Scott Jack's page

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Kyle Olson wrote:
Scott Jack wrote:
Oops, I mean "spells prepared".
I'm having some problems with spells display right now, and I think I'm going to have make some changes to make it easier to display properly. Long story short, it's going to be pretty tough for you to enter spells prepared and have it appear at the moment. Until I get the spells prepared repaired ;)

No worries. Thanks for the quick response. I found some examples from the stock creatures already in your database. I stuck to the same syntax and voila - they displayed properly. I'm not clear on the 'why' part, but it's a fine work-around.

I've discovered another potential issue with the software for you to consider (I almost feel bad mentioning this stuff, because your program is quite excellent!): When I try to customize a new monster everything goes well until I try and alter the HD on the Defense tab. Once I click on the HD button (the button that shows the current HD) the program crashes. Funny thing, though, is that I don't recall it doing that the first few creatures I created (probably about 10-15 now). It just started doing it today, and does it every time.... :-(



Oops, I mean "spells prepared".

I just stumbled on this software and am using it on my Windows OS laptop. I am sure that this has been asked in the past, but I can't find it with a search of the thread: I have created a custom monster that is an aasimar cleric. I can't understand how to get CM to display the spells repaired after I have added them. How do I get it to display the domains?

Any help would be appreciated.
