Sean LR's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Out of curiosity, is there any chance of these being shifted to JPG or other image files for VTTs?

Urk. Y'know, it's not good when the order shifts from "Expected in" to "Not currently available".

Any more word? Please?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Well, I can tell you that the delay was caused by our print broker sending samples out to a test agency to confirm that the manufacturer was using non-lead paint. Everything checked out, of course, but it added a few weeks to the process. I'll see if we have an updated delivery date for the main shipment.


I'll quit complaining, then. Lead paint is sort of bad. :) Still, I'm looking forward to getting it. (I can't find my old Cheapass copy of the game, so it would be good to get this one!)

Seconded as well. I think we've been quite patient, but it's nearly been a month overdue now, and I'd like to get the order I placed.