About Scath CogarHistory:
His father always said he was born with a bow in his hands. From the day Scath could walk he would be seen wondering further from home, scaring his mother, but mischievously making his father proud. He would follow the tracks of animals, a scent in the wind or sometime simply wander to see what he would find. Once he was strong enough his father would take him out on hunts. The smell of the dew on the grass, sound of birds chirping in the wind and then they would see their target. Deep breath..... the stretch of the string.... the groan of the bow limbs as the stretched back..... the whistle of the arrow through the air.... and the last breath of the animal before it passed "The kill must be quick" his father would say "Send their spirit to the Orga Flower fields so they may live forevermore". His father held a deep respect for all creatures of the realm, understanding that each had a spirit, some were evil, some were unwise, but all had the honor to live in the Orga Flower fields if killed during a hunt. "The bow must never be used for malice, anger or revenge. Understand it's use is to kill, but not recklessly cause harm. Each shot must be aimed , each arrow straight and each death quick."
As the years began to pass Scath began taking other boys out for their hunts and as his parents aged he took on the role of provider for his home. The hunts he would lead began to become an event for all to wish to have attended, always returning with more meat than they could sell, trophies for every wall and stories that would make even the saltiest pirate blush. A young girl, Lecia, from the local church had begun caring for his parents while he was away. And with time as his parents drifted further and further from life, he and Lecia drifted closer and closer in love. It was a warm spring day when the two wed, a small marriage with only a few close friends, family and his parents sitting ever so proud in the front row. It was only a few days later they both passed, as is their son's marriage had been their final quest on their journey of life. "They now live in the Orga Flower fields to live forevermore' Scath says before scattering their ashes. Sadness did not last for long in their home when one day Scath returns home, his wife sitting outside their home, blushing, eyes watering "I'm pregnant" she says. Both of them hugging, spinning, laughing, blessed. Scath lead fewer hunts as the seasons grew colder and colder and his wife growing more beautiful and motherly. He did not wish to spend any time away as they prepared for the birth. It was a very cold night when Lecia wakes with a scream, blood covering the bedding, a look of fear in her face. Scath sprints from their home calling for help, and as the healer of the town, mid-wives and neighbors make their way to the room, telling him to wait outside. Minutes felt like days, hours felt like lifetimes, the screams growing louder and louder until silence............ it hung in the air like a mist until the small cry of a smaller voice break through, gaining power and strength with each breath. Scath stands as a midwife exits the room " You have a beautiful and strong daughter there Scath" she says with happiness and sadness fighting a war on her face, he asks "And Lecia? How is she?" "There was too much blood loss. She.... she's gone" she responds. A wave of sadness washes over him, knees week, stones in his stomach, about to fall down, he looks up to see the healer descending the stairs with a small bundle of cloth in his arms. "She is yours to care for Scath, Lecia lives in your daughter. Teach her of her mother, show her the way of your parents. Live in happiness that she is here" the healer says as he hands the bundle to Scath. Arms shaking, face pale, eyes watering Scath pulls back the sheets to see the most beautiful golden eyes looking back at a him. A small coo raises from the lips of his daughter and a smile appears on his own. "Brea..... my daughter. The Orga Flower fields live in your eyes, your mother, your grandparents live in you." As Brea grew Scath was grateful for the help of his neighbors but made sure to stay in town taking odd jobs and never too far away to be home at a moments notice. It was not long until you would see Scath with Brea on his back running through the fields, chasing small animals, laughing, hugging, so in love. When she was old enough he began to lead hunts, making sure to bring flowers, herbs and fruit to his daughter while he was away. He would make sure he was never away for too long, but, sometimes time itself will make its way to change your life. He knew there was something wrong, his stomach had been in knots the entier journey home. A dark cloud hung over Norwhich, a crowd outside of his home. He drops the haunch of meat he had been carrying, his bow scatters across the road as he sprints towards his home, only to be stopped by the arms of 2 guards standing at the front door. The door in pieces scattered across the front room, a huddle object in the back. He screams and pushes through, the guards yelling for him to stop, and drops to his knees as he sees his daughter on the floor. He brushes the hair from he face, revealing her neck had been slit, her eyes now drained to a light gray. He screams, shouts, cries and curses all the gods he had heard. The guards promise to find who did this, he sharpens his sword, adds more arrows to his quiver. Anger beating his heart when he remembers what his dad would say. "The bow must never be used for malice, anger or revenge." he sighs, and attempts to sleep. They hold the funeral the next day, everyone of the town made their way to pay their respect, offer support and do their part. Days begin to pass as the town goes back to normal but Scath still sits in his room, not moving,not eating until one morning a loud knock rings out on his door. Two guards stand and sternly yell "Scath we know yer in 'er. Yer under arrest for the murder of Duradel Barlow. We know this to be the man who killed yer daughter but you aint got no right to kill 'im in cold blood" . They begin to explain a body had been found outside of town stuck with 4 arrows with Scaths marking, 2 of the arrows piercing it's eyes and his daughters necklace (a gold chain with a golden egg) in its pocket. Emotions wrestled like dogs over a piece of meat while Scath sat in his cell. "Did I kill him? Why don't I remember it? How did my arrows kill him? Why did he kill my daughter?" he thought to himself. Days turned into weeks as he waited to know his fate, he could occasionally hear chants from the townsfolk for the guard to release him or provide evidence of his guilt. "A waste of time" he would think. A jail cell is already a dark place, but when you toss in a man who is already trapped in a prison of guilt and regret.... it can be downright hell. He had lost everything, Brea, Lecia, his reputation, his hope. He was ready to just say I was guilty, provide himself to the hangman and just be done with it, until he met Floyd. He had seen him a few times darting in and out of the cell, back and forth into the many cracks on the walls. He thought nothing of it until one night as a guard walked by and he saw a sheen of something gold come from one of the cracks. As he approached Floyd ran out, standing on his hind legs and looking directly in my eyes, he was at first shocked to see this poor creature only had one eye, but he seemed to know something. He looked at Scath, back at the crack, squeaked and ran in, the sound of scrapping metal, rocks moving and when he reappeared he was holding something gold in his mouth. Hesitantly he reached out his hand, the rat approached and dropped the item into his hand and just sat there staring at Scath as if it knew what he would do next. A small gold chain with the small golden egg. The petal from a Gost Flower, the gold wedding band my wife once wore, the first tooth Brea had lost and a note lay inside. Another week passes, the yells of the crowds have been gone for a while now and a guard approaches the cell. "Yer free to go..... for now. Just know we'll be watchin' ya so best be careful Scath" . The smell of fresh air and glare of the sun cause Scath to sneeze as he exits the jail, a few onlookers clap and cheer, others stare with concern. Rumors had been spread and the town had grown worried by the presence of Scath, no one wished to attend his hunts, he was eventually evicted from his home and other than a few of his closest friends no one would speak to him. Maybe it was the fact he no longer shaved or bathed, or the fact he carried a one eyed rat in his pocket.... he was not welcome here. And so he left, he now lives in the woods, always moving, hunting and tracking the next beast, occasionally returning to town to sell of some meat, talk with a few old friends and get cheese for his closest furry friend Floyd. Moves:
Hunt and Track (Wis) When you follow a trail of clues left behind by passing creatures, roll+WIS. ✴ On a 7+, you follow the creature’s trail until there’s a significant change in its direction or mode of travel. ✴ On a 10+, you also choose 1: Gain a useful bit of information about your quarry, the GM will tell you what
Called Shot When you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range, you can choose to deal your damage or name your target and roll+DEX. Head
✴ 7-9: They do nothing but stand and drool for a few moments. Arms
✴ 7-9: They drop anything they’re holding. Legs
✴ 7-9: They’re hobbled and slow moving. Animal Companion: Floyd You have a supernatural connection with a loyal animal. You can’t talk to it per se but it always acts as you wish it to. Name your animal companion and choose a species: Rat Choose a base: Ferocity +2, Cunning +2, 0 Armor, Instinct +1 Choose as many strengths as its ferocity: quick reflexes, stealthy Your animal companion is trained to fight humanoids. Choose as many additional trainings as its cunning: Search, scout Choose as many weaknesses as its instinct: Flighty Command When you work with your animal companion on something it’s trained in and you attack the same target, add its ferocity to your damage
Dungeon rations (3 uses, 1 weight) Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight) Bundle of arrows (4/6 ammo, 1 weight). Hunter’s bow (near, far, 1 weight) Short sword (close, 1 weight) Adventuring gear (1 weight) Small golden chain with golden egg the contains a petal of a Gost Flower, Brea's tooth, Lecias wedding band, and a note from Brea Poultices and Herbs; 1 use, slow, 1 weight When you carefully treat someone’s wounds with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7 damage and expend a use. A ring bearing the signet of Braxos from a solider or noble who lost their arm. (+1 forward on this information) Health potion (1 use) 50 coins Bonds:
Ron holds onto his anger and his fights are brutal and wasteful, I will teach him to find peace so his kills can be quick and purposeful. Thaddeus does not understand life in the wild, so I will teach them. Rigwald is a friend of nature, so I will be their friend as well. I have guided Belym before and they owe me for it. -----Completed Bonds ----- World History/Notes:
Background: Centuries ago (beyond mortal memory, beyond that, old enough for marvels of architecture and engineering to be mostly gone/ crumbled ruins) there was a civilization. Their name lost to time. what is known is that they spanned most of the continent, and was very powerfully magical, so much so that many of their enchantments still linger after all this time. they fell, for reasons unknown, and all that's left of them is crumbling foundations, and strange enchantments. Races: Human: Everyone was human. But, as people settled down and lived for generations within these lingering enchantments. No one knew, of course, but these enchantments were geared to help prepare the citizens of a given area for the societies caste system. Elf: those who settled in what had been the upper-class areas found themselves draw to the pursuit of magic, as well as music, art, and fencing, and found themselves becoming fairer Dwarf: Those who settled in their mines found themselves becoming stocky, hardy, and more in tune with the earth. Orcs: Those near military installations found themselves drawn to martial pursuits. Religions:
Kelos is the god of magic, knowledge, and secrets. He's depicted as an Aboleth like creature that swims the primordial essences of the universe. He is the enemy of Mersiel. Third God (I don't have a name for this one) The god of death and rebirth. God of nature. Magic: Magic isn't entirely commonplace. There are some who can cast spells, but most spellcasters are granted spells by their gods. Arcane magic is mystical and strange. It is rare, but not unheard of. It gives arcane magic a sense of grandeur and mysticism that is lost in other games where nearly everyone can cast spells. Technology: Notes: |