
Sean Foster's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. 18 posts (22 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Vic Ferrari wrote:

-Fighter, AC 45, +34 to hit
-Pit Fiend, AC 44, +35 to hit
-Ghoul, AC 15, +7 to hit
-Fighter, AC 25, +14 to hit
-Pit Fiend, AC 24, +15 to hit
-Ghoul, AC 14, +6 to hit

I like the latter.

I have always assumed that in d20, as a rough rule of thumb, characters need to hit about 50% of the time and monsters 25% of the time. When characters have AC's +1 higher they have a 20% less chance to be hit, AC's +2 higher they have a 40% less chance etc etc. The continued complaint with arcanists seems to boil down to the fact they can inflict damage to multiple monsters (fireball) say 15hp to 6 monsters, and so inflict 120hp in a round where a fighter might be able to dish out 2x 15hp - the paladin superpac* has now argued and designers have listened and have slashed and burned the arcanists.
With this (albiet rough) interpretation PF Designers seem to have gone with +1/Lvl and very minor Proficiency to simplify the math and allow simplification of the numbers. But by doing this, the game limits the 'useability' of monsters. I personally do not like this, preferring the 5e method or better the e6 idea < -amp-D> in this you get 'respect' by building your character well, not by just going up a couple of levels.

It is suggested d20 gaming 3/3.5/3.75 is like this:
Levels 1-5: Gritty fantasy
Levels 6-10: Heroic fantasy
Levels 11-15: Wuxia
Levels 16-20: Superheroes

I like the 1st two, and can live with the 3rd (bouncing around the trunks of a bamboo forest). But murder hobo games (in the majority) get silly when you are superheros - you wander around laughing in the face emperor etc etc. Though this has happened in history: backs-in-military-history/

It seems to me that PF2 is something akin to a computer game like Diablo, where everything scales, and the designers just tweak the monsters skins as they cycle through the levels. I think this is a dangerous move, and did not work for 4e. But we all like different styles of play, 4e being tailored for the wargamers.

With PF2 I am hoping for an advance in d20 roleplaying building on 3e, 3.5, 3.75e, 4e & 5e. I think the level bonus is not needed, not new & not innovative.

I like:
* PF2 Proficiency, purchasing up based on class.
* 3 Actions per turn
* NPC classes (Commoner, Warrior, Aristo & Expert).
* Adding classes to Monsters.
* Non-"points of light" campaigns.
I want an ability for the NPC's of the Sandpoints & Villages of Hommlet of our Worlds, to stay relevant.

* Personal gripe, being a player of an AD&D 17th Level Ranger, for 18 years, why of why have they always been so Drizzit'ly weak since then.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

At this point in time the entire previous AP has 84 comments over the six issues. This single 1st Adv of the AP has 150. I think people are looking forward to this...