Water Elemental

SeaBiscuit01's page

77 posts. Alias of Vasantasena.

Hey fellows,

Im about to start City of Golden Death. I have 6 players and they are fairly optimized (Barbarian, Witch, Figther, Gunslinger, Ninja, Priest), so much that I feel the modules are not offering a nice challenge to them.

If they are comfortable and want to continue, Im thinking about transitioning the adventure path into a Golarionazed Age of Worms directly into the Champions Belt, I already planted some seeds for them to follow into this events.

Can you offer advice to make the City of Golden Death more challenging? I already redesigned Iramine to be a pretty difficult Magus. But the other Heralds and acolytes just seem plain vanilla to me.

So if you can give suggestions they would be greatly appreciatted.

Kind regards!

1) A golem doesn't have a soul so it cannot be resurrected.
2) It has a elemental spirit bound to it animating him.
3) The flesh golem is right now sentient and freewilled.

From what I think:
- Polymorph Any Object should do the trick (in two or three stages)
- Something else besides a well worded Miracle or Wish?
- Is there anything that can be done in order to grant him a soul?
- Inmmunity to Magic prevents spells from targeting him but: Rules for modifying a contruct should remove this in order for it to be affected by spells.

Let me know your suggestions!

Some minor Carrion Crown spoilers ahead. Please beware.

So, current Carrion Crown adventure path is being too much fun with one character that has been giving comic relief to the party. During module 3 Broken Moon. This player had a Urban Druid and as we entered a hunting lodge we faced three boars in the process of being hunted by plot central party.

So the druid, says, oh no my wild animal friends. I will help you. And casts Fog Cloud in the Boar's area.

And then <<Jackass background music>> something like this should have happened:
Hello this is Balar Ebony, and this is Boar rescue: Pathfinder style.

But what really happened was Incident 1:

DM says: are you fully aware of what you are doing?
Dumb Player: Yes I'm rescueing my friends from being hunted
DM: Right, well how are you going to do that
DP: I'm a druid they know Im here to help.
DM: Did you cast Speak with Animals?
DP: No
DM: Did you prepared it today?
DP: No
DM: Ok roll initiatives. What do you do?
DP: I tell the boars to come to me.
DM: Oh indeed the boars are coming to you...

And then by some miracle and the intervention of our powerful dwarf figther we rescued him in negative hitpoints and just about to die.

ZOMG so dumb.

Incident 2: Animal Rescuing!
The master hunter has animals trapped in the cellars. Oh well so they can hunt game and stuff? Yeah
Dumb Player: I will free them.
DM: Ok you find a pack of wolves, 5 of them it seems. A dire bear, a ettercap, and some more dangerous stuff.
Dumb Player: This outrage cannot be happening! I will free them. I cast speak with animals.

After several attempts of diplomacy and handle animal the caged animals just one wolf is indifferent to him and he then proceeds to start freeing them. And he almost dies thorn to pieces by the dire bear.

Incident 3:
He, now scared of animals. Perhaps thinks that plants will be much better.

DM: You find a three with the bodies of several werewolves in hibrid form hanging in his branches.
Wizard: That looks weird, if I recall correctly werewolves turn into they human form once they died, either that is something else or they are still alive and they dont seem like it.
Dumb Player: Worry not, its just a three.
Wizard: Wanna roll knowledge nature on that one Mr Druid?
Dumb Player: No, I trust my forest friends.
Wizard: Hummm, I'm pretty sure he will be you "Happy Tree Friend".

10 rounds of combat later, we managed to pull him out of the three because it was a freaking Hangman's Three and swallowed him whole.

Oh so so so funny. Oh and he still wanted to save the three...

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I build a Wizard Conjurer Teleport/Magaambyan Arcanist. And after much review of the Prestige Class I wanted to post the following list of spells from the Druid Spell lists in order to make your life easier when picking the class (thanks Ravingdork for your advice on this list).

My suggestions for druid spells are the following.

1: Cure Light Wounds, Entangle
2: Barkskin, Lesser Restoration
3: Remove Disease, Cure Moderate Wounds, Call Lighting
4: Freedom of Movement, Atavism, Cure Serious Wounds
5: Wall of Thorns, Awaken, Hallow, Death Ward
6: Antilife Shell, LiveOak
7: Heal

Summon Natures Ally Line of spells are prerequs for Sunlight & Moonlight summons line of feats.

As you have an Aura you also fill for Sacred Summons, but it only applies to certain creatures with the specific Good description.

Also spells with the Good Descriptor:


Shield of the Dawnflower
Bless Water
Dispel Evil
Holy Aura
Holy Smite
Holy Sword
Magic Circle against Evil
Protection from Evil
Holy Whisper
Sanctify Armor
Veil of Positive Energy
Wake of Light
Blade of Bright Victory
Eagle Aerie
Sanctify Corpse
Spear of Purity
Crusader's Edge
Divine Arrow
Protection from Evil, Communal
Sacred Space
Veil Of Heaven
Karmic Blessing
Litany of Righteousness
Bestow Grace of the Champion
Archon's Aura
Light Lance
Light of Iomedae
Blinding Ray
Blaze of Glory
Rally Point
Holy Word

And situational/variable good descriptor (thanks Grick)


Align Weapon
Elemental Swarm
Planar Ally, Lesser
Planar Binding, Lesser
Summon Monster I
Summon Nature's Ally III
Summon Nature's Ally IV
Summon Nature's Ally V
Summon Nature's Ally VI
Summon Nature's Ally VII
Summon Nature's Ally VIII
Summon Nature's Ally IX
Summon Elemental Steed
Imbue With Elemental Might
Planar Ally
Planar Ally, Greater
Planar Binding
Planar Binding, Greater
Energy Siege Shot
Energy Siege Shot, Greater


I want to crafting a Ring of Consecrate (cleric level 2) can you help me with its cost?

ClxSlx2000 = 12000

For duration i think its 1.5 x 12000 = 16,000

Between 1.66 (tree times per day use) = 10,843

Is this adecuate? Feedback please.,

I'm pondering at this idea for a while. And I want your opinion on how to optimize this concept. We are starting a Planescape campaign and the GM proposed us 240,000 gps wealth level no crafting feats.

1) What race combos better with this? (Samsaran comes to mind for MAD)
2) Strength or Dervish dance? Second one is feat intensive
3) Any new magic items I'm missing? And which ones should I get first?
4) Archetipes for either magus and cleric?
5) Arcana suggestions?
6) And what combos and gameplay do you guys suggest for this particular combo?


So, after a disastrous endgame of Rise of the Runelords in which our 15th level characters we were wiped out by Karzoug in three rounds, and Varisia is most likely now doomed, one of the players mentioned he wanted to DM the Age of Worms adventure path.

We started the first module and finished the 2nd with a lot of excitement.

But we were marked by something we call "The Incident" at the end of module II (which is a huge dungeon crawl), I was making calculus on the loot and rounded out something beetween 40 to 42k gold pieces (needless to say we were all happy), right at the end when we were returning to town he mentioned me:

GM: Roll perception please
Me: 21
GM: Ok

(Afterwards at the inn)

Me: Perfect, we need to go to a near city to sell some of this stuff because in this town we are not going to...wait a minute...were is my Bad of Holding!

To sum up, the perception check was because my bag of holding with all of our loot from the last part of the first module and the second one, the party pool (a pool of money we did to pay for regeneration, cures and assorted things), and Magical Items was stolen.

We roleplayed trying to find it from casting locate object, and trying to look for local thieves and seeing if anyone was expending extra money.

The day after, the party monk found 8000 GPs in his bed. And the exact money that the party pool had.

We were WTF!. Afterwards we managed to find the bag of holding with books relevant to the plot and nothing more. The animal companion tried to do a scent check to follow the thief but only pointed to me one of the party wizards. And the GM just pushed us to the start of the next module, and yes we were very upset our search for the thief was not sucessfull at all.

And well that was our sad sad story so far. We were starting level 4 in that time and we are 2 Wizards, Cavalier with a Wolf Animal Companion, Four Winds Monk and Druid with Beetle Animal Companion.

This caused a lot of drama within the group. When we confronted the GM about this in our next session he said he was roleplaying how the villians would have acted. And that in the future we will be able to get the stolen loot back. I just told him its not fun for me to have everything taken away (my personal opinion), my main concern is that he gave us all that loot and after I calculate how much it summed up he freaked out and took it from us in what I think is an immature way.

I'm still freaking upset!!

And to crown all that, I dont really think he wants to play anymore. Its been already 2 times that he skips our weekly sessions because "I have a shot at winning the MtG tournament this saturday" (he confirmed this to me at sunday 2am, and we play at 10am).

Ugh I needed to get that out of my system. There.

- Should I open the drama-can-of-worms?
- Should I/we talk to him again?
- Should I ask him if he wants to keep Game Mastering?

Hi! I think I finally have it narrowed down. Yes! Magic Item Creation. I love to design things for my characters and create stuff. But create something out of thin air requieres a lot of detail. So I wanted to create some sexy robes for my Magus.

That would have Use Activated Effect of Detect Evil and allowed the combined effects of Heroism and Wrath 3 times a day. Please review if I made it correctly.

(1 Spell Level) x (9 Caster Level) x (2000 Use Activated Cost) x (4 Duration - 10 rounds) = 72,000 / (divided by 1.6 for 3 times a day) = 45,000

(3 Spell Level) x (5 Caster Level) x (2000 Use Activated Cost) x (1.5 Duration) = 45,000 (x1.5 Multiple Different Abilities) = 67,500 / ((divided by 1.6 for 3 times a day) = 41,875

Detect Evil
(1 Spell Level) x (1 Caster Level) x (2000 Use Activated Cost) x (1.5 Duration) x (1.5 Multiple different abilities) = 4,500

Also adding the costs of 50 Thorny Vines.

Market Price would be 91,375 gps (plus 50 vines)

The combined effects would be this ones:
Constant Detect Evil
Morale Bonus to
+3 to Attack
+2 to Saves
+2 to Skills
+3 to Damage
+3 to Overcome Spell Resistance
Requisites CL 9, Wrath, Heroism, Detect Evil.

I think my munchkiness overcame me when I thought of it, but its a postumous item for my end of campaing Magus I think a bit too much but would like your input. Maybe restricting it to one enemy? Or bonuses only apply to Evil Creatures etc etc.

What do you guys think? (this is not homebrew its done via the Magic Item Creation Rules)

I want to put toguether several qualties of magical items in order to create a very special one tailor made for my character using these:

Robe of the Runes
Ring of Evasion
Robe of the Archmage

Essentially I want to use the Robe of the Runes (with a stronger ability), add the Ring of Evasion ability and use the aligment restriction of the robe of the archmage: Thus equaling to this:

+4 a Con de RotR: 16000

Spell Recal 4 levels of spells/+2: 28000

But to input a 6 level of spells/+3 to Attack and DC for 1 round:
Spell Recall 6 levels of spells/+3: 28,000 * 1.5 = 42000

Adding the Ring of Evasion:
+25000 del Ring of Evasion

And restricting the aligment to Lawful Good would be a 30% discount.

Totaling: 16000 (+4 Con) + 42000 (Spell Recall 6/+3) + 25000 (Evasion) = 83000

With a 30% discount for restricting aligment = 58,100

Thus I present to you:

Robe of the Noble Warrior Mage
Aura strong transmutation; CL 14th
Slot body; Price 58,100 gp

This robe of white silk and emblazoned with dozens of spindly golden Thassilonian runes and arcane etchings was created by a renowned hero of Sandpoint with a flair for crafting unique wondrous items. During her attonement for her past sins and on the path of stopping the Runelord Karzoug she wanted to forge a powerful robe that would accentuate her arcane warrior heritage and yield proper honor to the path of redemption being walked, thus the Robes of the Noble Warrior Mage were born. Favored by powerful Magi and Eldrith Knights, this robe can provides benefits to those who wish to master spell and sword. While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to six levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power for one round after recalling a spell, the wearer’s spell save DCs and attack rolls for spells gain a +3 enhancement bonus.

While worn the robe grants the wearer the ability to avoid damage as if she had evasion. Whenever she makes a Reflex saving throw to determine whether she takes half damage, a successful save results in no damage.

The Robe of the Noble Warrior Mage has the same restrictions to aligment as the Robe of the Archmage (good).

Craft Wondrous Item, bear's endurance, jump, limited wish, creator must be of the same aligment; Cost 29,050g


Please let me know what you think!

So, I think I entered a stalemate with my GM.

My party is a well stablished adventiring company currently level 11-12 on its way to Sins of the Savior module.

It is composed by:
1) A witch that has a habit of turning monsters into cute fuzzie creatures with Baleful Polymorph+Ill Omen.
2) A Monk that pins and nulifies a lot of creatures with maneuvers, usually scaring the shit out of creatures twice his size.
3) A Magus that delivers a lot of damage and loves to tank with his high AC.
4) A Paladin that smites the evil away of a lot of monsters
5) A Cleric that manages to heal and outheal and even do battle rezzes and buffs everyone with super specialized spell combos.

6) A Rogue that:
- Will do anything to never enter melee
- That has a very high wisdom score mainly because he like to pass will saves (which he incidentally doesnt haha)
- Has int 10
- Average damage per encounter was 10. In one he did 4 damage (/cry).
- That buyed all of the level 1 Wiz/Sor Scrolls, which he was casting, in the Mokmurian battle (he tryed to cast summ?on monster 1 and failed his Use Magic Device, then he hitted Mokmurian with a level 1 Shoking Grasp), I was like WTF?.
- His gear is mainly for flavor (Hey do you want a Ring of Deflection +2? No thanks my Ring of Sustenance is awesome!)
- And well mainly in battles he runs around staying away from combat hasent buyed a Short Bow at least and refuses to battle because he will get hit and has a low AC: Currently 25.

I was like...hum what are you doing? He does a decent job with trap disarming but my question remains...What the hell? I approached him and told him why not play a bard if he likes to cast spells and it would also be a chance to rebuild his character and he mentioned me his character was super great as it is...

And my GM told me that not everyone is a Min-Maxer like me or the other players that he focuses on Roleplaying and having fun and suggested that if the Magus wanted to do a quest for the gods and casted only level 1 divine spells from scrolls he would adjust the encounters in order for the party to have a chance to succedd...I was like...well weird...WTF :*-<

The classes (from my point of view) are done to fulfill a role. And the rogue (from my perspective) is done to dish high spiky damage, be a buttload of skills and disarm traps (among other things).

I dont know if I'm making a huge mess but last time I checked a lot of characters have died in our adventures and the rogue usually survives by not being in line of sight of the monsters, and running away from danger. In my opinion not being HEROIC NOR ADVENTURING. That being said...he is turning into our personal Nodwick lol

My questions are
- Is he being rewarded by acting as a coward?
- Is optimizing your character wrong?
- Is not contributing to combat at all ok for your standards?
- Am I a huge drama queen? (yeah maybe a bit, I think so...hum ok huge Dramarama Queenzalor lol)

Comments...? ZOMG I needed to vent that hahaha

Hey guys can you give me feedback to my Magus Build please?

Vasantasena (V:TM Rip off I know but damn sounds quite drowish)
Female Drow, Noble Magus 11

STR 14
DEX 24
CON 12
INT 25
WIS 12
CHA 11

Weapon Focus: Scimitar
Spell Shield
Dervish Dance
Intensified Spell
Weapon Finesse
Piercing Spell
Combat Casting

Maguc Arcana:
Spell Shield
Empower Magic
Spell Blending: Resist Energy & Touch of Gracelessness
Lingering Pain

Natural Spell Resistance Drow: 22

AC 30
Base 10 + 9 (celestial armor) + 7 Dex + 2 Natural Armor (Amulet) +2 Deflection (Ring)

As a Drow Noble I have Divine Favor, and Dispel Magic and other goodies.

My usual approach is casting Mirror Image, Shield and/or Greater Invisivility in Combat and SpellCombat Intensified Shoking Grasps and Frigid Touch.

I'm Aiming for a Spell Perfected Dragon's Breath at level 15 (prereqs I'm choosing are: Intensified, Piercing and final I think Maximized or Quickened Spell) those two mainly because they are only a +1 to prepare spells.

Chose Lingering Pain because of SpellCasters and seem quite a nice ability to have.

So far it does awesome damage and has minor utility and lots of skills. And best part of all its a blast of fun to play.

Let me know what you guys think. Any suggestion anf future recommendation is welcome!

Hey guys, I'm playing a Drow Noble CR 2/Magus 9 (by the way the class rocks) and I have a 30 Armor Class throught this:

Base = 10
Dexterity = +7
Celestial Armor = +9
Amulet of Natural Armor = +2
Ring of Deflection = +2

I can raise it to 34 with the Shield Spell
Or 37 with Spell Shield Arcana

I got into a lot of trouble and was stalling a party of three stone giants and managed to get to 40 AC with Total Defense (+6 Dodge through Acrobatics Skill) and Mirror Image

I was wondering if you guys can help me seeing what else I can use in order to get more bonuses to AC from Feats, Armor, Items etcétera I want to Max it out (rawr) because I'm starting to think I might be the only chance of a decent tank in the party we are playing :S


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Hello guys! I have a question walking through my head. Regarding the craft armor skill.

Our group defeated a large sized green dragon in a later story arc. Me being a druid made me very interested into crafting some nifty DragonHide Armor and Shield, but I dont have Craft-Armorsmith.

So I went to the local hiper macho sandpoint butch Blacksmith and commisioned him to make some armor from the scales I salvaged from Mr. Greeny Pooh Dragon, My question is:

- According from the size of the dragon how many full-plate medium sized armors can I get from him?
- How much time would it get him to create it? I think it takes around 4 to 6 months to craft one.
- How much do you think it should charge me considering that I'm giving him the materials and I'm paying only for his handlabour?

P.D. Sorry for the engrish, its my second language :D

Hey guys!

This is my first post ever and I was wondering if you could help me. Nymphs have been a favourite of mine since I read about them and I would love to play one and I'm a druid lover.

And my new GM (which is kinda pervy) has told me he could allow me to play one reviewing the stats and abilities.

My main question is:

1) A Nymph casts spells as a 7th level druid. If I advance her levels into druid what would I get/lose.

1.1) Would I lose animal companion?
1.2) Would I gain spells as a 8 level druid?
1.3) Would I have wyld shape when I'm Nymph 7/Druid 4 and cast spells as a 11th druid?

2) Do the abilities remain if I play a Nymph? I mean Charisma 25?

Please help me understand! :D

Thank you!