Axe Lord

Scotty C.'s page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Thanks guys I appreciate the suggestions.

I was actually working on her charming them all and having her new lover stay behind until he was drawn to leave by the black rider's mantle but I was aiming for something a little more interactive...

I could always have her send them on a side quest - perhaps one that doesn't require them to stop what they are doing (and thus be affected by the mantle) but rather something more open ended that they could pickup on their journeys. My problem with that was that the charm would likely be dispelled during an encounter and so the players would simply disregard it with a sigh of release...

Does anyone know if there are there any modules that I could adapt to fit?

I could try adding the NPC to the party - I'm not too worried about the OP factor as we have 5 players mostly with some sort of companion (including a necro with a bloody troll skeleton) - I'm used to tweaking the encounters to suit.

Hi Guys,

A question about Sylgja:

My group are playing the Shackled Hut and in our last session they killed Finngarth. When they returned to Sylgja she managed to charm one of the party members and convince him to leave his adventuring life behind.

Well one bright spark thought that Sylgja had perhaps been responsible for Finngarths possession so they attacked her immediately. A poor set of rolls from the group saw the entire party incapacitated and now I don't know what to do...

Any thoughts on how Sylgja should handle this?

Scotty C.

I don't understand what this product delivers... are there any thumbnails of the content?

Fantastic work! Just printed these off for my game and they look great.

I've made a small donation and I look forward to the next instalment!

Firstly, these look fantastic and your work is definitely worthy of a donation. I was wondering if you could help me with using them first though...

I'm interested in printing the high resolution image but I'm not sure how to go about it.

What size paper should I be looking at to get the 1"=5' scale?
Do I need to resize the images to fit?

Due to purely bad luck, my PCs all died in the encounter with Jairess. Nadya was with them at the time, also died.

Keen to see if the regulars to this forum have any ideas as to how I play this out.... I had half a mind to restock the tower, go on the defensive and let them run the gauntlet again. Doesn't sound very exciting though...