Sean Nittner |
Got some suggestions from other GMs and I'm going to try this. After the fog clear Barnabas will see Plugg's cutlass on the deck and quickly realize that is him the sharks are tearing apart below.
He'll toss the tidewater cutlass into the water and say who ever hands it back to him will be first mate.
Challenges involved:
Acrobatics test to leap into the right hex (DC 10 + 2/person who has already landed on that hex this round).
Perception check to see the sword underwater DC 15 + 2 / 10’ away it is.
Swim text (DC 15 due to the two boats wake, fail by 5 means knocking into the hull and taking 1d6 damage) - After the first 15’ though, the water calms and the DC is 10.
Sword falls at a rate of 10'/round until it comes to rest 60’ down on a coral reef. At that point it kicks up a spore cloud around it and the perception check to find it increases to 20 for three rounds until the spores settle.
Attack roll to grab it. AC 12 (-2 to attacks because of being underwater). Once it’s settled on the coral reef a move action is enough to grab it (no attack roll needed).
Swim test to ascend is the same but the sword give a -3 penalty unless the swimmer has a place to put it (holding it in your teeth ticks off another round of air than a usual action).
Sharks (x3). Init +5, AC 14, Bite +5 (1d8+4), Swim Seed 60’. Perception +8, Swim +11. HP: 22 (Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2. CMB +7, CMD 18). Will randomly attack people.
Fellow Crew (x4): Init +2, AC: 12, Attack +3 (damage by weapon +1), Swim +7, Climb +7, Perception +1, Stealth +3. HP: 11 (Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1, CMB +3, CMD 15). Half will go for the sword, half will attack others.
Cog: Init +1, AC: 14, Attack +4 (Damage by weapon +3), (+2 attack/damage vs. humans), Sneak attack +1d6. Swim +7, Climb +7, HP 19 (Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will -1 CMB +4, CMD 15). Goes directly for the sword.
Scourge. Init: +7, AC: 15 Whip +6 (1d3+2 non lethal) or Punching dagger +6 (1d4+2 plus black adder venom). Sneak attack +1d6. Stealth +8, Swim +2, Perception +1 (Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1, CMB: +15, CMD: 18). Waiting up top to choke out the person who holds the prize
Seems like it might be too challenging, but I'm also betting our aquatic druid will summon a dolphin to go fetch it or that our sea witch will have a trick or three up her sleeve. And if an NPC get it, that's not the end of the world either.