, or to a game that will be starting soon.
I am in several PBPs right now, most average one update per day and some go for days with nothing from the game's GM. I get not everyone has the time to dedicate to such a heavy posting regiment but there has to be some others who can or do?
So there it is, I'm very easy going and love to RP as long as the gameplay stays steady you will have a very active and usually rational player! :)
Feel free to PM me, or post here, or call me a nerd because I'm interested in hyper active play by posting. Either way just get me in some games!
How on earth haha, what a silly rule. I love Paizo but Paizo doesn't love dexterity users. Sad birds everywhere - tengu claws are the size of short swords. Lol'able indeed.
This thread clarifies a few intentions about Slashing Grace, the Agile Enchant, and my favorite piece of tech. I humbly submit my ramblings in hopes that some fine boardies will come brainstorm with me. Lets do something dirty with the Monowhip!
A monowhip is a deadly melee weapon capable of inflicting horrible wounds, even in the hands of the weak. An inactive monowhip looks like a short metal baton, but when it's activated, a small weight detaches, revealing a 15-foot-long monofilament length. Wielded like a whip, a monowhip slices deeply into targets and can inflict grievous critical hits with shocking ease. Attacks made with a monowhip resolve as touch attacks, and they ignore hardness as if the monofilament were made of adamantine. A monowhip's damage cannot be enhanced by strength, as the monofilament slices with equal ease regardless of the force applied. Activating a monowhip is a move action; once activated, the whip consumes power incredibly quickly, at the rate of 1 charge per round.
Craft DC 32; Cost 35,000 gp
Craft Technological Arms and Armor, gravity lab
The Recharge spell (Level 2 for Most Casting Classes) recharges it without needing a lab or power source and the prestige class on the PRD has a 3rd level ability that lets him convert unused spells into Power, essentially. So Wands of Recharge CL 9 or 10 are Ideal, in addition to prepping the actual spell.
Branching off of this thread, some very important tidbits of information come out concerning the intentof enchantments such as Agile and feats/abilities such as the (hopefully) soon to be fixed Slashing Grace and their positive interaction with our favorite new piece of Numerian technology.
Obvious hurdle number 1 is the cost. If you take the requisite Crafting feat it eats into about half of your total WBL for 10th level. The earliest you can get a hold of one by the books is at Level 3 through the Bladebound Archtype for Magus as the Monowhip meets the criteria (one handed slashing). Interestingly enough, it's actually considered a whip for feats and favored weapon + warpriest diety interactions for feats such as Crusader's Flurry (YAY! FINALLY).
Sacred Fist Warpriests of (Whip Diety) and Reach Magi are our obvious starting points. Lets have fun :D
Lets do 20 point buys, and stick to Society standards with Avg Wealth by Level for level 10. Feel free to go higher or lower to illustrate something fun or ridiculous, and welcome to the Monowhip fanclub.
Just making random characters I've been thinking about and I came across an interesting interaction.
Tengu have a racial trait substitution that allows them to pick up a pair of Claw natural attacks (1d3+str) in addition to the Bite natural attack they already get. Taking the claw trait grants you a pseudo-Improved Unarmed Strike that functions when you use the claws, and a Warpriest of Irori's favored weapon for the Sacred Weapon ability is Unarmed Strike.
Warpriests also get an extra bonus Weapon Focus at level 1 to apply to any weapon. You should be able to select the Bite weapon, allowing it to benefit from the Sacred Weapon benefits as well right? Essentially making both claws and the bite do 1d6 starting at level 1 instead of 1d3?
It doesn't really seem game breaking, I just want to make sure the interactions are working like I think they are, and if so what would be the best way to build upon this as the character leveled? As far as I can tell the Bite and Claws are Finesseable? Any feedback is appreciated.