I am creating a Dwarven Fighter with a Blacksmith background, using the straight 10 stat option.
The Blacksmith background gives him Lore-Smithing@Trained & Crafting-Blacksmith@?*
1st Fighter gives a signature skill of crafting. If I choose Crafting-Blacksmith@Trained for being a fighter as well as getting it for my Background, do I get to upgrade the Proficiency Rank by a further rank? Assuming it is "Trained", can I use my fighter class level to raise it from "Trained"(*) to "Expert".
* Looking at the Blacksmith background text it does not actually state what Proficiency Rank you get it at.
2) On Table 3-13 p88, a fighter gets the following class features @ 1st
i) Ancestry feat,
ii) Attack of opportunity,
iii) Background,
iv) Fighter feat,
v) Initial proficiencies
Is i) a _SECOND_ Ancestory feat, to the one I got from my race? ie I now get another for choosing the Fighter Class. I assume not, but the i) & iii) listings should be removed, as it complicates the issue.
3) In PF1 you got feats for Character Level and for Class Level. Is this now the case? i.e. as you progress thru character levels now, your class gives you your only chance to get extra Ancestral, Fighter, General & Skill Feats.