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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() This question came up during the game in part 3 of DD from a paladin character. After reading all the sections on shields (conveniently split over several chapters), it seems that the only reason shield proficiency increases is so that heavy armor wearer's AC also increases when proficiency increases. This feels lazy or awkward. Like why even include it at all? This could also further limit light/medium armor concepts with shields. As I minor note, I do realize it helps out with shield slams but I think that is fairly minor as well. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() This question comes from an encounter in Pale Mountain so minor spoilers will follow. On one encounter the monster 'notices the PCs unless the entire party is stealthy in their exploration.' Is this to be taken literally? Is it useful to just say you're being stealthy even if you're not good at it? If it matters this creature has a perception of +13 so it is highly unlikely that a whole party could sneak by it. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I'm getting around to creating sample characters for my group and something about this seems odd. Does the character get the benefit of this feat even if they don't meet the pre requisite? This seems really strange as laborer gets a feat that requires expert in medicine. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I'm asking this from a player's perspective so no spoilers please. We are about to attend Thrune's masquerade in book 3 and it is obvious we are supposed to attend but we can't find a good reason to go. Did we miss something? Can anyone offer spoiler free reasons to go? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Hello, I have been unable to add a payment method to both my account and my subscriptions. This has been a continuation of poor checkout experiences on your website. If this is unable to be fixed soon I will be forced to unsubscribe. (this has come up for order # 4484677) ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() For my next campaign I am considering limiting the full caster classes ( anything with 9 spell levels). The draconic method is by completely eliminating them but more realistically I will convert them all to six level progression. Per the title, what effects will this have on the world and the game that aren't obvious? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Pretty much that. Trying to pull together a character concept of a neutral cleric worshiping Norgorber's secrets aspect. But being in a group being able to channel positive energy at times would be useful. Also, is there a way for clerics to be able to cast spells without using their divine focus? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() This isn't so much a question about viability but it sounds interesting for a concept character. The ability is from the wishcrafter ifrit sorcerer archetype. My confusion comes from the targets supplying the verbal components. Does this mean that the sorcerer 'pre casts' the somantic parts earlier in the day and later when the target wishes for it, then the spell is cast as a free action? And is it free for the caster as well? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Hello Paizo people, I saw another notice like this... I am an adventure path subscriber and have two items in my sidecart. I received the order shipment today but only for the AP. Its order number is #3083155. Sidecarts are Order 3085846, and Order 3085372 thank you. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() This is concerning the Jeskar(?) encounter, his possession and the crystal afterwards. To put it simply my PCs failed at this, and that's fine failure is an option. They found and followed the clues, thought about demonic possession for awhile and have talked to nearly all of the evil NPCs in the AP. But when they finally caught up with him, it was sneak and stab, then dead cleric. They spooked after an invisible blasphemy went off and saves were failed, so they fled. I had the demon finish destroying the dead body (no res) and it left. To top it off they then hacked apart the crystal to get to the dead priest, and her loot.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Hi forums. This question comes up as I am running WotR right now and my PCs are going through the start of book 3.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() How do other GMs deal with this? I have played through exploration in Kingmaker and am now GMing exploration in Demon's Heresy.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() To my knowledge or best guess, all bashing does is upgrade the base damage and allow a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage. I know there is an archtype that enhances this.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Just for fun, as this came up last week...which one wins. I don't have the books with me but in short; the mimic automatically wins grapple attempts (no dice rolls) and freedom of movement lets you automatically escape grapples. So which automatic success is better? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() A lot of effects in Pathfinder limit extra attacks. Haste states that it does not stack with similar effects. Are many of the extra attacks granted by mythic powers similar effects? Examples would be the Champion base abilities that grant extra attacks and the 2nd tier ability of mythic initiative. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Despite all the unholy water that bad guys like to carry around it is difficult to find rules on what it does. The opposite of holy water makes the most sense but would that mean it damages living beings? Or if anyone can post what it does and the source then that would be cool as I can't find it on the SRD. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() It is too late to ask for opinions on how to buff it up as my players rolled through it in one evening. They are not all skilled players or too specialized but all of the fights were too easy. And after Irabeth was reunited with her sword all they had to do was watch her fight. I guess my question is: have other people seen this? Or were all the easy fights built that way by design? |