Chain Mauler

Caleb Gance's page

56 posts. Organized Play character for Ser Clay.

Full Name

Caleb Gance




3 Inspired Blade| HP 25 | AC: 20[21Cape] touch: 15 FF: 13[14 Cape] |[F:2 R:9: W0(2 vs Charms/Enchantment/Compulsions)] |CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Init +6|Perc -2|Speed 30| Panache 4 Crit 18-20 w. Rapier to Restore.||Charmed Life 3/3|







Special Abilities

Panache, Deeds, Cape Fighting!






Court Noble


Common, Dwarven, Elven



Strength 13
Dexterity 20
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 7
Charisma 14

About Caleb Gance

Caleb Gance Male Human Level 3 Inspired Blade Swashbuckler
XP8 F14 PP8

Main Stat Block/Crunchies!:

Alignmnent: CN Pharasma Speed 30 Init: +5(+7) BAB: +3
HP:25 AC: 20[21 Cape] touch: 17 FF: 14[15 Cape] CMB: +4 CMD: 15
Traits:Vagabond Child Disable Device as a Class Skill +1
Birthmark: +2 Saves against Charms and Compulsions [Half-Moon mole on left palm]

Combat: Rapier +10, 1d6+2 (18-20x2) +3Precision(Precise Strike)
Power Attack: (*Preferred Attack)+9, 1d6+5 (18-20x2) +3Precision

Move Action: Use Cape as Buckler [stays active once used til cape removed or I end it]

Str 13 Light Load: 27lbs / 50lbs Panache Pool: 4
Dex 20
Con 10(1 Point Lost to toruture permanantly)
Int 14
Wis 7
Cha 14

Fort 2
Ref 9
Will 0[+2 against Charms and Compulsions]


Broach of Shielding 40 Charges Remain
-+1 Cold Iron Rapier 2lbs 1d6 18-20x2 Piercing Damage. Finesseable.
MW Silvered Rapier (PP buy) 2lbs, same as above but -1 damage.
-+1 Leather Armor 15lbs 3AC 6MAX DEX 0ACP 30SPD
-Cloak of Resistance +1
- Masterwork Lockpick 1lb +2 bonus to Disable Device vs Locks.
-Backpack 4gp 2lbs
-Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
- 50ft Silk Rope 2.5lbs
-10x Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1)
Wayfinder, 1PP
-5x Patchwork Cloaks (Used as Bucklers and for Feat*) 25gp 2.5lbs, Hardness 1 HP 3 AC 1
-157gp 8sp 4cp

Race, Feats, Skills:

Race Features
-Bonus Feat at Level 1
+1 Skill Point per Level
30 Foot Speed
Medim Humanoid, Human Subtype

Acrobatics 3 + 3 + 5 = 11
Disable Device 3 + 3 + 5 + 1 = 12 [14 with MW tool]
Escape Artist 3+ 3 + 5 = 11
Intimidate 3 + 3 + 2 = 8
Knowledge Local 3 + 3 + 2 = 8
Knowledge Nobility 3 + 3 + 2 = 8
Sleight of Hand 3 + 3 + 5 = 11

---Dueling Cape: Benefit: As a move action, you can wrap a cape that
you're wearing around your arm (removing it if necessary),
and treat it as a buckler. If you are using the cape in this
way, and an opponent misses you with a melee attack, as an
immediate action you can spend i panache point to release
your cape from your arm and entangle your foe in it.
The foe can free it by using a full-round action to escape
or by destroying the cape; a typical cape has hardness 1
and 3 hit points. You can use this feat with items similar
in shape and weight to a cape, such as a cloak or a curtain.
----Weapon Finesse Rapiers Only
-----Weapon Focus Rapiers Only
------Dodge (+1 Dodge AC)
-----Power Attack


[Spoiler=Class Features and Deeds]
Class Features
-Inspired Panache (Ex): Each day, an inspired blade
gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma
modifier (2) and Intelligence modifier
(2), instead ofjust her Charisma modifier.
Unlike other swashbucklers, an inspired blade gains
no panache from a killing blow. She gains panache only
from scoring a critical hit with a rapier. This ability alters
the panache class feature.

-Inspired Finesse (Ex): At ist level, an inspired blade gains
the benefits of Weapon Finesse with the rapier (this ability
counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for the purpose of
meeting feat prerequisites) and gains Weapon Focus (rapier)
as a bonus feat. This ability replaces swashbuckler finesse.

-Charmed Life (Ex): At 2nd level, the swashbuckler
gains a knack for getting out of trouble. Three times per
day as an immediate action before attempting a saving
throw, she can add her Charisma modifier to the result
of the save. She must choose to do this before the roll
is made.

-Nimble (Ex): At 3rd level, a swashbuckler gains a +1
dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor.
Anything that causes the swashbuckler to lose her
Dexterity bonus to AC also causes her to lose this dodge

-Derring -Do (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler can spend
1 panache point when she makes an Acrobatics, Climb,
Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check to roll 1d6 and add
the result to the check. She can do this after she makes
the check but before the result is revealed. If the result
of the d6 roll is a natural 6, she rolls another ld6 and
adds it to the check. She can continue to do this as long as
she rolls natural 6s, up to a number of times equal to her
Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

-Dodging i Panache (Ex): At ist level, when an opponent
attempts a melee attack against the swashbuckler,
the swashbuckler can as an immediate action spend
i panache point to move 5 feet; doing so grants the
swashbuckler a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Charisma
modifier (2) against the triggering attack.
This movement doesn't negate the attack, which is still
resolved as ifthe swashbuckler had not moved from the
original square. This movement is not a 5-foot step; it
provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other
than the one who triggered this deed. The swashbuckler
can only perform this deed while wearing light or no
armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load.

-Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex): At ist level, when an
opponent makes a melee attack against the swashbuckler,
she can spend i panache point and expend a use of an
attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack.
The swashbuckler makes an attack roll as if she were
making an attack of opportunity; for each size category
the attacking creature is larger than the swashbuckler,
the swashbuckler takes a -2 penalty on this roll. If her
result is greater than the attacking creature's result, the
creature's attack automatically misses. The swashbuckler
must declare the use of this ability after the creature's
attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made.
Upon performing a successful parry and if she has at least
1 panache point, the swashbuckler can as an immediate
action make an attack against the creature whose attack
she parried, provided that creature is within her reach.

-Menacing Swordplay (Ex): At 3rd level, while she has
at least 1 panache point, when a swashbuckler hits an
opponent with a light or one-handed piercing melee
weapon, she can choose to use Intimidate to demoralize
that opponent (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 99) as a swift
action instead of a standard action.
Precise Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, while she has at least 1
panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike
precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee
weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding
her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt. To use
this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon
in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler.
She can even use this ability with thrown light or onehanded
piercing melee weapons, so long as the target
is within 30 feet of her. Any creature that is immune
to sneak attacks is immune to the additional damage
granted by precise strike, and any item or ability that
protects a creature from critical hits also protects a
creature from the additional damage of a precise strike.
This additional damage is precision damage, and isn't
multiplied on a critical hit.
As a swift action, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache
point to double her precise strike's damage bonus on
the next attack. This benefit must be used before the
end of her turn, or it is lost. This deed's cost cannot be
reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the amount
of panache points a deed costs (such as the Signature
Deed feat).

-Swashbuckler Initiative (Ex): At 3rd level, while the
swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she gains a
+2 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, if she has the
Quick Draw feat, her hands are free and unrestrained,
and she has any single light or one-handed piercing
melee weapon that isn't hidden, she can draw that weapon
as part of the initiative check.

[spoiler=Backstory and Description]Born the son of a nobleman in Absalom, Caleb had
an impressive and sheltered childhood. He stands
about 6 feet tall, olive-brown skin and emerald eyes.
Muscular, charming, and sort-of a braggart when it
comes to his prowess with rapier, often heard boasting
he can take on any man with only his cape! A charmer
with an eye out for number one, Caleb was raised by
very superstitious parents and they passed that on,
Caleb prays nightly to the Lady of the Graves to ward
off evil spirits he believes haunt him when he's having
a string of bad luck with women, cards, or life in general.

Caleb has a code of honor, he won't stand for domestic
violence in nearly any situation. He does enjoy members
the opposite sex but he's rspectful about his desires -
often challenging opposing suitors to duels or climbing
great mountains to pick rare flowers.

In a brawl Caleb trusts his rapier and his cape - an
exotic fighting style his father had paid good coin for
caleb to learn in order to impress the other noble families
with his magnificient trophy son! Caleb awaits adventure
and recently has discovered a knack for popping locks
and picked up a master crafted tool on the black markets
for such work - he plans to soon break into his father's
liquor cabanets and throw a party for all of the other
privleged children....

It had been years since Caleb thought about the day his father'd disowned him. Now he traveled the roads selling his finely honed skills to pay for wine and women, enjoying life.

Society Stuff:
# 151769-2
Completed Scenario's withh Details
Level 3, Completed 8 Scenario's 14 fame / 8 prestige remaining
Season 6 Faction Grand Lodge

1:S2: Subtier 1-5 2 Fame 523gp Murder on the throaty Mermaid.
Belladonna (100 gp; limit one dose)
Cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp) Purchased!
Hunter urchin venom (50 gp; limit one dose)
Potion of delay poison (300 gp)
Wand of purify food and drink (24 charges; 180 gp)
Wand of disguise self (5 charges; 75 gp; Azuretta only)

2S2: Subtier 1-7 2 Fame 506gp Before the Dawn P1
Tortured by the Aspis Consortium: You were captured in Bloodcove by the Aspis Consortium
and subsequently tortured over the course of 2 weeks before being tossed on an Absalombound
slave ship and returned to the Society. As a result, you lose 1 permanent point of
Constitution to represent the hell the Aspis Consortium put your body through.
Greenblood oil (Limit 1; 100 gp)
Potion of invisibility (300 gp)
Wand of inflict light wounds (21 charges) (Limit 1; 315 gp)

3:S2 Subtier 1-7 1 Fame 512gp Before the Dawn P2
Scroll of cure moderate wounds (150 gp)

4:S4:01 Subtier 1-2 2 Fame 520gp RISE OF THE GOBLIN GUILD
brooch of shielding (40 points remaining; 600 gp, limit 1) Purchased!
elixir of hiding (250 gp)
necklace of fireballs (type II) (two 2d6 spheres; 600 gp, limit 1)
potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
potion of ,gaseous form (750 gp)
potion of resist energy,ire (300 gp)
wand of cure light wounds (24 charges; 360 gp, limit 1) Purchased!

5:S1:33 Subtier 1-2 2 Fame 553go ASSAULT ON THE KINGDOM
Mask of the Tiger’s Eye (55 gp)
Venture-Captain Mihir presents you with a copper coin that has the sigil of the open road on one side and
the flag of Jalmeray on the other. When in Absalom or any major city (more than 5,000 residents) in Andoran,
Cheliax, Jalmeray, Osirion, Qadira, or Taldor, you can present this coin to any citizen of Jalmeray (it takes 1d4
hours to locate one) and receive a +4 circumstance bonus on any one Appraise, Diplomacy, or Knowledge (any)
skill check. You may only use this coin once per scenario.

6:S1:45 Subtier 1-2 2 Fame 512gp DELIRIUM'S TANGLE
You Rescued the Minotaur Prince: You rescued Nuar Spiritskin, the Minotaur Prince of
Absalom and he is quite grateful that you have done so. Though he is absolutely unclear how
he got into the Tangle in the first place, he pays this no mind and spreads the tale of your
daring-do to his many contacts throughout the city. You gain a permanent +1 circumstance
bonus to any Intelligence or Charisma-based checks made while in Absalom.

Scroll of lesser restoration (150 gp)
Wand of daze (375 gp)
Wand of magic missiles (CL 3rd) (2,250 gp)
Wand of water breathing (2 charges) (Limit 1; 450 gp)

7:S1:48 Subtier 2-3 2 Fame 1250gp THE DEVIL WE KNOW PART 4 RULES OF THE SWIFT
Bracers of archery (lesser) (5,000 gp)
Potion of inflict moderate wounds (300 gp)

8:S1:47 Subtier 1-2 2 Fame 515gp THE DARKEST VENGANCE
Boots of elvenkind (2,500 gp)
Scroll of darkvision (150 gp)
Scroll of suggestion (375 gp)