Ser Baron |
well, you can get your fast healing up REALLY high with the right feats...
Endurance, Diehard, Fast healing (feat line)
Will grant you 1/2 CON bonus to your heals every time you receive a heal.
Combine that with wand and you got yourself a nice little hunk ó heal every round.
I did a character based on the concept of survival, which i call the Rage witch. at lvl 5 it has 10 fast heal i believe (while raging, mind you). At lvl 7, it should have 17 Fast heal while raging... And from there it escalates.
At lvl 20, he sits neatly on 52 CON, with full buffs up, which should get him 28-29, fast heal. That, together with spells which gives DR.
and... here he is, ivé only statted him up to lvl 5 in this copy though, but you can imagine the rest with the correct featlines.
Bloodrager 1
Fighter 1 [Unbreakable archetype]
Skald 1
Witch 2 [Scarred Witchdoctor]
25p build
STR 16
DEX 12
CON 17 +2 +1
INT 12
WIS 10
1. Amplified rage (+4 increase to Ragebonus) [Teamwork]
3. Fast healer (1/2 CON bonus to every incoming Healtick)
5. Mad Magic (Cast spells while raging)
1. Bloodrage, Bloodline Familliar [Aberrent tumor, Valet archetype], Bloodline, Fast Movement
2. Endurance, Diehard (From fighter lvl)
3. Bardic Knowledge, cantrips, inspired rage, raging song, scribe scroll
4. Constitution dependant, Hex scar, Fetish Mask, Scarshield, Patron (Transformation)
5. Hex
[Bloodrage 4+CON MOD] +8STR / +8CON, -2 AC
Favored class (Witch)
Hitpoints 69 (rage +20)
Fortitude 11 (rage +4)
Reflex 1
Will 5