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These are some of the lesser madness descriptions I've come up with


You can't seem to concentrate or focus your thoughts, at times your mind wanders and catch yourself talking about mundane and irrelevant topics.


You are convinced that one of your party members is hording food and not sharing it with you. You're not quite sure which one it is but no amount of evidence can dissuade you of that belief.

You are convinced that one of your party members weapons is actually sentient and is spying on you and watching you all the time and no amount of evidence can dissuade you of that belief.

You are convinced that you can talk to small animals and will attempt to hold conversations with them when you encounter them, you will defend yourself if attacked but no amount of evidence can dissuade you of your belief.


The ugly mark on the back of your hand itches like crazy and you have to scratch it furiously at least once an hour. Don't believe your team mates when they say they can't see it when you show it to them. Maybe the healer in your group can do something about it?

Who the hell is that, that keeps whispering in your ear? And why the hell would you be at all interested in the farming prospects in Varisia? Even in the middle of combat the voice talks about lambing weights and the price of turnips....what the hell?

Why is it that no one else in the party can see that halfling that keeps follow you? He's always just back around the corner of the passage or just in the corner of your eye. You might have to track him down and find out who and what he wants?


If only you had a mirror. Your hair must be a mess and the Gods only know how bushy your eyebrows are now? And you hate to think if the nostril hairs are growing longer. If only you had a mirror you could check, maybe one of teammates has a small mirror....wonder if any of them also has a comb...and maybe some tweezers.


What's the point! Why are we even bothering to try and escape, there is no escape. And who are these people, you don't really know them, what's the point of even talking to them? In fact what's the point of talking at all?


Everyone is out to get me, I'm sure of it. This whole dam thing reeks. These teammates, they are probably in on it, conspiring against me. Probably hording all the food too, not sharing it with me.This place! What is it? A prison that's what!


No good came of reading. Won't get me touching a book, no way. Just thinking of it makes my skin crawl. What is it with them? How can people even touch them! Don't think I could even get close...why are my palms all sweaty?

Bugs give you the creeps, even just thinking about them can set you off, and the small ones! They're the worst, scuttling around on all those legs, creepy little bastards, so small you can't see them until they touch you....makes you feel like vomiting.

I've modified the sanity rules so that only every third failed check counts for sanity damage. I run this in game by giving them a chit each time they fail (so for example if they are on two chits and fail again they take the sanity damage and return the chits) and if they end the day and rest for eight hours and are only on one or two chits, sanity is reset (restored) and they start the next day on zero. This adds a creeping doom aspect to it and lessens the frequency of madness manifesting.