Sean Cannon 565's page

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I am running Malevolence and recognized that I have missed something. I cannot find where experience is mentioned for research topics. I'm sure it's written somewhere as I seem to be the only one with this question. Can anyone provide me with the details for providing experience from research? Thank you in advance for your help!

I have an Anadi player in the party. I dropped a hint about how they feel "like they are where they are supposed to be" as per suggestions from book 1 regarding Anadis. However, unless I am missing something, not much comes up regarding the strange pull the Vesicant Egg has on Anadi heroes nor the pacing that such pulls are made. I was curious what you have done or would suggest to do for Anadi heroes that drops hints without making it obvious or derailing part 1's storyline.

Additionally, I have begun reading book 2 and recognized a potential awkward spot; with Janatimo back at the Magaambya, he speaks with the party regarding the new Anadis on campus. I feel that this conversation would be made awkward by the presence of the Anadi PC and am quite sure that asking such intrusive questions regarding the Anadi's motives and how long they intend to stay can be rather unwelcoming. I had considered in some way or another cutting Janatimo's conversation out and using the Anadi party member as an in to their discussions in the tower, but am of course open to additional suggestions. What changes would you make to the starting pages of book 2 to account for the Anadi PC in the part?

TL;DR Anadi party member, what would you suggest the Vesicant's pull on the member to look like and how would you fit them into the investigation of the Anadis in book 2?

I've looked all over and haven't found much regarding this specific situation, and would like some opinions on how to handle this.

Undead and Constructs have specific rules for what to do without a con save. Undead use charisma, constructs treat theirs as 10 for DCs and other statistics that rely on Constitution.

The Construct Caller Eidolon gains the Inevitable Subtype but none of the things that come with that, as per Unchained Eidolon rules. Construct Caller, however, states "A construct eidolon functions as an inevitable eidolon except as noted here. A construct eidolon can be of any alignment. It has no Constitution score and gains bonus hit points appropriate for a construct of its size."

I am having trouble understanding the implications of this. Surely, it can't bleed, right? Well, what about fort saves or disease? With the inevitable gaining immunities to a multitude of effects like disease, poison, drain, etc as it levels (including fort saves at 20), I am inclined to believe that Construct Caller's Eidolon is subject to all fort saves, including ones that thematically make no sense, like bleed.

Of course, adding the construct's clause to treat con as 10 helps in most of these cases, but I just want to know what other's takes on the no con score thing is.

This quest is provided to the character with the Lesser Scion (Noble) background. Mayor Targen Fulst mentions that he and the player character may be related and that they could find something at Bolmere Estate. The players can find a leather-bound book with their name inside of it in the Estate, but they also find a unique magic item that allows them to summon a mysterious creature that serves the family. This creature can serve the PC and provide it additional information on the family.

Problem is, this requires a planar ally ritual, which the PCs seemingly have no access to until 9th level, well beyond the scope of this adventure. While this is fine, I was wondering if I was missing something. It seems a shame to have such a cool item with unique background-related effects to be in the grasps of the PC but without any use whatsoever. Thoughts?