About Sefanit BatinayadStatistics:
Female Garundi Human Witch (Medium) 4
NG Medium Humanoid Init +7; Senses Perception +5
Melee +2 Ranged +5
Resurrected (Campaign):
Pragmatic Activator:
Drawback Feats Great Fortitude:
Extra Hex (Cackle):
Skills (28 points; 8 class, 16 INT, 4 Skilled, 8 Background)
+2 Perception (Familiar / Alertness)
Languages Taldane, Osiriani, Ancient Osiriani, Shory, Jistka, Tekritanin,
Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Witch: Patron (Spirits): 2nd—ghostbane dirge, 4th—invisibility, 6th—speak with dead, 8th—spiritual ally, 10th—mass ghostbane dirge, 12th—shadow walk, 14th—ethereal jaunt, 16th—planar ally, 18th—etherealness. Ectoplasmic Aptitude (Su):
Hexes (DC 16): Misfortune (Su)
Cackle (Su)
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (4 at will) DC 14 Arcane Mark
1st (4/day) DC 15 Burning Hands
2nd (3/day) DC 16 Burning Gaze
3rd (2/day) DC 17 Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS Magic Items
Money 1,654 GP 7 SP 3 CP
Sefanit’s death, brief though it was, changed her life forever. Before, she led a comfortable life as the daughter and eldest child of Etefu, an engineer who oversaw irrigation canal systems, and Persinna his wife. The family lived in Manaket, and Sefanit prospered intellectually there. She had academic leanings, especially in history, and a talent for languages. She was also a diligent learner. By her mid-teens she was proficient in most of the ancient languages of Garund. Probably Sefanit would have remained within the scholarly pursuits, married well, and raised children with a husband in Manaket. A life lived that most in Rahadoum would consider exemplary. At seventeen Sefanit was killed by a scorpion’s sting while fetching in some laundry from outside the house. It was an unusual death, mostly scorpion stings sicken, but are not fatal except for the old or young. Sefanit died quickly though, during the night after the sting in her bed. The next morning the maid found her, and alerted her parents. A doctor was called, the same one as the previous day, but it was far too late. Safanit was left alone in her room as everyone else went downstairs to mourn and begin making the necessary arrangements. A couple of hours later, she stirred, alive again, but not alone. She opened her eyes to see a scorpion on her chest. She knew somehow it was the same scorpion that had stung her. It began to move it’s pincers and body in a sort of dance, and Sefanit realized she understood what it meant. ”You will say it eventually, so… you are welcome. The scorpion continued. I apologize for killing you. But, it was necessary. You needed to take the journey. The connection had to be made. We have much to discuss, and I have very much indeed to teach you. Sefanit was terribly weak, but her mind’s focus surprised her. Unable to do anything else, she lay there and listened to the scorpion. As it turned out, the scorpion was a she, and her name was Kushifalhikma. Sefanit would eventually come to call her Kush or Kushi, only using her full name when annoyed. Kush told Sefanit that she had to play a role of great importance. Kush explained that on occasion when a person dies, their soul does not move on. There could be many reasons why it could happen, but when it did the soul would need help. Just as when a difficult birth might not progress correctly without a midwife’s assistance, so Sefanit must assist these souls. Some time later Sefanit’s mother came back to her room, and her daughter’s croaking plea for water terrified, then overjoyed her. The doctor was sent for a third time, but he could not explain Sefanit’s return. Her eyes had been fixed and dilated, she did not breath and there was no heartbeat, she was beginning to stiffen. There was no doubt she was dead when he saw her previously. The doctor could only advise her parents to help her recover as best she could. Sefanit remained in bed nearly two weeks. It was a period of intense learning. All of her waking hours were spent under Kushifalhikma’s tutelage. She taught Sefanit the fundamentals of the magic, instructed her in the nature of spirits, and introduced her to her ability to bring misfortune to others should it be needed. If anyone entered the room, Kush would scurry out of sight, and Sefanit never mentioned her to anyone. Whenever Sefanit questioned Kush about the source for these new abilities, she told her she did not know either. Kush had come to it the same as Sefanit. Kush had died, but when she was resurrected, she had Awakened and knew what she must do. In fact, Kush said she knew less than Safanit because she never knew a mentor or agent of her transition. Not long after she recovered and regained her strength, Kush tasked Sefanit with her first stranded spirit. As it turned out the spirit occupied her house. She had begun to feel him even before she could leave her bed. But it wasn’t until Kush explained that she knew who it was. Her five-year-old brother had died, delirious with a fever, three years earlier. His still incoherent spirit still lingered in his room, unaware of what had happened. Sefanit spent time in the room several days in a row, speaking to her brother, and making contact. She was able to bring him back to focus and eventually make him understand it was time to go. It was a difficult task for her, but she found satisfaction in knowing he would finally rest. Afterward Sefanit would sometimes become aware of other spirits here and there around Manaket. But Kush only allowed her to help two more onward over the next two years. She explained that some spirits, like her brother, remained because they did not know any better. Others were more difficult. Some remained because something important remained undone, words left unsaid, promises still unmet. Some were angry, and they could become dangerous. Then there were the truly undead, things far beyond her capacities for some time to come. Kush told her the spirits she felt were for her to deal with, but not necessarily right away. She might not be ready for some of them for many years. There were in fact many more spirits around that she did not feel, and those were not her concern. Sefanit’s parents were careful to keep her period of death and return to life a secret. They told nobody and made sure Sefanit would not either, though she needed no further instructions on that account. But word got out anyway. Whether it was the doctor, or more likely, the servants was never certain, but the event was whispered about. The maid, and cook were fired, and the doctor was never consulted again, but the damage was done. Soon enough the thing the family had feared came to pass. The Pure Legion became aware of it and investigated the family. The investigation found nothing to implicate any members of the family for violation of the laws of man. There were no religious texts or symbols hidden away. Each member of the family passed the numerous rounds of long and intense questioning. Eventually investigators concluded the doctor was in error, and nothing outside the laws of nature had occurred. But damage to the family’s reputation was more permanent. Friends and collateral members of the clan called on them rarely, or no longer associated with them. A cloud of suspicion hung over them in their neighborhood, and though they were not shunned, they were avoided. People feared some sort of guilt by association, or that perhaps there some truth to the rumors. People said “after all, who ever really knows what the family might have been up to”? One person who wasn’t squeamish about making accusations was Kawab Menna, another young scholar and historian. Both he and Sefanit considered each other rivals. Sefanit would hardly have described the rivalry as friendly, but she didn’t take it too seriously either. Kawab certainly did take it seriously. When he got wind of the investigation and the rumors he enthusiastically spread passed them on into the scholarly community. His attempt to discredit Senfanit as a criminal, or at least a crank, didn’t work as well as he hoped, but it was embarrassing and burdensome for Sefanit. It took almost two years of this, and a couple of other events to come together, to convince Sefanit some time away from Manaket would be a good thing. The third spirit she sent to rest was that of a woman who had lingered for a very long time. She spoke a language that Sefanit had never heard before. Discovering the woman also spoke Ancient Osiriani, Sefanit was able to learn that her native language was Tekritanen, which no person had heard spoken in thousands of years. Hearing the sounds of a language she knew only by its writing made Sefanit realize the power her dealigs with spirits could have for revealing things about the past that were otherwise irrevocably lost. When the news came that the necropolis in Wati would be opened for exploration, Sefanit knew she had found an opportunity to discover things nobody on Golarion now knew, while also putting her problems behind her for a while. Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'2" | Weight: 115 | Hair: Dark Brown | Eyes: Dark Brown Appearance Sefanit's mother is a lighter skinned Garundi, while her father's family is from the far south originally, with a mixed Garundi and Mwangi heritage. Sefanit has lighter skin like her mother, but her face is generously sprinkled with darker freckles that show her father's background as well. Her hair is dark brown, slightly wavy, and reaches half-way down her back. She is slightly shorter than average and quite thin. Despite her thinness, her body is rather soft. She has never been enthusiastic about sport or the outdoors. While she isn't exactly beautiful, she is not unattractive. She dresses well, using clothing and jewelry to accent her best features. Personality Sefanit is rather outgoing for an academic. She has always made friends easily and her manners are well polished. She knows that few people share her particular interests at the same depth she does, and is careful not to bore others. She can converse on many subjects and tries to steer conversations to those things that interest others. She shows the typical Rahadoumi traits of discipline and responsibility, but is warm and compassionate with family and friends. Her sense of humor is well developed, though it tends toward irony and a certain dark fatalism. Death is often on her mind after all. The couple of years since her death and recovery have taken a toll on Sefanit. She has learned to be more circumspect and less outgoing in her dealings with people. But in a new land where people do not know her past, her carefulness may relax with some time. Questions:
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. More are welcome, but no less than five. 1. As a scholar and historian, Sefanit is accomplished, poised, and confident. She knows she has few equals in her field considering her young age. Given time, she is on course to become truly immanent and famous (at least among those few who pay attention to history). 2. Sefanit has always been a conventional Rahadoumi like the rest of her family. She follows the Laws of Man, and has no interest in religion beyond its place in history. While she has read religious texts, it has been for academic purposes and she has no divine faith. Religious study has (carefully and inconspicuously) become more important to her since her rebirth as a witch and medium though. She believes there is much about religion that can help her guide souls on their journeys. 3. As a witch and medium Sefanit is far less confident, and has always been extremely secretive. She does not understand where her abilities come from, and cannot offer any rational explanation for them. This is particularly problematic in Rahadoum because they look suspiciously divine. She has never revealed her relationship with spirits, ability to perform magic, or the existence of Kushi to anyone, including her parents. Only in Osirion will she reveal any of these things publicly, and she is not sure how she will wear that identity yet. 4. Life in Manaket has been less comfortable for Sefanit since her return to life. Her experience came to the attention of the Pure Legion by some means, and she and her family were investigated. While nothing was found, and officially she was never actually dead, whispers and rumors have continued to follow her. The Pure Legion has taken an interest and almost surely still watch her. Her and her family’s relationships have been damaged in some cases. Sefanit left for Wati as much to escape this cloud of suspicion as to test her abilities in a place where she could do it freely. 5. Sefanit is rather outgoing for an academic. She has always made friends easily and her manners are well polished. She knows that few people share her particular interests at the same depth she does, and is careful not to bore others. She can converse on many subjects and tries to steer conversations to those things that interest others. She shows the typical Rahadoumi traits of discipline and responsibility, but is warm and compassionate with family and friends. Her sense of humor is well developed, though it tends toward irony and a certain dark fatalism. Death is often on her mind after all. 2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game. 1. The first goal is not achievable in the sense an end outcome can be reached. Sefanit wants to collect as much history, both of the standard type, and of spirits’ stories and knowledge as she can. No matter how much she collects there will always be more. She is at peace with that realization, it is the way of knowledge that a pinnacle can never be reached. But the thought of scaling ever higher always drives her on. 2. The second is unlikely but achievable. She wants to discover the identity or identities of her patron. (As worked out with the DM in the prior campaign, her patron is linked somehow to Selket. It's up to you if you want to keep this in the new campaign.) 3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling. 1. Sefanit keeps to herself that a grain of distrust exists between Kushi, her familiar, and herself. Kushi is committed to the mission they have been given, and Sefanit allows her scorpion to believe the same is true of her. In truth Sefanit is motivated more by the knowledge she gleans from spirits rather than the mission of helping them. She feels good when she helps, but if it involved great danger or sacrifice, Sefanit might abandon the mission. She also suspects Kushi of knowing more about her patron’s identity and purposes than her familiar will admit. 2. Sefanit does not know that her parents are relieved that she has traveled to Osirion. They do love Sefanit, and are both very happy to have her back. But there is no escaping the knowledge that she was dead. It cannot be explained or avoided. Deep down they wonder if it is truly Sefanit that returned, or something else. 4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five. PLEASE consider the players reference guide for ideas. 1. Sefanit’s parents (Blood): Her relationship with them had always been good, and became closer after the death of her younger brother. After her own death things did not seem different on the surface, but underneath there were fissures. Sefanit is now keeping significant secrets from her parents. Her parents know she came back from the dead. They cannot understand how or why, and their inability to comprehend what happened to their daughter makes her strange to them now. 2. Kawab Menna (Rivalry): Another very talented young historian in Menaket, Kawab and Sefanit both participated in their rivalry. Kawab was the more hardened and jealous of the two though. He is more than willing to believe Sefanit is guilty of some violation of the Laws of Man involving divine tampering. When he learned Sefanit was leaving for the opening of Wati’s necropolis, Kawab was not to be outdone. Kawab claimed he would do the same, though whether he will follow through is unknown. 3. Dedi Nebetah (Love-ish?): The long, lazy boat ride from Sothis to Wati left little for passengers to do for an extended time. What better circumstances for a new romance? Dedi, a conjurer wizard, was a fellow passenger. Sefanit and he talked much, shared meals, and eventually, discreetly shared a bed. Dedi had promises to keep to friends in Wati, and he and Sefanit separated upon their arrival in the city. 5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. 1. Waking up after dying to a talking scorpion on her chest, unable to remember anything about the time during which she was dead. 2. The first time she helped a soul move on. It was her little brother. He had died three years before Sefanit did, at the age of five. He had fallen ill and was feverish and disoriented at the time. He remained that way after death and lingered in their house, unknown to the family. When she discovered he had remained in the house, Sefanit worked several days to bring him to awareness of what had happened to him. Beginning with playing silly word rhyming games as they had when he was alive, she slowly eased his confusion and brought him into an understanding of what had happened to him, and what needed to come next. While it is a sad memory for her, it was also satisfying to know she could help him. 3. A little over a year later, Sefanit helped a spirit depart, a woman who had lingered a very long time. Sefanit had to use Ancient Osirioni to communicate with her, and in the process learned the woman also spoke Tekritanin. She heard the sounds of a dead language, known only by it’s writing. It was then when she truly grasped her ability’s power for unlocking the otherwise unknowable past. 6) Finally, I'd like you to include with your submission a fear or paranoia that causes your character to shiver, cower, or panic. Anything from spiders to unexplained happenstance, but I'm sure you'll all come up with some awful stuff on your own. Sefanit carries no grudge against Kushi for killing her. The experience did leave its marks though. She is very afraid of being poisoned.