Hello fellow Pathfinders, I've been away from Society play (and play in general) for about a year and am trying to get caught up on my society guides. is there a place i can get older versions of the society guides? I am missing season 6's guide. the only version i can get (that i'm aware of) from my paizo download section is version 7.0. any help is appreciated. r/ SoD
Hello all, I'm hoping to get some guidance on one of my first attempt at GMing. I ran the Pathfinder Society: Kid's Track a while back. From reading here and there online I've come to understand that the players themselves don't get credit in PFS for playing, but I, as a GM, can get credit for it. My question is how do I document the running of the Kid's track and apply it to one of my PFS characters? I think I've figured out the online side on applying the credit (seeing as one of my characters has the Kid's Track reflected in the sessions section), but I don't have any kind of paper documentation to attach to my character as proof/evidence... Is there anything out there for GMs? How would I document that in the event my char ever gets audited at a table? any info is appreciated. r/ SoD
Is there an official PFS Oracle pregen out there anywhere? I downloaded the pregen file from http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/playerResources but didn't see oracle in there. is it being reworked? left out accidentally? or is there not one? Are there any other pregens that were left out I've not found yet? I'm trying to get all the pregens I can printed and in my PFS binder in case they're ever needed during a game day... thanks r/ SoD
Looking at the definitions of Handle Animal and Wild Empathy, It doesn't look like it makes any easier or harder to Handle an animal because of its attitude. If you're trying to teach a wild animal with an INT score of 2 a trick it isn't any harder than teaching a domestic animal with an INT score of 2. The only side difference would be training method used. Additional protective measures might be required in teaching a wild animal (Whip, protective armor/gear, chair, etc), but the difficulty in the actual training isn't any different. Once trained, getting them to perform the trick they know is the same since they know what they're supposed to do, but again, may require extra caution and protective measures with the wild animal. Pushing a wild animal to do something (within reason) is difficult, but possible if your handle check is good enough (I'd think of it as a semi Intimidate check to get it to do what you want). Fail the check and it ignores your attempt and attacks. succeed and you can coerce the animal to do something once, but will have to keep doing so each time until you fail and it attacks you. The Wild empathy ability comes in handy to change the attitude of a wild animal such that if you fail your handle animal check to make it do something, it won't attack you. think of the magicians Sigfried and Roy and their tigers.... I'd imagine they'd have some "Wild Empathy" going initially with their animals to calm them down so they're not apt to attack if their handle animal checks fail. they just get looked at by the animals in confusion trying to figure out what they want done...
I failed to read the entire block of text on the rageshaper abilities. Got to the "at 9th level" part and quit reading. If I'd kept going I would have seen the part on bloodrage powers granting natural attacks that answered my question. Beyond that, just wanted to verify the enlarged size increase to damage. I figured if your non natural weapons increased in size and damage that your natural weapons would do the same. R/ SoD
thanks for the info. Not sure how I missed the last part of Beastial Aspect. of course it was a bit late after a long day when i was reading that part of things... lol Ascalaphus, glad you agree. it is a freaking cool combination that I will definitely have to utilize and figure out how to improve it ever so much more. Just have to find some games so i can get him up to level 4 to play with all this awesomeness... r/ SoD
Given: A bloodrager with the Abyssal bloodline gets two claw attacks(su) at first level. Questions:
2. if question 1 is true, at 4th level, would this then increase the claw damage from 1d6 to 1d8? 3. if question 1 is true, and the question 2 damage increase takes effect, would the claw damage then increase again to 2d6 if/when the bloodrager enlarges with the demonic bulk ability? Thanks for any input. just trying to see if my interpretation is correct and planning my bloodrager abilities r/ SoD
you might also take a look at the BloodRager (Barbarian/Sorcerer mix) from the upcoming Advanced Class Guide. I have a Tiefling BloodRager built (PFS Legal) that I'm excited to play. I took the Abyssal bloodline that gives two claw attacks at 1st level and starting at 4th you can enlarge one size category (as enlarge person) while raging. combine that with the Maw racial trait you have two claws and a bite starting at first level with full BAB... definitely worth looking at and the ability starting at BloodRager lvl 4 to cast a limited number of spells (even while raging). Not sure you can use sneak attack while BloodRaging, but then not sure you can sneak attack while regular raging... But it might all fit in your theme. r/ SoD
I played a PFS game over the weekend thinking it was slated for level 1 characters. somewhere I missed the memo that the scenario had changed to a different one of lvl 7. The GM allowed me to play a lvl 7 pregen and said I could apply the credit to a new character (with a 500gp earned cap) or hold it for one of my existing characters and apply it when they hit level 7. (confirmed in the PFS guide) I opted to apply the credit to the new character that I'd intended on playing that day. where my question comes up is on the gold and how to spend it. I had already selected the equipment for my character using my initial allotment of 150gp. I now have an additional 500gp to spend. My question is can I pool this gold into a 650gp total and spend it that way? or do I need to keep the equipment I'd selected already and sell/add on with the 500gp I got? My main concern is I had selected Scalemail worth 50gp as my starting armor with the intention of upgrading when i had more funds. This would have entailed selling the scalemail for 25gp and purchasing the breastplate for 200 gp. Just trying to figure out how to account for this transaction. Option 1:
Option 2:
While this is only a 25gp savings in this one instance it's still 25gp at level 1 and other similar transactions can occur. So ultimately my question is: 1. Pool funds and spend from a 650gp budget? 2. spend from my initial 150 gp budget and sell/buy upgrades with my 500gp earnings. I'm leaning towards pooling and spending from a 650gp budget, but wanted to verify the "legal and ethical" aspects of doing so in PFS play. r/ SoD
Alistus wrote: You never take penalties for full-attacking with natural weapons unless the natural weapon is secondary or you mix manufactored weapons in. In your case, your first example is correct. If say, your bite, was secondary then just the bite would take a -5 penalty(technically it isnt a penalty if i remember correctly, you just use your BaB-5). If you do mix in manufactured weapons, the damage will stay the same, but the to-hit will be reduced by 5 for all attacks, and you'll have to find a manufactured weapont that doesnt take up your hands, otherwise you cant use your claws. That's where I was a bit confused. none of the sources indicated the bite or claws were secondary, but the bite is an alternate racial trait and the claws were from a class ability. I wasn't sure if combining from these two sources would downgrad one of the attacks to secondary attacks or not. Regarding the second part, i was just wondering what the bite attack bonus would be if i attacked with a mace and then tried a bite. wasn't sure if the bite in that case would still be at full attack bonus or reduced to a "secondary" attack. r/ SoD
I'm considering a Tiefling Bloodrager as my next Society character, but had a question regarding some Natural Attacks. I'm planning on taking the Maw or Claw Alternate Racial Trait for the bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage. This attack is a primary natural attacks replacing the spell-like ability racial trait. At level 1, the Bloodrager (Abyssal) gets Claws (Su): At 1st level, you grow claws. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two
My question is, what would my attack modifier be for these attacks since the Maw is a primary natural attack and the claws are at full base attack bonus... Assuming 16 STR (+3 to attack) and +1 BAB I'm figuring: Claw 1: +4 to hit for 1d6+3 dmg
Is this an accurate calculation? or would the bite be reduced to: Bite: -1 to hit for 1d6+1 dmg? (-5 to hit for a secondary attack? and 1/2 STR damage for the bite?) Also, would this be the damage and to hit calculations if using bite in addition to a normal melee attack with a weapon? Any and all input appreciated... SoD
I guess that's why I wasn't finding anything regarding that. I'll just have to position my fighter between the baddies and the squishy members of my party and prevent them from advancing. Problem I run into is the squishy members tend to win initiative and rush out in front to get smacked. I guess I'll need to work tactics with them and allow the baddies to advance in my direction so I can trip them with my guisarme and then the squishy ones can come up and smack them while they're down and when they try to get up. and also talk with my Pathfinder Society DM and see what effect "In Character taunting" and such will have and see if that'll influence their actions. r/ SoD
Hello all, I've been scouring the SRD for a while trying to determine whether or not there is a feat or skill check or something that could be used by a PC to entice enemies to attack them vice other PCs. I thought the feat Taunt would be what I'm looking for, but it's designed for small characters and demoralizes them where I want the enemies to attack the taunter and not be demoralized or attack other PCs. any insight would be welcome. r/ SoD
I'm new to Pathfinder, but a veteran of D&D 3.0 and 3.5 I'm trying to get into Pathfinder and am in the process of character creation and feat selection. The main quesion I have now regards Attacks of Opportunity and Tripping. In 3.5 if you attempted to trip with a weapon with the trip ability it specifically stated you were not subject to attacks of opportunity even if you didn't have the Improved Trip Feat. I can't find anything in the Pathfinder SRD to indicate whether or not the same holds true for Pathfinder or not. I have my fighter (non-human) equipped with a Guisarme (has reach) and Heavy Flail. both weapons have the trip ability. 1. If i attempt a trip with the Guisarme (has reach) without the Improved Trip feat, am I subject to an AOO? 2. If i attempt a trip with the Heavy Flail without the Improved Trip feat, am I subject to an AOO? Trying to determine if I want to take Improved Trip at first level (have already selected Combat Expertise) or take Combat Reflexes (I have a +3 DEX bonus) at first and take Improved Trip as my 2nd level Bonus Feat. and regarding Combat Reflexes, I'm curious if i'm reading the description correctly. the SRD states that "You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus" the key word I'm picking up there is "additional" does this mean that if i have a +3 mod to DEX that I will get a total of 4 attacks of opportunity per round? e.g. I still get my normal 1 AOO, but also get 3 "Additional" AOOs due to my +3 Dex bonus? In 3.5 it was you can take a number of AOOs "equal" to your Dex Mod. just trying to figure out if this is a tweak between the two systems. Thanks for any answers you all can provide. r/ SoD |