Classes/Levels |
Female Aasimar Paladin1 | AC17 | HP 11/11 | PP 11 | Init +1 | Saves: S+2;D+1;C+1;I+0;W+3;Ch+5 |
About Scarlet Crysanthium
Scarlet Crysanthium
Female Aasimar (scourge) Paladin Soldier of the Order of the Gauntlet
+1 Volo’s Guide
STR 14: +2
DEX 12: +1
CON 12: +1
INT 10: +0
WIS 12: +1*
CHA 16: +3*
SPD 30
HP 11 (1d10)
AC 14
Armor All, Shields
Weapons Simple, Martial
Saves Wisdom, Charisma
Skill Athletics, Intimidation, Insight, Persuasion
Tool Gaming Set, Vehicles (Land)
Languages: Common, Celestial
Background Military Rank Can invoke rank.
Race: Darkvision: Dark=dim and dim=bright within 60ft
Race: Celestial Resistance Necromantic and Radiant Resistance
Race: Healing Hands Action, touch, target regains hp equal to level 1/long rest
Race: Light Bearer know Light Cantrip (Cha)
Race: Radiant Consumption No effect until 3rd level
Divine Sense Spend action to know location of celestial, fiends or undead within 60’ and not behind total cover. Know type of any being. Also detect presence of place/object that has been consecrated/desecrated. 4/long rest.
Lay on Hands (5) May heal from pool as action requiring touch. Can spend 5 points from pool to cure one disease or poison affecting target. Can cure multiple disease/poisons simultaneously (using 5 points each). Does not affect undead or constructs.
Gold: 10gp
Rank Insignia, Trophy (sword-hilt), bone dice, common clothes
Longsword + Shield
Five Javelins
Priests Pack
Chainmail + Holy Symbol
Scarlet's skin and hair is white to the point it appears to glow, and easily takes on the colour of ambient lighting. Her eyes are a deep red, though when channelling her divine power they too glow with a white light.