Savaroth's page

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I want to try and use this kind of magic to work with my shaman (speaker for the past archetype), and It would help if anyone could link me to info about Wendo Spirits and traits of their followers.


EDIT: If anyone could tell me what fetishes, power objects, and ancient
sigils are available to Wendo worshippers, that would be great.

I have a Shaman, just at Level 2. I currently have found a way to get it 6 spells known and 6 per day, and I have 2 hexes thanks to the extra hex feat. I also have Hex Vulnerability as a spell, so I effectively have 3 hexes I can use. Any ideas for optimizing him? I am considering multiclassing in Oracle and Witch, the two parent classes.

So, my character, an Aasimar Shaman named Savaroth is a part of a group of seven in a campaign in Cheliax. I have a backstory partly made so far, but I need a few extra details that would make it really good.

This is what I have so far:

Years ago, his significant other (for lack of a better word in this world), Haith, was taken by a mysterious enemy who's race is unknown. Haith's familiar, an owl, was killed trying to follow her, and Savaroth made the Owl his spirit animal as a dedication. His quest to find her is what drives him, and he has also learned that the mysterious enemy is hunting him as well. An anonymous tip told him that this enemy is in Cheliax. Savaroth traveled to Cheliax to try and find him, which led him to a group of 6 others who are at a protest, but not for the obvious reason.

Any thoughts? Thanks to anyone who helps!

I am currently constidering Medium, Kineticist, and Warpriest, and I don't know any prestige classes.

I have chosen Shaman as my class, but I don't know what spirit animal to choose. I think a bird would be good, since they can fly and go into small places, but what else is a good option?

I am new to D&D, and I need help with my character. My group has not began yet, I still have a few days to finalize, but I am currently an Aasimar Dirge Bard. I kind of like the Aasimar race, but I do not like the Bard (but i do know that it will be beneficial to the group). My other idea for race is a Kasatha, but I don't know how good the abilities are or whether or not they are good. For class I like Shaman a lot, but I also can't find a lot about them that makes sense to a beginner. can anyone explain either of these? also, where on the sheet would I put spirit animal/spirits/hexes?
